People Management is where your school's user record data is managed. Some schools use People Management exclusively as their Student Information System (SIS), others use People Management to integrate with the Student Information System (SIS).
To access People Management, go to the 'Organisation' menu and select 'People Management'.
This will take you to the page where you will see a series of tabs (please note the tabs may vary depending on your school type and module subscription).
The 'People' tab is where your user accounts are stored and managed.
You can use the 'Add Person' option to create new user accounts. Please refer to the 'Adding New User Accounts' article from our Knowledge Base for further details on this process.
You can use the filter options to locate specific users, clicking a user in the search results list will open their user account if you require to edit any of their data.
There are three menu buttons on the 'People' tab -
Clicking the 'Actions' button on the 'People' tab will give you access to a range of processes. Please note content under 'Actions' may vary depending on your school's jurisdiction and features.
Use this option to generate emails to users. Refer to the section 'Emails' further above in this article for more details. | |
Create Inactive Milestone | Please refer to the 'Closing Local Staff User accounts' section of the 'Adding Local Staff Accounts' article from our Knowledge Base for details on this process. |
Reset Local Passwords | Please refer to the 'Reset Passwords' article from our Knowledge Base. |
Reset iCal Link | Please refer to the 'Resetting User iCal Links' article from our Knowledge Base. |
Send Parent Login Emails | Please refer to the 'Distributing Parent Account Login Details' article from our Knowledge Base. |
Generate Login Letter PDFs | Please refer to the 'Distributing Parent Account Login Details' article from our Knowledge Base. |
Label Generation | Please refer to the following articles for further details on Label Generation: |
Merge People | Please refer to the 'Merging User Accounts' article from our Knowledge Base. |
Accept Pending Changes | Parents have the option to update their mobile and email information via their parent portal. If the setting is enabled for your school to require administrative approval for such changes BEFORE they are made available across Compass, then you will need to use this tool to approve the changes. Click the 'Pending Changes' option in the Dynamic filter section of the page (left-hand side). Any accounts with pending changes will display. Select the ones you want to approve and then under the 'Actions' menu, click 'Accept Pending Changes'. |
Add Chronicle Entry | This allows you to add a Chronicle entry for either your filtered group of users or selected users. |
Form Group Visibility Settings | This allows you to determine if a student's form group displays when viewed by the student from within the student portal, or by a parent when viewed within the parent portal. Turning this off is sometimes useful when not wanting form group information for a new incoming academic year to be revealed prior to the first day of school. |
Edit Parent Login Letter PDF | Please refer to the 'Distributing Parent Account Login Details' article from our Knowledge Base. |
Bulk Update Phone Extensions | Please refer to the 'Managing Staff Phone Extensions' article from our Knowledge Base. |
Copy Student Addresses to Parents | This allows you to review where parent and student addresses do not match. You will be able to select to update a parent's address to be that of the student's. |
Standardise Data | Please refer to the 'Standardising User Data' article from our Knowledge Base. |
Predict Student Discounts | Please refer to the 'Predict Student Discounts' article from our Knowledge Base. |
Users | Exports a CSV file of all selected/filtered users, providing their Import Identifier, Compass/LDAP Username, Form Group, Govt Code, Report Name, Base Role, Year Level, Email, and Temporary Password. |
Alumni | This export contains Alumni of the school and includes the student name, their final date at the school and the year level they where in at that time. |
CRT List | This allows you to export a list of CRT accounts for your school. |
Email/Mobile Status Report | Exports a CSV containing a list of all users who are missing either an email address or a mobile number, and indicates what is missing with a 'no' value. |
Identifications Export | This allows you to choose an Identification type and a user role to export a list of details on file regarding that identification type for your users. For example, you could select Working with Children Check as the identification and 'Parent' as the user, the export will show parents at your school with their Working With Children Check details if on record. |
Enrolments PDF | Will export a PDF summary report of enrolment totals for the whole school summarised by House, Year Level, and Form Group as at the time of the export. |
Class Enrolment Export by Student | Select specific users, or filter for a group of users, to export their class enrolment details within a specified Date Range. You can export to csv or pdf. |
WWCC Export | This exports a report of users Working with Children Check details. It will indicate the worker status as 'staff' for staff and 'volunteer' for parents. |
Household Export by Student | Exports a list of all households by student and includes the contact and address details for the parents and students within that household. |
Student Demographic | This will download a csv file containing the demographic data on file for all students. |
Student Demographic Statistics | This downloads a csv file containing student demographic stats for a specific date and is useful when collating census data. |
Student Relationship Permission | This exports a csv file containing the relationships for each student selected or group of students filtered for. |
Staff Demographics | This will download a csv file containing the demographic data on file for all staff. |
Detailed Parent Accounts | This export contains parent contact details. There is a line per student, per parent/guardian. |
Detailed Student Export | This option will download an export of all students that contains their form group, year level, house, status, age and government numbers (e.g. VSN, VCAA number, etc.) as of your selected date. |
Student Emergency Contacts Export | This downloads to csv the Emergency Contacts on file for students. |
Custom Fields Export | If you have data contained in the Custom Fields option for students (refer to the Custom Fields tab within a student user record), you can use this export to view all Custom Field data on file for sutdents. |
Login Stats | This option allows you to download student, staff or parent login statistics for a specified date range. Please note this data relates to web portal logins. |
Class Group Distribution | This export shows the number of students by form and year level and includes the total households and also the distribution of youngest and eldest children. Please note, for students who are the only child attending the school, they will be included in both the eldest and youngest totals. |
Parent Variation Export | Parents have the ability within their Compass Parent Portal to update their mobile numbers and email addresses. When this information is updated in Compass, it will not update your SIS automatically, and conversely, when these fields are updated in your SIS, it will not automatically update Compass. The Variation Exports (Mobile and Email) can be used to monitor discrepancies between your SIS and Compass for these fields. Please see the Knowledge Base article titled 'Emails and Mobiles' for further information. |
Student Parent Occupation and Education | This export contains data needed for the DET Student Family Occupation and Education collection. |
Expired Accounts | Use this to view a list of user accounts with an expired password. |
Audit Log Export | Select this to generate a report of user record changes within a specified date range. |
Staff Photos | Use this to download a photo sheet of all staff. |
Photo Options | Exports a list that contains the privacy settings for your students, such as Photo Visible in Compass, Include in Photos Publications, Photo Required, ID Card Required, and Publication first and last names. These options can also be edited within the Compass tab of the user record in People Management. |
Unimmunised Students Report | Exports a CSV listing all of the active students whose 'Immunisation Record Sighted' tickbox is not ticked. This field can be found on the Medical tab of their details in People Management. |
View Unlinked Records | This will display parent/student records that are not linked to another user record (i.e. a student who is not linked to a parent/guardian user, or a parent/guardian user account that is not linked to a student). |
Address Export | Select or filter the user/users you require address data for, click the Address Export and their data will export to csv for you. |
Student Medications | This will export a csv file that contains a list of student medication details. |
Student Immunisation | Use this option to export a list of students who have not have their Immunisation records sighted. |
Anaphylaxis Report | This provides a report showing the names and photos of all the students who have been indicated as having Anaphylaxis. |
Students with Medical Conditions | This provides a report similar to the Anaphylaxis Report but more generalised - it is a list of all students who have a Medical Condition, along with their name, year level, date of birth, house, photo, action to be taken and the name and mobile of the primary adult associated with the student. |
Access Restrictions Report | This allows you to download a report or csv of all students currently with an access restriction in place. |
DET Student Residential Address Collection | This exports student address details in either csv or xml format. |
Non-Standard Data Export | This export contains details of unstandardised data that can then be standardised using the Standardise Data tool. |
Census Reports | This opens access to the range of available exports to assist with CENSUS |
Staff Class Creator Export | This export downloads Staff First Name, Last Name, Current Form Group and Email Address in csv format to import into Class Creator. |
Student Class Creator Export | This export downloads Student First Name, Last Name, Gender, Current Year Form Group, Current Year Year Level and StudentID in csv format to import into Class Creator. |
User Status is displayed in the status column for each user. These status' are defined below.
Active | The current date intersects with an Active Milestone for the User. |
Left | The user is currently Inactive, has a previous Active Milestone and has no Milestones past the current date. |
Future | The User is currently Inactive, and the user has an Active Milestone in the future. |
On-hold | The user is currently Inactive but has an Active Milestone in the past and an Active Milestone in the future. (ie, student is on exchange etc.) |
Undefined | The user has conflicting milestone data. |
Enrolment Application | Applies only to parent accounts that have signed up through the Enrolments module and allows access to the Enrolments module only. |
Please refer to the 'Doctors' article from our Knowledge Base for details on this tab.
External Transitions is a feature that allows student data to potentially be transferred between Compass schools.
For details on this process, please refer to the 'External Transitions' article from our Knowledge Base.
Custom user groups allow staff to efficiently populate emails and activities with these groups that are outside the standard year level/form associated cohorts.
For details on creating Custom Groups, please refer to the 'Custom Groups' article from our Knowledge Base.