Adding Local Staff Accounts

Adding Local Staff Accounts


New staff accounts are generally created through your SIS (School Information System) and imported into Compass. 

There are on occasion instances where a new, locally authenticated staff account needs to be added directly into Compass.  This can be done via People Management.


To add a new staff accounts, staff will require the UserRecordsAdmin permission.

For details on assigning permissions in Compass, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.

Creating a new Staff Local User Account

Go to the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and click 'People Management'.  Click 'Add Person'. 

Type in the First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth, choose an option from the drop down for Gender and then type in the CEIDER (CEIDER field is the GovCode1 field in other jurisdictions - VSN, T0 number or E number etc).  The Name and Gender fields are required as a minimum to proceed.

If you have any existing user accounts at your school that match the information you have entered, they will show in the section below.

If they do match an existing user but you want to add the user in a different role (i.e. they have a parent user account but are going to be staff also) select the user they match by ticking the applicable box and then click the relevant 'Add as' role option (so if they were already a parent, select the matched user and click 'Add as Staff Member').

If they match an existing user in the needed role (staff), you do not need to add a new account as the user already exists, you can click 'Close' to cancel creating a new user account.

If your new user is a separate person, click the 'Add as Staff Member' to create the new account.
This will open the user's account screen for you to add further details on a range of tabs.  

On the 'Compass' tab, the authentication mode to be specified will depend on whether or not the user has an account in your school's LDAP system (e.g. Active Directory, Open Directory, or Novell).
If the user does have an account in your school's LDAP system, the authentication mode should be set to 'CompassLink', and you will need to ensure that the Compass/LDAP username (also displayed on the Compass tab) matches the username in your LDAP. 

If the user does not have an account in your LDAP system then the authentication mode should be set to 'Local'.
Note: Schools that use SAML to authenticate can select 'SAML' from this list if the user is in their LDAP, or CompassLink, both have the same result.

When you have added the user's details, click 'Save' and their account will be generated.

If it is a 'Local' authentication account, you will need to provide them with their username and temporary password.  If they have an account in your school LDAP system, their school login credentials will be what they use when logging into Compass.

Closing Local Staff User Accounts

When locally created staff (staff not managed in your SIS) leave the school you will need to create an Inactive Milestone to ensure they can no longer log in to Compass.

To do this, tick the box next to their user account in the People Management grid to select them.  Then click 'Actions', go to 'Create Inactive Milestone' and then select the date that the staff member became inactive at the school, or will become inactive (if you are doing this in advance). This will create an Inactive Milestone and from that date forward the staff member will no longer be viewed as a current staff member in your portal.

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