Within People Management, you can create custom user groups which allow staff to efficiently populate emails and activities with these groups that are outside the standard year level/form associated cohorts. Custom Groups can also be used as audiences in Newsfeed posts (please refer to the 'NewsFeed' article from our Knowledge Base for further details).
The user groups can be created for Parent, Staff or Student user types (please note each Custom Group can only contain one overall user type).
To add users via Custom Groups when generating emails, events, school activities etc, in the pop-up, select the applicable option from your school's list of Custom Groups and click the associated 'Add'.
You can also click the 'Advanced' button to have additional options including to add Parents of Students from a Custom Group.
Staff with the UserRecordsAdmin permission are able to create/edit/delete Custom Groups.
Custom Groups are managed by going to People Management (under the Organisation menu) and clicking to the 'Custom Groups' tab.
On the tab you will see any existing Custom Groups for your school.
Click 'Add Group'.
Type in the Group Name; this should be something that easily identifies the purpose of this Custom Group ie Student Leadership Team, PTFA Executive, VCE Coordinators etc.
Add in a 'Description' to indicate the purpose of the Custom Group and then select the applicable 'User Type' for this Group i.e. is it a Custom Group or Parent, Student or Staff users.
You are then ready to begin adding users. To do so, click 'Add Members'.
Use the available options to add users to the Group. You can click 'Advanced' for additional ways to add users if needed.
You will see the added users listed in the Custom Group screen.
When you have finished adding users to the group, click the red cross to close the Add User pop-up screen. You can then click 'Save' to generate the new Custom Group.
The Custom Group will then be added to your school's overall list of Custom Groups.
To export a list of Users within a Custom Group, select the applicable Group then click 'Selected Groups' and choose 'Export Users in Custom Group'. This will download a csv file to your device.
To edit the information of a Custom Group, go to 'People Management' under the Organisation menu (grid icon) and click to the 'Custom Groups' tab.
Locate the group you need to edit information for in the list and click the associated tool icon and select 'Edit'.
You can change the name of the Group and/or edit the Description if needed.
You can click 'Add Members' to add additional users to the group. Alternatively, to remove members from the group, select them in the list and click 'Remove Selected Members'.
When you have finished making any edit to the Custom Group, click 'Save' to update your changes.
If you need to delete a Custom Group, you can do so by going to 'People Management' under the Organisation menu (grid icon) and clicking to the 'Custom Groups' tab.
Locate the applicable Custom Group in the list and click the associated tool icon. Select 'Remove'. You will then be prompted to confirm that you want to proceed to remove the group.
If you need to delete multiple Custom Groups at once, you can select the applicable groups from your list and then click 'Selected Groups' and select 'Remove'.
If you need to create a new Custom Group that is very similar to an existing group, you can duplicate an existing Group.
To do so, go to 'People Management' under the Organisation menu (grid icon) and click to the 'Custom Groups' tab.
Locate the current group you want to duplicate, click the associated tool icon and choose 'Duplicate'.
You will then see the additional group added to the list. Click the associated tool icon, choose 'Edit' and make the applicable changes (adjusting the name/description, adjusting members etc) to your newly duplicated Custom Group.