When parents are added to Compass from your school's SIS (e.g. CASES21, Denbigh, etc.) their details, including their email address and mobile number, are imported into the system. When parents login to Compass they are given the option to update the email address and mobile number that is stored against them within Compass. As your school may be contacting the parents through Compass frequently, its important to ensure the system contains the most up to date information possible.
As a result of parents being able to update their own mobile number and email address, Compass stores two values against each - what these details are in Compass (referred to as the 'active' value) and also what these are in your administration system (referred to as the 'admin system' value). Compass will only ever contact parents using the active contact details, the admin system data is simply stored for purposes of comparison. More details on this are provided below.
Parent modifications (of own details) in CompassParents can update their details in Compass by selecting the Tools menu (cog icon) and clicking 'Update My Details'.
Note: Parents can only update their email addresses and mobile number in Compass, all other changes (e.g. addresses) must be done within the school's management system.
This will display the basic contact details of the parent (email and mobile) which can be updated. ​Where parents have a joint account in Compass, this will provide a space for both Parent A and Parent B and identify them by name to enable both parents to update their details in Compass.
Your school will be automatically notified via email when a parent changes their email or mobile details.
This email is sent to the general school contact email that was specified during the implementation stage of your school's portal. If you would like to check or update this email address, please contact the Compass Support Team for assistance.
School modification of parent details in CompassAdministrators can modify parent details, including email addresses and mobile numbers, as well as reset parent passwords, from the People Management page, which is accessed via the Organisation menu (grid icon).
To modify parent details, search for the parent by name or user code, then click the pencil icon on the right-hand side of the row, or double click their name, to edit that user's profile. Email and mobile details are recorded on the 'Basic Details' tab:
By default, if a parent changes their email or mobile in Compass, this will not be written over by a sync from your management system. As a result, if a parent changes their email or mobile at the front office, you should amend these details within the People Management section of Compass, following the directions listed above.
Note: Compass can be configured to continue to sync the mobile and email data from your management system. This could result in writing over details the parent has updated themselves that have not yet been updated in your management system, which is why this is not the default setting. If you would like to discuss the possibility of configuring your school's Compass portal in this way, please speak with the Compass Support Team.
Identifying variations between Compass and your school management systemYou can download a variation export from the People Management page that will show you variations between the details recorded for parents in your school management system and Compass. To run the variation report, go to:
- Organisation menu (grid icon)
- Select People Management
- Click the 'Exports & Stats' button and then hover over 'Parent Variation Export'
- Click the relevant report for mobile or email details to download it
Please note that depending on your school, you may not see all options in the screenshot below under the 'Exports & Stats' button.
This report will show you both the Compass (Active) value as well as your School Management System value.
Importing Parent B Details for CASES21 Schools
Prior to the department migration of CASES schools to CHESS last year, there was no validated mobile or email field in CASES21 to store specific Parent B information.
We now have the functionality in Compass to allow you to specifically update Parent B details from CASES21. This requires turning off the parent lock for one import, so you need to ensure that all your Parent A information is up to date in your CASES21 records first, as Parent A details currently in Compass will be overwritten with your CASES21 data. You can use the variation exports for Parent contact mobile and email address to ensure your Parent A information is up to date by following the steps above.
If you would like to import your Parent B details from CASES21, please contact the Compass Support Team to discuss next steps.