Predict Student Discounts

Predict Student Discounts


The Predict Student Discount option in People Management allows you to select students to receive a sibling discount as well as confirm selected and predicted discounts for students.


To use the Predict Student Discount tool, staff will require the UserRecordsAdmin permission.

For details on assigning permissions in Compass, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.

Predict Student Discounts

Go to 'People Management' under the Organisation menu (grid icon).
Click 'Tools' and select 'Predict Student Discounts'.     

Select the Prediction Scope.


The prediction scope you choose will determine how broad the system will look when predicting student discount information.
AncestryThis selection will consider siblings who share the same Debtor attending your school, attending other schools within your school's diocese and attending schools within other diocese who are within Ancestry. 
Billing AncestryThis will consider siblings who share the same Debtor attending your school or attending another school within your diocese.
SchoolThis scope will only look for siblings who share the same Debtors within your school.

You then need to choose the Assignment of Discount.

IncrementalThis will predict discounts based on the individual student's predicted rank against their siblings. 
FlatThis will predict discounts based on the total amount of students (siblings) within the same Debtor.
Incremental Example: If your school has a discount structure that entitles a second sibling to a 10% discount and a third sibling a 25% discount, when you view the 1st sibling's discount prediction, choosing Incremental would mean they would not show as entitled to a discount.  If you viewed the second sibling, it would predict a 10% discount for them.  The 3rd sibling would show 25% as their predicted discount.

Flat Example: If your school has a discount structure that entitles a Debtor to 25% off when they have three students enrolled, choosing Flat will show a predicted 25% discount for the 1st sibling, a 25% predicted discount when viewing the 2nd sibling, and a 25% predicted discount when viewing the 3rd sibling.
Ensure any discounts you want the prediction to encompass are ticked.  Untick any you do not want to apply or remove from students.

Example: Your school has Discount A, Discount B and Discount C in the list and you untick Discount A.  This will mean Discount A will not be addressed when applying/confirming discounts for students.  So if you select a student and they are showing Discount A and Discount B as Current Discounts and you have Discount C in the Predicted Discounts column, when you choose to confirm Discount C, it will update the student's Current Discount column to show DIscount A and Discount C (Discount B would be removed).  Discount A would remain because it was unticked in the 'Selecting Discounts' section so was not included in the process. 
If the student was meant to only end up with Discount C, then you would need to make sure Discount A, Discount B and Discount C were all ticked in the 'Selecting Discounts' section so that when you confirm Discount C for the student, their existing Discount A and Discount B would be removed.

Based on your selections for Prediction Scope, Assignment of Discount and the Selected Discounts, the list of students and their predicted discounts will populate.

Apply a Discount to a Student

If you need to apply a discount to a student, in the 'Predict Student Discounts' screen, use the filter to search their name.

Tick the box to select them.

Click 'Apply Discount' and choose the discount you want to apply to this student from the drop down list.  The discounts available in the list will be those you left ticked in the 'Selecting Discounts' section.

Click 'Ok' and this discount will then show in green text for the student in their Predicted Discounts column.


Confirm a Student Discount

To confirm the Predicted Discounts for a student, tick the box to select them and then click 'Confirm Discount'.  

You will then need to choose the date you want the discounts to be applied as of.


Click 'Ok' and if you selected today's date or a date in the past, it will update the Current Discount column to reflect the changes. 
Please Note: If the date you selected is a future date, the 'Predicted Discounts' column will clear for the student. The 'Current Discounts' column will remain unchanged until the selected date occurs and it will then update to show the applied discounts.

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