Custom Flags

Custom Flags


Custom Flags (sometimes referred to as 'Roll Flags') allow the school to apply coloured indicators (with 15 colours available) to students to make staff aware of certain things pertaining to the student. These indicators can be used for anything from attendance, academic performance, learning support, leadership roles, behavioural issues, or any other categories your school would like to keep track of.  
Note: These flags are in addition to the flags automatically imported from your school's SIS i.e Medical Condition flag, Access Restriction flag etc.


Staff managing the creation of Custom Flags and assigning them to students will require the CustomFlagsAdmin permission.

For further information on Permissions, please refer to our Knowledge Base article on Permissions.

Custom Flag Locations

Custom Flags can be displayed in three different locations within Compass:

Student's Profile - DashboardOnly the coloured circle appears, though hovering your cursor over the circle will display the description of the flag.Always On
Student's Profile - Personal TabDisplayed in full, showing both the coloured circle and the description of the flag.Always On
RollsOnly the coloured circle appears, though hovering your cursor over the circle will display the description of the flag.The school can manage which flags display on the roll on a per-flag basis
HandbooksFlags will display for students in event and class handbooks.Always On

Note: A blue circular flag with a number in the middle under the student's name in the roll indicates the number of 'pinned' Chronicle entries associated with a student's profile, these are not Custom flags.
Example - Student Profile
Example - Student Personal Tab
Example - Roll

Creating Custom Flags

To create Custom Flags navigate to the Organisation menu (grid icon) and select 'Custom Flags'.

From here there are two tabs, 'Roll Flags' and 'Administration'. The Roll Flags tab is where you can create Roll Flags, by selecting the 'Add Roll Flag' button.

From here you can add the description, select the colour, select whether you would like the Custom Flag to appear on the roll and select whether you would like the Custom Flag to appear on the Student ID Card (a maximum of three can appear on the ID card).

Roll Flag Alerts can also be configured by associating a Chronicle Template within the 'NP:U Chronicle Template' field. This will mean any students assigned this custom flag will receive a Chronicle Entry as a result of the student being marked as Not Present: Unexplained on the roll.

These templates can be configured under the 'Roll Flag Alerts' Chronicle Category.

Manually Assign Custom Flags to Students

To assign flags, navigate to the 'Administration' tab and use the filter options to locate a student or cohort. You can filter the table to search for a student or groups of students by typing your search criteria into the text boxes at the top. Here you can search by Last Name, First Name, Year Level, Form Group or Flag. 

Place a tick next to the student/s that you want to select, then click the 'Apply Roll Flag' button in the top of the menu bar and select which coloured flag you want to apply to the student/s you have ticked.  You will need to repeat this process if you wish to add multiple flags to a student.

Bulk Assigning Custom Flags to Students

You can import Custom Flags as a CSV file, the format needs to contain two columns of information, [STKEY],[FLAG]. The import file must be a plain text/CSV file, for example: 


On the 'Administration' tab click 'Import Roll Flags' button.

From the drop-down select which roll flag applies for your current import.  Then select your import file and click 'Import Roll Flags'.

Please Note: Flags selected will be altered for all users based on the CSV. So if you have allocated a flag to a student through Compass, but in the import that flag is not applied to the student and the flag is selected from the drop-down, it will remove the flag for the student when the import completes.

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