Adding New User Accounts

Adding New User Accounts


When a new student, parent or staff become part of your school they will need to have a Compass user account created.  This is managed within People Management.
Please Note: For schools who have an external SIS (CASES21, Maze, SAS, Denbeigh etc) your user data is imported into Compass from your SIS and as such, all user records are to be managed within your school SIS.  New accounts should be created in your SIS, not within Compass, and they will then import accordingly into Compass.


For staff to create new user accounts, they will need to have the UserRecordsAdmin permission.

For further information on assigning permissions in Compass, please refer to the Knowledge Base article titled 'Permissions'.

Adding New Student Accounts

To create a new student account, go to the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and click 'People Management'.

Click the 'Add' button and select 'Student'.


Note: When you have a new student commencing, we recommend creating the student account first before adding the new parent accounts.

You will need to fill in the required information across each of the tabs.  Fields marked with a small red star are mandatory (Name, Preferred Name, Date of Birth) and at least one Enrolment Milestone will need to be added before you are able to save the user record.


To add the Enrolment Milestone, click to the 'School' tab and then click 'Add New Milestone'.  Select the applicable option from each drop down.


Tip: To enrol a Future student, simply select a date in the future for the Milestone.

Once you have filled out the fields in the milestone pop-up, click 'Add Milestone' to save.

On the 'Compass' tab, the authentication mode to be specified will depend on whether or not the user has an account in your school's LDAP system (e.g. Active Directory, Open Directory, or Novell).

If the user does have an account in your school's LDAP system, the authentication mode should be set to 'CompassLink', and you will need to ensure that the Compass/LDAP username (also displayed on the Compass tab) matches the username in your LDAP. 

If the user does not have an account in your LDAP system then the authentication mode should be set to 'Local'.

Note: Schools that use SAML to authenticate can select 'SAML' from this list if the user is in their LDAP, or CompassLink, both have the same result.

When you have finished adding the student's details, click 'Save' and their account will be generated.

If it is a 'Local' authentication account, you will need to provide them with their username and temporary password.  If they have an account in your school LDAP system, their school login credentials will be what they use when logging into Compass.

Adding Parents

Once you have created the applicable student account, you will need to create the corresponding parent accounts.

Click on the '+ Add' button, and select 'Parent' from the drop-down menu.

Complete the required fields, and any further information as required by your school's processes.

For Parent user accounts, on the 'Compass' tab, the Authentication Mode needs to be set as 'Local'.

Please refer to the 'Distributing Parent Account Login Details' article from our Knowledge Base for information on providing parents with their login credentials.

Please Note: Parent accounts must be associated with student accounts in order to log in to Compass, and parents will only be able to login to Compass if the student/s associated with the parent account are Active or Future students.

Adding a Parent/Guardian relationship to a student

Once you have created the Parent account, you can link the Parent account to the applicable student account/accounts by locating the student's user record and clicking the edit pencil icon to open the account.  Then, on the 'Family/Contacts' tab select the 'Add Relationship' button.

After clicking add 'Parent/Guardian', search for the parent/guardian you're looking for.


You will need to review the relationship types and settings before saving the relationship. You can indicate what the relationship is between the adult and student visa versa. For example Lily is Harry's parent, and Harry is Lily's child.

The Access and Communication Controls determine what information about the student the parent is able to see, and if they are able to receive certain communications.

The Notes/Comments box allows you to add any comments about the relationship between parent and student that may be important for staff to be aware of.

Please note: Import mode is only relevant to schools that import data from external systems.

When you have completed all the applicable relationship settings, click 'Ok' to save and update.

Adding an Adult to Adult Relationship

To add a new adult to adult relationship, click the 'Add Relationship' button under the Family & Contacts tab in the adult record.


After clicking add 'Adult', search for the other adult you're looking for.

You will need to review the relationship types and settings before saving the relationship. You can indicate the relationship type between the adults. For example Lily is James's wife, and James is Lily's husband.


The access controls determine whether the adults can see each other in certain areas of Compass.

The Notes/Comments box allows you to add any comments about the relationship between the adults that may be important for staff to be aware of.

Please note: Import mode is only relevant to schools that import data from external systems.

When you have completed all the applicable relationship settings, click 'Add' to save and update.

Adding Staff

To create a new staff account, go to the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and click 'People Management'.

Click the 'Add' button and select 'Staff'.

Fill in the staff member's details as required, across the various tabs.

On the 'Compass' tab, the authentication mode to be specified will depend on whether or not the staff member has an account in your school's LDAP system (e.g. Active Directory, Open Directory, or Novell).

If the staff member does have an account in your school's LDAP system, the authentication mode should be set to 'CompassLink', and you will need to ensure that the Compass/LDAP username (also displayed on the Compass tab) matches the username in your LDAP. 

If the user does not have an account in your LDAP system then the authentication mode should be set to 'Local'.

Once you have added all the information for the user, click 'Save' and an account will be generated for them.

If it is a 'Local' authentication account, you will need to provide them with their username and temporary password.  If they have an account in your school LDAP system, their school login credentials will be what they use when logging into Compass.

Closing User Accounts

When students/staff/parents conclude being part of your school community you will need to deactivate their user account to prevent any further access by them to your school's Compass portal and notifications etc.

To do so go to the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and click 'People Management'.

Locate the user/users within your list and select their accounts.  Click 'Actions' and select 'Create Inactive Milestone'.  Using the date box, click the date that you want their account to be inactive as of.  If you select a future date, the user will have access up until that date.

For student or staff accounts, this action will create another Enrolment Milestone against their user account which is visible on the 'School' tab within their record. 

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