Generating Custom Labels

Generating Custom Labels


Within Compass there is the option to generate standard address labels and also custom labels for printing. 

Both types are generated from templates but the key difference is that address labels are already set to include the address data of users whereas custom labels can be generated to include a range of other user content i.e. form groups, DOB, email etc.

For information on generating address labels, please refer to the 'Generating Address Labels' article from our Knowledge Base.


Generating custom labels is managed within People Management.  To access, staff will require the UserRecordsAdmin permission.

For information on assigning permissions in Compass, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.

Generating Custom Labels

You will need to go to 'People Management' under the Organisation menu (grid icon).
Here you will need to locate the user/users that you need to generate labels for.

You can generate custom labels for:

Selected Users
Any users listed that you tick (selected) will have a custom label generated for them.

Filtered Users
Use the filter options to generate a list of users that will have labels generated i.e you might want to generate labels for a particular form of students, you can use the filter options to filter for that specific form only.


Once you have selected/filtered the applicable users for your labels, click 'Actions', select 'Label Generation' and then 'Customisable User Labels'.

If your list of users is selected, click the 'Selected Users Only' option.  If you have used the filters to generate a list of users, then click the 'All Filtered Users' option. 


You will then be able to select the applicable template for the labels you are printing. 

If there is not a template already set-up for this type of label, you can add it at this point in the process.  To do so, click 'Add Template'.  For further details on adding templates, please refer to the 'Creating Label Templates' article from our Knowledge Base.


When you have selected the template, you will  see a preview of your labels.


You can edit which fields are used for the labels by dragging and dropping from the 'Excluded' list across to the 'Included' list or vice versa.  You will see the sample labels update to display the included fields.


You can reorder the content on the labels by dragging and dropping the items within the 'Included' list up or down.


You then need to click 'Generate Labels' to download the file to your device ready for printing.


Please note: Clicking 'Save' at the bottom of the pop-up will update any changes you made to selected template's settings (type, alignment, margins etc) ongoing.  It does not save which fields are included/excluded.



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