The Subjects and Classes page is where you can view your school's subjects and classes for each year.
For schools using third-party timetable software (predominantly Secondary schools), the information shown on the Subjects and Classes page is imported from their timetable.
For schools using Compass Schedule Builder to create their timetable (Primary Schools), this is where your subjects are managed.
Staff can access the Subjects and Classes page under the Teaching and Learning menu (pencil icon).
Staff with the SubjectsAdmin permission will be able to create/edit/delete subjects on this page.
This tab is where you view Subject and Class information.
When loaded, it will default to displaying the currently relevant Academic Year's information. You can choose another year from the drop down to view it's subject and classes.
Ticking a subject will display the classes for that subject.
If you are creating all the subjects/classes for a new Academic Year, please refer to the 'Creating a Schedule for a New Academic Year' article from our Knowledge Base for details on that process.
If you need to add subjects to classes for Reporting purposes, please refer to the 'Creating Additional Subjects in Schedule Builder' article from our Knowledge Base for details.
If you need to add subjects/classes for Custom Classes, please refer to the 'Custom Classes' article from our Knowledge Base.
Clicking 'Settings' allows you to set whether future class information is visible to students and/or parents. This allows you some discretion while you are planning class allocations for upcoming years.
You can also tick the 'Substitute teacher privacy' option which will prevent students/parents from seeing class teacher changes.
Ticking 'Only show active classes' will mean that when accessing the 'Teaching and Learning' menu, students and teachers will see shortcut links to active classes only.
Click the edit pencil icon to open the details screen for a subject.
For schools using third-party timetable software, the information for your subjects is imported from your timetable package so changes should be managed from there.
Please proceed with caution when making any edits to subject details. Changing subject codes is not recommended so please contact our Support Team for advice.
For schools using Compass Schedule Builder to generate their timetables, this tab is where that information is managed.
Please refer to the 'Schedule Builder' article from our Knowledge Base for further details.
Please refer to the 'Enrolment Inconsistencies' article from our Knowledge Base for information on this function.