For each new Academic Year, part of the Rollover process (Steps 4-5) for your Compass portal will include building the schedule. There are some steps (Step 1-3) in the Rollover process that need to be completed prior to building your new schedule so please refer to the Rollover - Schedule Builder article from our Knowledge Base before proceeding.
The Schedule Builder allows for the building of simple, core level timetables within Compass. This module is most useful for Primary Schools and small schools where timetabling may have previously been done on a simple document or spreadsheet. It is not suitable for schools that utilise a third party timetabling package such as Edval or First Class.
Schedule Builder takes away the need to manually populate subjects with classes, student enrolments and sessions. It will allow you to assign students to the applicable classes for both attendance and/or reporting purposes.
It is important to consider your semester reporting requirements when configuring Schedule Builder.
If you wish to discuss your school's specific report requirements in regards to your Schedule Builder setup please contact our Support Team on (03) 9005 5217.
Go the the Teaching and Learning menu (pencil icon) and click 'Subjects and Classes'.
The initial part of the process is to set up your Subjects for the new academic year. You can either manually set up each subject or you can export your current year subjects, edit any changes in the spreadsheet and then import them as your new academic year subjects. Please refer below for the process for the method you choose.
Code | Choose a code to assign to the subject. The code must be at least 2 characters long, unique within this new Academic Year and, due to the potential impact on the timetable and attendance data, the code should NOT be changed once the Subject is created. We generally recommend using a code that provides some indication of what the subject relates to i.e. for a Year 2 Generalist Subject, 02GEN might be the code you choose. |
Short Name | Type in the name of the subject. The Short Name field is generally referenced for the Subject name when subject data is being exported in various locations in Compass. |
Long Name | The name keyed in for Short Name will populate this field by default. You can add a more detailed/extensive subject name if required. The Long Name field is what is used for subject names on Semester Reports. |
Year Level | Choose the applicable year level this subject applies to from the drop-down i.e. if you are creating the Subject for Year 2 Generalist classes, select Year 2. If the subject will apply across different year levels, choose 'Cross Year'. This might be needed for a specialist subject such as Art or for if you are going to have composite Generalist classes. |
Faculty | If you are using Faculties you can select the applicable one or leave as 'Default'. |
Academic Year | This will default to the new Academic Year (because you set it at the start of this process before clicking 'Add New Subject'). If it is not showing the correct new Academic Year that you want the subject to be in, select the correct year from the drop-down. |
Coordinator | If you have Subject Coordinators in place at your school you can choose the applicable staff member or you can leave this field blank. You can come back in to edit the subject at a later date and add the coordinator if need be. |
Schedule Layer | Choose the applicable Schedule Layer that classes of this subject need to sit on from the list available. When creating standard subjects for your new Academic Year, the layer will generally be a Normal Classes layer. For more information on Schedule Layers, please refer to the Configure Schedules article from our Knowledge Base. |
Roll Marking Mode | When you have selected the Schedule Layer, it will add the default Roll Marking Mode for that Layer to this field. If it needs to be different for this Subject, you can choose another type from the drop-down. This Roll Marking Mode will then be the default for any classes created within this Subject. Classes can be edited to have a different Roll Marking Mode if needed. |
Attendance Code when marked Present | When you have selected the Schedule Layer, it will add the default Attendance Code for that Layer to this field. If it needs to be different for this Subject, you can choose another type from the drop-down. This Attendance Code when marked Present will then be the default for any classes created within this Subject. Classes can be edited to have a different Attendance Code when marked Present if needed. |
Period Structure | The Period Structure will show the default set for the Schedule Layer you selected. Classes created within this subject will then follow this Period Structure. For more information on setting up Period Structures, please refer to the Configure Schedules article from our Knowledge Base. |
Course Fee ($) | If your school is using the Course Confirmations module to charge School Fees to families and you need to assign costs to Subjects so that students can be charged a Subject fee based on subjects they are taking, you can set the amount for the subject in this field. This is mostly applicable in Secondary schools. Leave blank if not applicable for your school. |
Approval Req. | When student subject selection is imported into the Course Confirmation module, students who have selected to do subjects with this field ticked, will require the staff member administering the Course Confirmation cycle to approve the student for the associated fee to be charged. |
On the Subjects and Class page (under the pencil menu icon), click to the Schedule Builder tab. Here you will see the existing schedule templates for your school.
Click 'Add New Schedule Template'. Fill in the details.
Name | Type in a unique name for the Template that reflects it's purpose ie. 2024 |
Academic Year | Select the new Academic Year the schedule will relate to ie. 2024 Academic |
Period Structure | Select the Period Structure that the Schedule template is to adhere to. Please Note: If you attempt to edit this to another Period Structure after you have added class/teacher information to the template, it will clear all the already added information in your template. |
*Form Group Type | If you have allocated student Future Forms in your school's SIS because you are setting up the new schedule prior to that year commencing, select 'Next Form Groups'. If you are creating the new schedule after the current academic year has concluded and students have been promoted in your school's SIS to their form groups for the new Academic Year, select 'Student Form Groups'. For more information please refer to this section in the Rollover article from our Knowledge Base. |
Time Period | Select the correct Time Period. This should have been created in Step 1 of the Rollover Process, Configure Schedules. Please refer to this section of the Rollover article from our Knowledge Base for more information. |
Start | This will populate with the start date set for the Time Period you selected |
Finish | This will populate with the finish date set for the Time Period you selected |
Click 'Save' and the new schedule template will be created.
Now you can proceed to assign staff to classes.
On the Classes tab you will see all the Subjects your created listed across the top as column headers. The Forms run down the left side as row headers.
The process now is to allocate the Lead Teacher and location (if known) for each class each Form will take.
Currently all cells are set as 'Excluded' which means there is no association between a form and a class for a particular subject. Click into a cell that connects a Form with a subject students in that Form will be taking a class for.
In the below example, Form 00A is a Foundation form and needs to have a Foundation Generalist class under the Foundation Generalist subject so we click that cell. In the pop-up you will see the Subject it relates to and you need to select the Form's teacher for this class from the drop-down.
At this point, select the Lead Teacher for the class. If it will have shared teaching, you can set this up later on in the process on the Timetable tab.
When you have set the teacher, then choose the applicable Campus and Room that the Form will generally have their classes for this subject in. If it is not known, leave the Room field as 'Unassigned'. Alternatively if classes will be held in a Custom Location you can enter that information.
Click 'Update & Close'. You will see the cell has now updated. In this example, Form 00A will have a Foundation Generalist class.
You need to continue working on this tab, clicking into cells that each Form need a class for. Not all Forms will have a class under each Subject i.e. A Year 1 Form will not have a class under the Foundation Generalist Subject.
If you need to stop at any point and come back at a later time to keep working on this tab, click 'Save' to save your progess. Cells on the Classes tab that show as light pink indicate they have been added but 'Save' has not been clicked, if you leave the page this data would not be retained. Cells on the Classes tab will show as light green when 'Saved' has been clicked and it is safe to leave the page.
When filling out the cells on the Classes tab, there are several options available to you to assist with the process.
It is possible to speed up your data entry by filling multiple fields in the same row/column at once, if they share a teacher or location, or both. This is generally useful when completing your Specialist classes for Forms.
Right-clicking on a block that you have entered information for will bring up a new list of options for you:
Fill Location - This will use the Location information in the block you have right-clicked to automatically fill the Location for all form blocks in the direction that you choose in the next step.
Fill Manager - This will use the Teacher information in the block you have right-clicked to automatically fill this field for all form blocks in your chosen direction.
Fill Both - This will use both Teacher and Location information in the block you have chosen to automatically fill these fields for all form blocks in your chosen direction.
Exclude - This will exclude all form blocks in your chosen direction, leaving no information entered.
Exclude Class - This will exclude just the specific class that you have right-clicked on.
The Timetable tab is responsible for populating the classes with session times. Depending on the configured period structure, there will be a number of rows corresponding to the number of periods defined. In the case of AM/PM sessions (one of the most common period structure for Primary Schools) there will be two rows.
The drop-down list for the 'Form Group' field will contain each of your school's Forms. Select the first one.
You now need to add for each session, the class the Form will be timetabled for. This will become the teacher and the student schedule for this cohort.
You can do it by clicking into each session, one at a time and completing the pop-up or by using the 'Fill Empty Sessions' option to quick-fill the main details and make minor edits to have the correct timetable for your school.
One at a Time
Click the first session. Complete the pop-up.
Start | This will be preset based on the Time Period that was selected when the new Academic Year Template was created. |
Finish | This will be preset based on the Time Period that was selected when the new Academic Year Template was created. |
Campus | If the session is going to be on the Campus you set for this Form on the Classes tab, leave it as 'Inherit from class'. If this session is going to be a different Campus, select the correct one from the drop-down list. |
Custom Location | If the session is going to be in the Location you set for this Form on the Classes tab, leave it as 'Inherit from class'. If this session is going to be in a different Location, select the correct one from the drop-down list. |
Subject | Choose the Subject you want to timetable at this time for the Form. For Primary Schools, this is generally the applicable Generalist subject but can be a Specialist subject if you would like the Specialist teacher to be responsible for taking student Attendance at that time. |
Teacher | When you select the Subject, the Teacher you set for the Subject on the Classes tab will be assigned to the session. If it is going to be a different teacher for this session, select the applicable staff member from the drop-down. This is useful if you have a shared teaching arrangement for the Form, i.e. if the Lead Teacher you set on the Classes tab teaches the Form Monday-Wednesday, you would edit the Thursday and Friday sessions here to have the other shared teacher set for the Thur/Fri AM and PM sessions. |
When the Schedule is successfully generated, you will be able to go to the Subjects & Classes page (under the Teaching and Learning menu), select the new Academic Year from the drop down. Tick a Subject and you will see Classes have been generated.
Click one of the classes and on the Class Schedule tab, select a date in the new Academic Year and you will see the created schedule for that class.
You have now completed Step 4 and Step 5 of the annual Rollover process, please click here to return to the Rollover-Schedule Builder article to move on to complete the annual Rollover process for your school.