Enrolment Inconsistencies

Enrolment Inconsistencies


The Enrolment Inconsistencies Tool can be found on the Subjects and Classes page in Compass, which is accessed by hovering over the Teaching and Learning menu (pencil icon) and selecting 'Subjects and Classes' from the dropdown menu.

This feature provides administrative users with identified possible inconsistencies between milestones and class enrolments. Using the From and To date selections a user can identify potentially contradictory enrolment information, and easily correct this. An administrative user can easily alter a student’s class enrolments to align with their enrolment milestones (their official enrolment at the school).


It is important to note that an enrolment inconsistency may be the result of incorrect data/information occurring within an external timetable or Student Information System (SIS) (e.g. CASES21, Denbigh, MAZE, etc...). Accordingly, it is strongly recommended that this incorrect data is updated in the external system before applying a change to enrolments within Compass by using this tool.

How To

The Enrolment Inconsistencies tab helps you quickly and efficiently resolve inconsistent enrolments within your portal. 

To view the individual inconsistent enrolments click the book icon for each listed inconsistency.

This will open a popup window displaying the individual Inconsistent Sessions. Each session is a link, and clicking an individual session will take you to that sessions page. Clicking Mark the Roll on this page will bring up the roll for that session.

On the roll you will see in the Detected Information column information that indicates that the student was Inactive in Compass during that session. Resolving this inconsistency will remove the student from that roll and thus remove that message from the roll as well. See below for an example of the alert on the roll.

To resolve the Enrolment Inconsistencies click the tick box to the left of any enrolments you want to accept the resolution to. After selecting a row or rows click the 'Selected Enrolments' button and then select 'Fix Selected' from the dropdown list. The system will automatically resolve the inconsistencies to be correct. To get a full understanding of what the result of the fix will be, please see the section below titled 'Scenarios'.


An enrolment inconsistency will appear in the list in the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: 
A student has a class enrolment that starts prior to their official enrolment at school

- This tool will make the class enrolment start later, to align with the active milestone

Scenario 2:
A student has a class enrolment that extends beyond their official enrolment at school.

- This tool will make the class enrolment finish sooner, to align with the inactive milestone

Scenario 3:
A student has a class enrolment that starts and finishes during time that they are not officially enrolled at school.

- This tool will make the class enrolment start later (to align with the active milestone), and finish sooner, to align with inactive milestone.

Scenario 4:
A student has a class enrolment that starts during an official enrolment period, spans a period of non-enrolment, and then finishes during a second official enrolment period.

- The tool will slice the class enrolment into pieces.

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