Compass allows classes not scheduled within the main timetable to be created directly within Compass. This may be appropriate for classes such as Instrumental Music, or Literacy and Numeracy Support.
Teachers who take these classes can be given the ability to schedule these classes directly within Compass by being added to the CompassSuper permission group, which will give them the ClassesAdmin permission.
To start setting up Custom Classes at your school, users must have the ClassesAdmin permission. This allows for a user to create/edit/delete classes and class sessions.
The lead teacher of a custom class will also have these permissions and be able to schedule their sessions as appropriate.
Please note, the SubjectsAdmin permission will not allow for a user to create or edit custom classes.
For more information regarding how to set this up for your school please refer to the Knowledge Base Article - Permissions.
The first step in setting up a custom class is to create a Subject. A Subject is a curriculum/activity that is studied by classes of students at the same time. For some schools, broad custom class names are used such as Instrumental Music or Literacy Support; other schools prefer to create more specific subjects, such as Guitar or Year 2 Literacy Support.
Code | The code is used to identify the subject. This code needs to be unique within Compass and cannot clash with any existing subject codes. |
Short/Long Name | The name of the subject. This should accurately describe what is being studied in this subject. The name will appear at the top of the class page, and on students' Semester Reports. |
Year Level | The year level of students who study this subject. For most custom classes this will be set to 'Cross Year' as the subject will be studied by students in more than one year level. |
Faculty | The faculty this subject sits under. This can be left as the default faculty unless you have set up your Faculties in Compass. |
Academic Year | The academic year that this subject will be studied in. |
Schedule Layer | Select 'Custom Classes'. |
Roll Marking Mode | Determines what kind of roll will be marked for these classes of if the subject requires a roll. Most often, this will be the 'Normal' option if a roll is required. |
Attendance Code when marked Present | This indicates the attendance code that will be allocated to the student if they are marked as Present in this class. |
Check In Enabled | This function should be left as "Inherit". |
Course Fee | This determines the cost of the subject when students pay for it as part of the Course Confirmation module. For most subjects this can be left as $0. |
Apprv Req? | Does this subject require approval as part of the Course Confirmation process? |
Code | The code used to identify this class. This code needs to be unique within Compass and cannot clash with any existing class codes within the school's timetable or any other Custom Classes within Compass. |
Subject | Select the subject from the drop down. You can also search by typing the subject name into the field. |
Description | Generally left blank by schools. Can be used to leave notes regarding the class. |
Time Period | Select the applicable Time Period from the available list i.e. if the class needs to run the entire year, select the Whole Year time period for this year; if it is a Semester 1 only class, select the Semester 1 time period for this year. The Time Period you choose will determin the Start and Finish date range for possible class sessions. |
Lead Teacher | This is the lead teacher for the class which is the staff member who manages/supervises this class/marks the roll where appropriate. Please note that a Lead Teacher must be allocated to each class. If a class is team-taught, this teacher needs to be the lead teacher who is ultimately responsible for the class. This teacher will be used for Reporting and PST conferences within Compass. When setting up the new class, this field will default to the teacher logged in, however this can be changed using the drop down list. |
Attendance Code when marked Present | Classes will inherit this code from the Subject settings. This is the attendance code that students will be allocated when they are marked 'Present'. |
Layer | This layer is determined by the Subject selected. |
Period Structure | Select the period structure the class sessions will default to, they can be edited within sessions to be at different times if needed. If you need to create a specific Period Structure for your Custom Classes, please refer to the 'Period Structure' section of the Configure Schedules article from our Knowledge Base. |
Campus | Choose the applicable Campus the sessions will run at. This will set the default Campus setting for sessions created, it can be edited within sessions. |
Room | If you select a location in this field, it will be the default location when creating sessions for this class. This field can be left blank. |
Custom Location | If sessions are held elsewhere you can add this information here. |
Roll-Marking Mode | Determines what kind of roll will be marked for these classes. Most often, this will be the 'Normal' option. This is pre-filled by the Subject settings. |
Clicking on 'Open Class Profile Page' will enable you to continue with the new custom class to enrol students. If you choose this option proceed to Step 3: Enrolling Students to finalise the class set-up.
Clicking on 'Back to Subjects and Classes' enables you to create another class within the Subject. If you choose this option repeat Step 2: Creating Classes.
If you created Multiple classes, it will advise you how many classes were created and then close the pop-up. You will see the generated classes. You can then continue to create more classes if need be or you can click into the first class and proceed to Step 3, Enrolling Students. You will need to complete Step 3 for each class you have created.
Field | Validation |
ClassCode | Mandatory. Max length: 15 characters |
SubjectCode | Mandatory. Must be a valid SubjectCode from the Academic Year selected at the time of import. Max length: 20 characters |
Description | Optional. |
LeadTeacher | Mandatory. Valid GovtCode1/CEIDER. If no match, fall back to Username. If no match, fall back to ImportIdentifier. |
Layer | Mandatory. One of the following: - NormalClasses - CustomClasses - LiteracyAndNumeracyClasses - LearningSupport |
Start | Mandatory. YYYY-MM-DD. Will be interpreted as “12:00am local time on the specified dateâ€. |
Finish | Mandatory. YYYY-MM-DD. Will be interpreted as “11:59pm local time on the specified dateâ€. |
PeriodStructure | Optional. Valid existing Period Structure. If not supplied will set the default Period Structure. |
SessionDefaultCampusCode | Optional. Valid Campus Import Identifier OR OffCampus. If not supplied will set the Default Campus. |
SessionDefaultLocationCode | Optional. Valid LocationCode. |
SessionDefaultCustomLocation | If SessionDefaultCampusCode = Off Campus then Optional, default if not supplied: empty. If SessionDefaultCampus = Off Campus then Mandatory. |
SessionDefaultRollMarkingMode | Optional. One of the following: - Intelligent - Normal - NoRoll - RollOnly If not supplied this will set whatever the default Roll Marking Mode for the parent Subject is. |
SessionDefaultAttendanceCode | Optional. If not supplied, this will set whatever the default ‘Present’ code for the parent Subject is. |
Students are enrolled in a custom class via the class profile page. If you haven't selected the 'Open Class Profile Page' option after creating the class, this page can also be accessed via Subjects and Classes page or from the staff profile or by searching for the class in the main search bar in Compass.
For example finding a class from the Teaching and Learning menu (pencil icon) > Subjects and Classes > Subject View tab. Enter the subject title in the Subject search field and click the magnifier to filter the subject list. Click on the subject within the subject list to highlight to light blue. This will open the Classes box to the right-hand side listing all the classes within the subject.
From the Classes list click on the relevant class name/code.
This will open the Class page. To enrol students select the Enrolments tab.
On the Enrolments tab click on the '+ Add Enrolment(s)' button which will open the Add New Enrolments window.
In almost all instances, students within custom classes are not grouped by form or year level and so can be added individually by searching for the student and clicking '+ Add'. Using the 'Advanced' option, students can also be added via a list of ID codes. This option is especially useful if you have an existing CSV of the students, which you can then copy and paste into this field.
Enrolled students will then appear in a list within the Enrolments tab. Enrolments are managed via this tab, and students can be edited, withdrawn or deleted using the tools in the right-hand columns of the grid. Students will appear on rolls for the sessions that are scheduled between their enrolment start and finish dates.
Now that the class has students enrolled, you will need to create sessions for the class. This can be done by a timetabler through the Class page or by the teacher of the class through their own Schedule.
Open the Sessions tab on the class profile page. Select '+ Add Session(s)' which will open the Session Editor window.
Enter the date, start and finish times for the lesson. Times can be selected using the period drop down options, the pre-set times from the drop down menu, or by typing a time into the start or finish fields.
Select a Location from the dropdown; the availability status for the room will be displayed by a red or green dot beside the room. The staff member for the particular lesson can also be selected; this will be pre-populated with the lead teacher for the class.
Compass has the ability to automatically add repeating sessions for a regularly occurring lessons. To use the repeat function, enter information for the first lesson of the repeat into the Start and Finish fields.
To add the repeat function, click the 'Repeat' check box.
Repeat pattern: | How often does the session repeat? If the repeat is every week, enter '1' or if the repeat is every every fortnight enter '2' etc. Then select the date of the end of the repeat. |
Repeat on days: | Select which days the repeating session occurs. You can repeat a session for multiple days in a week. For example: a student has an EAL session at 9:00 AM on Tuesday and Friday every week. |
After clicking 'Save & Close' button, the sessions created will appear under the Sessions tab, as well as on staff and student profiles. These sessions can be edited, cancelled or deleted using the functions in the right hand column of the Sessions grid.
Lessons can also be scheduled using 'drag and drop' functionality on a staff member's schedule (the Schedule tab from the staff member's profile page). Click 'Edit Schedule' to open this option. Classes will appear as blocks at the top of the schedule. These blocks can then be dragged into position on the schedule.
If you have any questions about Custom Classes, or require assistance in setting up a Custom Class, please contact our Support Team via email to