Analytics Admin Guide

Analytics Admin Guide


The Analytics module allows you to enter results, or in some cases import results, for various standardised testing and assessment data, such as Fountas and Pinnell, ACER/PAT, NAPLAN, and much more. All of this data is available on Compass and can be viewed and analysed using powerful graphs and pivot tables. This data can be viewed in multiple locations within your portal, allowing staff to see student's individual results, as well as make comparative analyses by looking at the data by class, by form group, and by year level.

Currently, the Compass Analytics module supports the following standardised testing/assessment types:

  • ACER Progressive Achievement Test
  • ACER Adaptive
  • CARS and STARS 
  • English Online Interview
  • Essential Assessment
  • Fountas and Pinnell
  • NT Curriculum Framework English as a Second Language Levels
  • OnDemand
  • PM Benchmark
  • Rich Assessment Tasks
  • Scaffolding Numeracy in the Middle Years
  • South Australian Spelling Test
  • Traffic Light Progress Reporting Measure
  • VCOP
  • Vocational Education and Training Results
Schools can also view  Victorian Curriculum results. Please refer to the section 'Creating Victorian Curriculum Analytics Cycles' in this article for details.

Analytics can also be used to create cycles based on data from Semester Reports written in Compass.  Please refer to the section 'Semester Report Analytic Cycles' in this article.


There are three permissions that can be assigned to staff in relation to Analytics:


  • Can see the Analytics tabs on Student/Class/Year Level/Form Group profile pages
  • Can view graphs/results grids for cycles set to Open OR Read-only
  • Cannot edit any Analytics data


  • Everything from AnalyticsView
  • Except CAN edit results on the Results Grid for cycles set to Open
  • (This is a default permission of the CompassPrincipals group)


  • Everything from AnalyticsPower
  • Can create/edit/delete/administer cycles on the Analytics page and change their statuses to Open/Read-only/Hidden
  • Can set a 'Default' view for Results Grid (note:staff viewing can still filter/adjust)
  • (This is a default permission of the CompassSponsors group)

You can review which Compass permission groups have the permissions above, and add the permission to other groups, by visiting the Permissions Manager, which is available by going to the Tools menu (cog icon) > Administration Tools > Permissions Manager.

If you want to create a specific group of users with one of the permissions above you can have your school technician create a new group in your Active or Open Directory system called CompassApp{Permission}, so for AnalyticsPower that would be CompassAppAnalyticsPower, and then put the relevant staff users in that group. For further details on this process please refer to the Knowledge Base article titled 'Permissions'.

Please keep in mind that with all permission changes users will need to log out and log back into Compass in order to see the change.

Administering Analytics

Users with the permission AnalyticsAdmin will be able to access the Analytics administration page, which is accessible under the Teaching and Learning menu (pencil icon).

Once on the Analytics page you'll see a table containing all of the Analytics data that is currently on your portal.

You can expand/collapse the cycles within an assessment type by clicking the - (minus) symbol next to the assessment type's name, or similarly  by clicking the + (plus) symbol.  

Creating Analytics Cycles

To create a new cycle click the 'Add Analytics Cycle' button at the top left and then select the assessment type from the drop-down menu.
If the Cycle Type requires results to be imported from an external source, the pop-up window will display a 'Choose File' button which will allow you to locate and upload the relevant file/s from your computer/device.
The cycle will be automatically named based on the year and cycle type.

If the Cycle Type requires you to manually enter results, you will need to add a Cycle Name. We suggest adding the year and term/semester to the Cycle Name to easily distinguish between multiple cycles.

Please keep in mind that you cannot edit the Cycle Name after it has been created.

Import DataManually Enter Data

Cycle TypeImportManual Entry
A to E reporting for each subject a student is enrolled in - Year 11NoYes
A to E Reporting for each subject a student is enrolled in - Year 12NoYes
ACER Progressive Achievement TestYesNo
English Online InterviewNoYes
Essential AssessmentYesNo
Fountas and PinnellNoYes
*Learning TasksYesNo
NT Curriculum Framework English as a Second Language LevelsNoYes
On DemandYesNo
PM BenchmarkNoYes
Rich Assessment TasksNoYes
Scaffolding Numeracy in the Middle YearsNoYes
**Semester ReportsYesNo
South Australian Spelling TestNoYes
Traffic Light Progress Reporting MeasureNoYes
Victorian CurriculumYesNo
Vocational Education and Training ResultsNoYes

*Learning Task cycles import from Learning Tasks you have created in Compass.
**Semester Report cycles import data from Semester Report cycles you have created within Compass.

Cycles with imported data require you to specify further information, allowing you to create cycles that include specific portions of the data from your file as a whole. This means that you can compare specific subsets of your data across multiple cycles. See below for a guide to what each specifier is for.
YearThis should always be the year the test took place
Year LevelThe Year Level of the students at the time that they took the exam that you want to import for this specific cycle.
SuffixThis is for the OnDemand Import - you will most likely be doing multiple imports of the same file but selecting different Years and Cycle Bounds, the Suffix is required so that Compass can differentiate between the different cycles with a unique identifier.
Cycle BoundsThis is for the OnDemand Import - as your OnDemand file contains all the data the Cycle Bounds allow you to select a specific date range and import only that data, so you can then import a different range of data and compare.

Once you have entered the necessary information, click 'Create'.

If you selected an assessment type that allowed the data to be imported then this will close the pop-up window and take you back to the Analytics screen. If you want to check the status of the import process you can check the Import Jobs table, which is available by going to the Tools menu (cog icon) > Administration Tools > Import Jobs (please note you will need the permission 'Configure' to access the Import Jobs screen).

If you selected an assessment type that requires manual entry then clicking 'Create' will take you to the Enrolments screen.

This screen is split into four sections. At the top left under Details you will see the Cycle Name you entered when you created the cycle, and the type of data it is. At the bottom left you will see the names of the types of data available for this standardised test/assessment type. The top right of the screen allows you to enrol students in the cycle using the familiar 'Add User' widget found around Compass, and the bottom right shows all current enrolments in the cycle.

This enrolments screen allows you to select which students at the school should have results for this test/assessment entered into Compass.

You can remove enrolments by ticking the box to the left of the student code, clicking 'Selected Enrolments' and choosing 'Remove Enrolments'. This window automatically updates and saves with every change, so just hit 'Close' at the bottom right when you're done, or the 'X' at the top right.

Settings within Analytics

Configure Settings

There are three different setting options within the Settings button located within Analytics. These can be configured at anytime and can be changed to suit your schools needs. To change the settings, go to the Analytics Administration page > Click on Settings.

1. Display Analytics tab for Parents
If you do not want the Analytics tab to appear for parents this setting can be disabled at any time. Please note that if this setting is unticked, the Analytics tab will not appear for ALL parents.

2. Student ID Mapping 
When importing your ACER PAT, NAPLAN or OnDemand data, you have the ability to change the student mapping option to suit your file type. The default for all cycles is the Student Code, however this can configured by GovtCode1, GoveCode2 and by Username. 

Analytics Cycle Access

There are two categories when setting up access to Analytics Cycles -Staff Access and Parent/Student Access.

The Visibility can be set differently for staff access as well as parent/student access. This allows for more flexibility when you need results to be hidden from certain users within your portal. 

Set Staff Access

Hidden: The cycle is not visible to staff in any of the places you can see cycles and results. It is only visible on the Analytics administration page. This option will allow users with the AnalyitcsAdmin permission to view the enrolments for a cycle, but cannot make any changes to them.

Read-only: The cycle is only visible to staff in all the places you can see cycles and results (E.g. Students profile, class pages, year level profile pages etc.). No one else can enter results. From the Analytics page you can see the enrolments by clicking on the magnifying glass icon, but you cannot edit enrolments. 

Open: The cycle is visible to staff with AnalyticsPower or AnalyticsAdmin. Staff with AnalyticsAdminn can enter or edit enrolments for the cycle as well

Set Parent/Student Access

Hidden: Neither parents or students can view results

Parents Only: Only parents can view results

Students Only: Only students can view the results

Parents and Students: Both parents and students can see the results


When creating an Analytics cycle, you can select the visibility for either staff and parents'/students. You can also set the visibility of a cycle, multiple times for either staff and parents/students after the cycle has been created. This can be achieved in two ways: 

1. Select the relevant cycle by ticking the box on the left-hand side of the cycle name. Click on 'Selected Cycles' at the top, hover over Set Staff Access and click on your preferred option from the list. Cycles can be set differently as per your preference.

2. Click in the "Staff Access" column or the "Parent & Student Access" column for any given cycle and select the down arrow to choose the desired visibility. Alternatively, you can double click in the column and select your preference. 

Most cycles will have all three staff visibility options available to them. Cycles that contain data that is synchronised from other parts of Compass (e.g. Victorian Curriculum) cannot be set to Open, they can only be set to Read-only or Hidden. 

Set Default View

Staff with the AnalyticsAdmin permission will have a 'Set as Default View' button when viewing results grids.  Clicking this will set the current view as the default view for all staff when on this page.  Staff can still filter/adjust when viewing but their changes will not change the overall default view when returning to the page.


Manually Entering Data & Analysing Data

As mentioned above, data is added to Compass in one of two ways - either by being imported or manually entered. Only users with the AnalyticsAdmin permission are able to add data for the cycles that require import (e.g. NAPLAN, OnDemand and ACER/PAT testing), as this can only be done on the Analytics administration page. But for the cycles where data can be manually entered users with either AnalyticsPower or AnalyticsAdmin will be able to add results to Compass, as long as the cycle's Status is also set to 'Open'.

Further details about how to enter this data, as well as how to analyse data once it is in Compass, can be found in the main 
Analytics article.

Creating Victorian Curriculum Analytics Cycles

Victorian Curriculum results can be created within Analytics.

You can create an Analytics cycle by selecting cycle type 'Victorian Curriculum (2017)'.

Retrieving the Victorian Curriculum File  

To retrieve your Victorian Curriculum file, this can be done in two ways. 

1. You can retrieve the file from your Reporting cycle. This option is particularly relevant for schools who use Semester Reports within Compass. This is outlined in greater detail within the Importing Semester Results into CASES21 article.

2.Export the Victorian Curriculum File from CASES21. This option is particularly relevant for Victorian public schools who do not use Compass for Reports. This is further outlined within the Exporting Previous Semester Results from CASES21 article. 

Once you have retrieved the Victorian Curriculum file, you can then import this into the Analytics cycle. 

Importing the Victorian Curriculum File into an Analytics Cycle

To do this go to the Analytics Administration page > click on 'Add Analytics Cycle' > Select the "Victorian Curriculum (2017)" cycle type > Enter in your preferred name (E.g 2019 Victorian Curriculum Semester 1) > Click on 'Choose File' and select the file from your desktop > Click Create. 

Once imported and staff visibility is set to "Read-Only", staff will be able to analyse students' Victorian Curriculum Results.

If you need any further assistance, please contact our Support Team via or on 03 9005 5217

Semester Report Analytic Cycles

If you want to use analytics to view certain data from your school's Semester Reports that have been written in Compass, you can create specific Semester Report Analytics cycles.  These types of cycles can be used to look at a particular report element or multiple report elements.  You can create multiple Analytics cycles for each of your Semester Report cycles to look at a range of data sets.

To create a Semester Report Analytics cycle, go to the Teaching and Learning menu (pencil icon) and click on 'Analytics'.
Here you will see a list of all cycles currently set-up for your school. 

Click on 'Add Analytics Cycle'. From the drop-down choose the Cycle Type 'Semester Reports'. Give the cycle a name and then from the drop-down, choose the Report Cycle you want to obtain data from. 

Click the drop down for 'Included Measures' to see all the options for the Semeter Report cycle you selected.  Click on the one you want to have in your analytics cycle.  If you want to include multiple elements, continue to click on the ones from the list that you want to include.


When you have made all of your selections, click 'Create' to have the Semester Report Analytics cycle created.


When viewing Analytics cycles for Semester Reports, they will be stored by Semester Report cycle under the folder 'Semester Reports'.  You can tick the ones you want to view data on.

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