The Analytics module allows your school to keep standardised testing and assessment data in Compass, readily available for users to view and analyse using powerful graphs and pivot tables. Depending on your permission level within Compass you may be able to enter results for certain types of data. All of these results can be viewed in multiple locations within your portal, allowing staff to see student's individual results, as well as make comparative analyses by looking at the data by class, by form group, and by year level.
Can see the Analytics tabs on Student/Class/Year Level/Form Group profile pages
Can view graphs/results grids for cycles set to Open OR Readonly
Cannot edit any Analytics data
Everything from AnalyticsView
Except CAN edit results on the Results Grid for cycles set to Open
This is a default permission of the CompassPrincipals group
Everything from AnalyticsPower
Can also administer cycles on the Analytics page and change their statuses to Open/Readonly/Hidden
This is a default permission of the CompassSponsors group
You can view analytics data in a few places on Compass - on student's profile pages, on class pages, as well as on year level and form group profile pages. In all of these places just click the 'Analytics' tab to view the data.
After clicking the 'Analytics' tab you will be on the Analytics Dashboard. If you are looking at the data on a student's profile you will see a graph of that student's individual results on the Dashboard. However if you're looking at the Dashboard for a group (e.g. a class, a form or a year level) you will see the average score for the group on the graph.
On the Dashboard you can view or hide cycles from the graph by clicking on their name in the graph legend. In the example below the 2016 NAPLAN Year 9 and the 2014 NAPLAN Year 7 data have been hidden so that the chart only displays the 2015 NAPLAN Year 7 cycle.
You can hover your cursor over the graph to see specific averages for the data sub-sets within the assessment type.
The 'Results Grid' tab, like the Dashboard, is available everywhere you can see Analytics data on Compass. Here you can select from the cycles available to view the data, and if you have the necessary permission level, here you can also enter results.
When you first access the tab there will be no results visible, you first need to select the information you want to view by clicking the 'Selected Cycles' button and selecting the standardised testing or assessment cycle(s) you want to view. You can select all cycles from a type by clicking the main tick box next to the type (e.g. NAPLAN, OnDemand, etc...), or you can select specific cycles within each type by clicking the + (plus) icon next to the type and clicking just the tickbox next to the cycle(s) you want to see.
You can see a legend for the different colours used on the graph by clicking the 'Legend' button at the top. The legend will change based on the cycle type you are viewing.
You can also Export out a CSV file of the data you're currently viewing by clicking the 'Export' button at the top right. This will only export out the data that you're viewing in the table below, not all the data on the system.
You can then view this same data in your preferred program.
Add Comments and Add Evidence
For all results within Compass, even those that are Read Only you can right click the result box and select either Add Comment or Add Evidence. For Evidence you can select to either upload a file or provide a link to something on the internet.
On the 'Results Grid' tab you can also enter results for Open cycles, as well as use the Pivot Grid option to analyse the data. Further information on both of these functions are available in following sections.
The 'Student Results' tab is only available when viewing Analytics on a student's profile. This allows you to select from the drop-down which assessment type to view. Here you can only view the data, and only view one type at once.
Users with the necessary permission (AnalyticsPower or AnalyticsAdmin) will be able to enter results on the 'Results Grid' tab for cycles that are 'Open'. The status of the cycle (whether it is Open or Read Only) is determined by administrators.
You can tell which cycles are 'Read Only' and which are 'Open' by looking to the left of the cycle name. If there is a lock the cycle is 'Read Only' and results cannot be edited, if there is nothing to the left then the cycle is 'Open', and results can be entered.
To enter results double click the result field and select from the drop-down options. Alternatively if you know what the available options are you can type directly into the box until you've selected the correct result. You can then click Tab on your keyboard to move to the next column to the right, or click Enter on your keyboard to move down a row.
Choose from the drop-down -
Type Result in -
You can view and analyse the data using pivot tables by clicking the 'Pivot Grid' button across the top. Please keep in mind that the Pivot Grid data will analyse the information based on how it was already filtered on the Analytics page. So if you are looking at the Analytics of a form group you will only be able to analyse this form group's data further, you won't be able to look at the data available for the whole year level.
Once on the Pivot Grid window you will be able to select how you want to see the data, by clicking the top left drop-down menu. The available options are Table, Table Barchart, Heatmap, Row Heatmap, and Column Heatmap. As you change other settings on the page you can always change this field to see which option is the most suitable for the data you're analysing.
Below this is the value function dropdown, where you can select standard numerical valuations like Count, Average, Minimum, Sum, Average, etc...
The values available from the data you were looking at on the Results Grid will be displayed along the top and left side, and are outlined in red in the image below.
You can drag these into the either the Row Values or Column Values section to filter by these values. You can also select the down arrow on each value to filter which data within the dataset to include. If the value is filtered it will display in Italics like the Cycle value in the screenshot below.
How you arrange the data in the Row and Column section will determine how the data is filtered in the main grid. In the example below the Year Level and Gender values or in the Row Values column, so the data in the chart is broken down in rows by Year Level and Gender. Similarly the Gender value has been moved below the Year Level value, so the data is divided by Year Level first, and then within the Year Level, broken down by Gender. The column value is just Cycles, with only two NAPLAN cycles included, so those are the only columns that appear.
Spread to view multiple cycles and see the breakdown of results received. This will help you see if the students are scoring at the expected level, and what percentage of the students are scoring in the outlier positions, either very low or very high.
Table = Col Heatmap
Value = Count as Fraction of Columns
Column = Cycle
Row = Result
Spread to view specific students below, at and above standard for one assessment cycle
Table = Row Heatmap
Value = Count
Column = Cycle (filtered by 1 cycle) & Result
Row = Full Name
Year 10 AusVELS results by Form Group across three cycles to view where the percentage of student results are.
Table = Col Heatmap
Value = Count as Fraction of Columns
Column = Cycle & Form Group
Row = Result