When wanting to access Previous Results in Semester Reports, schools have two options; to import Previous Results from previous Semester cycles written in Compass (please refer to the article on Semester Reports Administration for details), or to import Previous Results from the aggregated data in CASES21.
This article relates to importing previous results from the aggregated data in CASES21.
Schools will generally use this option if they do not have a history of reports written in Compass to date, or for reasons of their choosing, they would prefer to use the specific data for a set time period from CASES21.
There are two aspects to this process:
Importing the Semester Results for reporting purposes requires the CompassAppReportsAdmin permission.
If you do not have the required permissions please speak with your school technician.
To complete the export, firstly within CASES21 navigate to Students > Achievements > Achievement Data Imports / Exports and select the 'Export Student Data' option.
Click on the 'Run' button. A new pop up window will open in which you will need to define the export parameters as outlined below:
Destination directory: The folder where the exported file will be saved. In this example "U:\CASES21\" has been used. Pay special attention to where this file is exported as you will need to be able to find this file later to import it in to Compass.
Export students and prior year results for use in AusVELS: Set this to match the current reporting cycle; CASES21 will then select the appropriate data to export for comparison.
Click 'OK' to start the export.
Once the file has been generated, navigate to the Teaching & Learning menu (pencil icon) and select the Semester Reports module. From the Reporting Cycles page, click the name of the report cycle for which you want to upload the Victorian Curriculum Previous Results data.
On the Reporting Cycle Administration page for the relevant cycle click the 'Imports' button and select the 'Previous Curriculum Results from XML' option.
You will need to supply the file that was exported from CASES21, in this example we would navigate to U:\CASES21\ (specified earlier) and select the file 'VicCurricSemesterOne2017Students.XML'. Once selected click 'Import'. Please keep in mind this process will take a few seconds to import the data.
Upon completion a message will be displayed to indicate if the import has been successful or encountered any errors. Successfully imported data will be available immediately within Compass Reports.