Yard Duty

Yard Duty


Some schools use timetable packages that don't allow Yard Duties to be imported. This article describes how to set Compass up so that Yard Duties show in the staff schedules if they cannot be imported from your school's timetabling package.

For information on how to set up Yard Duty sessions in First Class, click here.
For information on how to set up Yard Duty sessions in Timetabler, click here

This method works best if you already assign Yard Duty using an alternative system (such as an Excel document or similar), but just want yard duties to display in Compass for the necessary staff members.

Create a Yard Duties subject

Navigate to the Teaching and Learning menu (pencil icon), and select Subjects and Classes from the drop-down menu. Click on the 'Add New Subject' button.

We would advise naming your Subject "Yard Duties" or similar, with a subject code of "YD" or similar. 
Most of these settings can be left as default.

It is important to ensure that you choose the Custom Classes schedule layer (or another layer that does not specify "Data Sync") so that information is not overwritten or deleted when you import your timetable.

Warning: Ensure the "Roll Marking Mode" is set to "No Roll/No Attendance". This will make sure that there are no Unmarked Rolls as a result of your Yard Duty sessions.

Create a Yard Duties class for each location

Click on the 'Add New Class' button.

We would recommend setting up your Yard Duty classes with the name of the location, and create a class for each of the staff required for each location. For example, Oval Staff 1, Oval Staff 2, Bus Staff 1.

However, you could also set up your classes to be per staff member. As you will most likely have more staff than locations for yard duty, it is often easier to create classes per location. It is then also easier to ensure that all of your Yard Duty areas are covered. 

You can then set the Location in this window, so that it will pre-fill by default for each session. 

Tip: You may need to set up the locations of yard duty sessions in the Compass Location Manager, available from the Administration Tools page.

The lead teacher of your yard duty class will pre-fill the teacher for any sessions you create, but you will likely be allocating your sessions to different staff, so selecting a Lead Teacher will not have a significant impact in Compass.

However, if you have chosen to create your classes per staff member, you should set that staff member as the lead teacher, so that it pre-fills the teacher for each session by default.

Once you have clicked the "Save" button, a pop up will open asking you to choose whether you'd like to "Open Class Profile Page" or go "Back to Subject and Classes". Click on the "Open Class Profile Page".

Create sessions for each Yard Duty class

From the Class Profile Page, click on the "Sessions" tab and then the "Add Session(s)" button:

The session editor window will appear and you can create your sessions. The easiest way to set this up is to set up your initial session, and then create recurring sessions for regular yard duties for each staff member.

You can set the sessions to repeat on multiple days, and to repeat every 1 or more weeks. Click 'Save & Close' when the sessions are set up.

Please note that you will need to assign the staff member for the sessions by editing the session in this window, and specifying the staff member.  Alternatively, if you have set up your classes per staff member, you will need to edit the location of each session as required. As a result of this setup process it typically works best if your yard duty schedule rotates logically.

For example if Liz always has yard duty for YD Area 3 from 8:00-8:30 AM every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I can create these sessions correctly using the Repeat functionality. And then create a new set of repeating sessions for YD Area 3 from 8:00-8:30 AM for Tuesday and Thursday with a different staff member. Alternatively if your yard duty roster varies with no obvious repeating pattern you will need to edit each session individually to account for the variance in staffing. In this case you can create all the sessions with one teacher and then edit each session individually to assign it to the appropriate member of the team.

If you need any assistance with setting up your yard duty sessions in Compass, please contact our Support Team at support@compass.edu.au.

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