Yard Duties allocated to the Duty/Meeting layer in First Class will now be imported into Compass as 'Routes'.
This means Yard Duties can be clearly identified on your Compass schedule as they render in a different colour than normal classes (pink).
The session times for the yard duty sessions must match the period codes recorded in Compass.
If you did not provide Compass with a full list of the period codes during your implementation phase, you may not have the required period codes pre-configured. For example, it is common that schools may not have a code for the 'Recess' period, which means yard duty sessions for this time cannot be imported correctly.
To configure the period codes in Compass, navigate to the Tools menu (cog icon in the top right corner of your Compass portal) > Administration Tools, and select 'Configure Schedules'.
To add the missing periods, select the 'Periods' section from the 'Steps' column on the left of the page. Click on the 'Add Period' button, then enter the details for the new period and click 'Update' to save:
Name | The full name of the period (e.g. Before School, Yard Duty) |
Code | The code for the period. This must match the code used for the Yard Duties session in First Class (e.g. BS) |
Start | The start time of the period (e.g. 08:30 AM, 03:45 PM) |
Finish | The finish time of the period; usually recorded as the same time as the beginning of the next period or one minute earlier. |
HDAM | This column indicates whether the attendance data for sessions in this period will count towards the AM or PM half day attendance data as reported to your Department of Education. |
Include in Reports | When ticked, attendance data for this period will be included in reports such as the relevant attendance reports, emergency reports, etc. For most yard duty periods, this can be left unticked. |
SIS PEI | SIS Period Export Identifer. If your School Information System (SIS) requires period by period attendance data, populate this column with the corresponding values. |
RMMO | Roll Marking Mode - indicates the roll marking mode for sessions created during this period, which have rolls associated with them. Default is the standard setting when creating Yard Duty periods. |
The staff code for the manager (i.e. teacher in charge of the yard duty session) must match the staff codes already recorded in Compass.
If you have a new staff member in your timetable file who has not yet been added/imported into Compass, the sessions for that staff member's yard duties will not import into Compass until they've been added as a staff member to the system.
Setting up Duties in First Class
Below are some steps and examples to assist you with creating Duties in FIrst Class to be imported into Compass.
1. Create a year level with the name '99'
2. Create a subject per duty area allocated to the Duty/Meeting Layer in First Class.
If two people are allocated to one location at the same time, each of these will count as a separate duty, so there must be a separate 'Subject' in First Class for each area/person.
3. Create a form group called 'YD'
4. Create a location for each duty location.
5. Assign and timetable these duties as per normal ensuring all the requirements for normal classes have been met. (i.e. Lead teacher assigned and location assigned.)
If the Duties have been set up correctly in your First Class timetable file you will see a Duties tab appear in the Data Sync Tool when you preview your file:
Ensure you can also see Timetable Lines for these duties. Once confirmed, proceed to sync. This will need to include the Staff Duties layer.
Duties will now appear in Compass on staff schedules appropriately with no roll to mark as 'Routes'.
If you encounter any issues with configuring this in First Class or during the syncing process please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team on support@compass.edu.au or (03) 9005-5217.