Timetabler - Yard Duties

Timetabler - Yard Duties


To allow your Yard Duties to be imported from The Timetabler, V8 into Compass you will need to ensure that your timetable conforms to the specifications listed below.

NOTE: Schools will need to upgrade to The Timetabler V8.1.0.127 or later before making these changes within their timetable.

Period Codes for Yard Duty within The Timetabler

Just as you must allocate classes to a period in order to indicate when they occur, you must allocate yard duties to a session in your timetable so that Compass can accurately put yard duties on staff members' schedules. While The Timetabler uses Session Names, Compass uses codes and does not import the entire session name. As a result you will need to assess your Session Names and possibly change them to be short codes to ensure they meet the requirements to import into Compass. 

To check your session names for yard duty sessions select the 'Yard Duty Session Names' section within The Timetabler (Timetable Development Module - Information Stage - Yard Duty Details - Yard Duty Session Names).

From this screen Compass will translate the data in the Name column into a period code that must match with Compass. The period codes for Compass are composed by taking the first two letters from the 'Name' column listed against the yard duty time within this screen. These codes must to be:

  • Unique per day, both within this screen and the 'Period Names and Codes' screen
  • Consistent across the days, where the period structure (start and finish time) is the same
  • Wholly alphanumeric without spaces or characters (e.g. dashes, full stops, etc...)

Not Acceptable


In the example above the Yard Duty period code for the rows that start with "Day..." would all be turned to the same Period Code - "DA", which is not unique per day. As a result this would not work for importing into Compass.

In the example above the periods are correctly indicated and wholly unique - Recess is always R, After School is always AS, etc... These period codes are unique per day and not used by the regular period codes.

Period Structure in Compass

Before the Yard Duties from Timetabler can be imported into Compass the periods will need to be configured within the Compass period structure. To update this information select the 'Configure Schedules' option within the Admin Tools menu in Compass.

Under the 'Periods' step within this screen create the periods with the correct start and finish time and a code which matches the code configured on the Yard Duty Session Names screen within The Timetabler.

Importing data into Compass

Yard Duty data, the same as all other timetable information, is imported into Compass via the Compass Data Sync Tool. Yard Duty data is imported via a combination of the 'Duties' tab and the 'Timetable Lines' tab.

To import the data, load the Data Sync Tool and select the 'Duties' and 'Timetable Lines' options under Step 2a.

Be sure to select 'Staff Duties' in Step 2b and then upload the data to Compass in Step 3.

You can confirm that your sync is successful by checking the Import Jobs page on Compass, which can be accessed by going to the Administration Tools under the cog icon and clicking the link titled 'Import Jobs'.

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