VIC - Chronicle

VIC - Chronicle


Chronicle appears as a feed on the right-hand side of the student's profile in Compass.

It can be used for a variety of purposes, but schools often use it for recording incidents that occur on campus, giving students a detention, indicating if students are out of uniform, suspending students, and notifying parents and students of exemplary work or actions.

Each school sets up their own templates, or restructures the basic Compass templates, so the options available within your portal may differ from our examples.

You can access our Webinar on Chronicle here.


Entries are displayed in chronological order of date entered and can be reviewed across the student's time at the school. This allows for a comprehensive account to be compiled across areas of interest, faculties and year levels for every student. Entries can be commented on by other staff at the school, as well as marked as Resolved, allowing for conversations and followup to be easily recorded and viewed at a later date, all within Compass.

Entries can also have associated communications generated (such as letters, emails and sms) which are then issued to parents or students.

Entries can also have a point system associated which can then trigger resulting Chronicle entries/communications and even students being automatically enrolled into Group Activities (ie Detention etc).  

You can create a Chronicle entry from any student profile and from any class roll in Compass. 

There is a permission structure within Chronicle to allow school's to define staff access levels to Chronicle content.
Aspects of Chronicle that you can access are based on your assigned Chronicle permission level which is managed by your school's administration.

Staff are also able to track entries received for specified students, or cohorts of students.  Please refer to the
from our Knowledge Base for details on setting up this feature.

You can view Chronicle entries within the Compass School Manager App, for details please refer to the 
from our Knowledge Base.


Chronicle has four main associated permissions, three relate to the level of access to create/view entries and one is for administrative access to set up and manage templates.  To access Chronicle, staff will require at least one of the four possible permissions.

The access permissions work based on levels, if you have Level 1 access you will only see Level 1 content; if you have Level 2 access you will see Level 2 and Level 1 content;  if you have Level 3 access you will see Level 3, 2 and 1 content.


ChronicleUser (ChronicleL1)Allows user to create Chronicle entries from templates allocated to Level 1 and view any entries for students set at Level 1 access.  User will also be able to edit their own entries.
ChroniclePower (ChronicleL2)Allows user to create Chronicle entries from templates allocated to Level 1 or 2 and view any entries for students set at Level 1 or 2 access.  User will also be able to edit their own entries.
ChronicleAdmin (ChronicleL3)Allows users to create/edit/delete entries of any Level.
ChronicleConfigureAllows user to access the Chronicle Administration tab where Templates are managed.  They can add/edit/delete Chronicle Templates.

Please Note: Templates set up for use in creating entries of a sensitive nature may be structured to allow Level 1 users access to use the Template but entries created from this Template will be set at Level 3 for visibility.  In cases where a user creates an entry that is set to be visible only to staff with a higher level of access than their own, they will still be able to view their entry. 

An example may be where a significant wellbeing issue may have been observed by a staff member with Level 1 Chronicle access.  They are required to make an entry on the applicable student's profile.  The entry type is set to be visible only to staff with Level 3 access.  The staff member who created the entry will still be able to see it, even though it is at a higher visibility access than they have because they created it.

Creating Chronicle Entries

For information on creating a Chronicle entry, please refer to the 'VIC - Creating a Chronicle Entry' article from our Knowledge Base.

Managing Existing Entries from a Student Profile

There are a number of functions you can complete once a Chronicle entry has been created. To access an entry, go to the applicable student's profile page in Compass.


Staff are able to comment on the post by typing in the 'Enter a comment...' box and then clicking 'Post'.


Where the Chronicle entry has multiple students involved, if the staff member wants their comment added to this Chronicle entry for all the involved students they would type in their comment and then tick 'Post to all involved students'.
If they just want their comment on this specific student's entry, leave it unticked.

Please Note: If the Chronicle entry is set as visible to parents/students then any comments added are also visible to them.  

Clicking the little grey triangle icon for an entry will open up a menu. 
Your access to items listed in the menu will be based on your Chronicle permission level, if you created the entry and also the settings at the template level for this entry type.


Append EntryThis allows you to create another entry as an Appendage to this existing entry.  This is useful when a certain entry type requires additional action and you want to keep it connected.
Set RatingAllows you to change the Rating set for the entry (this will also determine the background colour of the entry on the student profile).  Entries are rated as either Green, Yellow, Red or Grey.  Each school determines what structure they use to determine what type of entries are rated what colour.
Set Security LevelAllows you to adjust the staff access Level for the entry.
Parent/Student VisibilityAllows you to set the visibility for parents and/or students.
Resolve for 'student name'Mark the entry as Resolved for the named student.
Resolve for EveryoneMark the entry as Resolved for all involved students.
Print LetterIf there is an associated Letter communication for the entry this allows you to download a pdf of the letter without having to fully open the entry to access it.
Download PDF
This option allows you to download a pdf of the entry to your device.
Pin to Student ProfileAllows you to pin the entry to the student's profile which will also make it easily accessible for reference from rolls.  Please see the section on Pins in the 'VIC - Creating a Chronicle Entry' article from our Knowledge Base for more details on this function.
Edit/View DetailsAllows you to open the entry and view/edit content.
DeleteAllows you to delete the entry.  Please proceed with caution.

Each post also has a number of icons beneath the staff member's photo who created the post to indicate key information in relation to that entry.


Resolved Status - 

  •   Green Tick: Post has been 'Resolved' for all students.
  •   Green Tick Outline: Post has been 'Resolved' for one or more student/s involved

Staff Visibility Level - 
This icon you see here indicates which level of Chronicle permission access that staff require to see the entry.  
One person with a dark blue topStaff with Level 1 Chronicle access can see the entry
One person with a charcoal topStaff with Level 2 Chronicle access can see the entry
A PadlockStaff with Level 3 Chronicle access can see the entry
Please Note: the staff member who created the entry can always see it regardless of if the entry type is of a higher permission level than the staff member who created it has.

Parent/Student Visibility - 
The icon you see here indicates if the entry is visible or not to parents and/or students.
Two people greyed outEntry is hidden to both students and parents
Two peopleEntry is visible to both students and parents
One person with a green topEntry is visible to parents only
One person with a blue topEntry is visible to student only


Point Total - 
  •     Points: Number of +/- points awarded to this entry.

Chronicle Communications

Information on letters, emails or sms' that are generated from Chronicle entries can be found in 'VIC - Creating a Chronicle Entry' article from our Knowledge Base.

Approving Chronicle Entries

For information on Chronicle Notification Chains and the approval process, please refer to the 'VIC - Creating a Chronicle Entry' article from our Knowledge Base.

Chronicle Summary

A Chronicle Summary is available at the top of every student Chronicle feed, which shows an overall number of entries made within each category that administrators have chosen to include, for the current and previous academic years.


The Summary filters entries per category in order to determine patterns in student behaviour.

Clicking on each category will give you drill down data of the number of entries made in the last 7 and 14 days. 


The 'Tools' button will allow you to view all Chronicle entries a student has received by clicking the 'View Full' option.



The 'Print Letters' option will allow you to bulk print letters for the student for filtered entry types in a filtered date range.  Letters printed will only be from entry types that you have permission to access.


Staff with the ChronicleAdmin permission level will have the option to 'Resolve Bulk Chronicle Entries' for the student also under the 'Tools' menu.
This allows you to filter for entry types and Resolve all entries that fit your filtered data.


Chronicle Reports

To access a range of Chronicle reports for all students, go to the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and click on 'Chronicle'.  
Click to the 'Summary' tab.  You can use the filters to view on the summary graph.

Content is restricted to your level of Chronicle access.


You can click 'Chronicle Reports' to access a range of futher reports on Chronicle entries.


Detailed ReportAllows you to use a range of filters to generate an exportable report.  There are a range of file types you can select from for the exported data.
Pinned Entries ReportAllows you to use a range of filters to generate an exportable report of Pinned entries.  There are a range of file types you can select from for the exported data.
Chronicle Points SummaryAllows you to download a csv file of entries with points associated within a selected date range.
Category Analysis HeatmapAllows you to analyse category data by form with heatmap indicators.  Data can be exported as csv or pdf.
Template Analysis HeatmapAllows you to analyse template data by form with heatmap indicators.  Data can be exported as csv or pdf.
Template Analysis by Month ReportAllows you to analyse template data by month for year levels.
Print Bulk LettersAllows you to use a range of filters to generate the associated Letter communication for entries in bulk.
Chronicle Communication Failure ReportAllows you to ascertain any entries with associated email or sms communications that have failed to send.  Failure to send is usually related to the intended recipient not having a registered email/mobile in Compass or the student not have an parent/guardian associated.  It can also occur if the intended recipient has contact restriction setting in place.

Tip: The 'Chronicle Reports' button is also accessible on the 'Dashboard' tab of the Chronicle page.

Victorian Suspension Census Export
To export the data required for this Census, click 'Chronicle Reports' on the 'Dashboard' tab and select 'Victorian Suspension Census Export'.


This will open a pop-up.  Set the date range required.  Choose the applicable template, or templates, that you want included in the export.


Make any other applicable selections for Year Levels, Houses and Form Groups.  Click 'Generate CSV' and the exported file will download to your device.

Please note, for a Template to be used in this export, the Template must include three specific fields, 'Suspension Start Date', 'Suspension End Date' and 'Suspension Type'.  Templates that do not contain these three fields will not meet the criteria required for inclusion in this export type.


The Chronicle Page

You can access the Chronicle page by going to the Organisation menu (grid icon) and selecting 'Chronicle'.

The page contains a series of tabs that contain information about Chronicle entries across the school.  The entries you see here will be based on your Chronicle permission level.

Dashboard Tab

The 'Dashboard' tab of the Chronicle module also shows a summary of the Compass Sickbay entries for all students, and whether or not they are currently in Sickbay.


Chronicle Sickbay entries can only be made from the Dashboard tab of the module, the template does not appear in the normal list of available options when staff click the 'Create a new Chronicle Entry' button anywhere in Compass. For further information on how to use the Chronicle Sickbay, please refer to the Sickbay article.

My Entries Tab

The 'My Entries' tab displays all entries you have created. From here you can click the Edit button (pencil icon) at the far right to make any changes to the entry.


All Approved Entries Tab

This tab shows all Chronicle entries that have gone through the full approval process. From here you can see point allocations, the approver and the date of creation for each entry, as well as view (or edit if you have the applicable permission level) the entries if necessary.


House Totals Tab

This tab allows schools to use the Chronicle module to manage their school's House points system. A summary of each House and their points total (both positive and negative) can be viewed here.


Summary Tab

This tab allows you to graph entries by category, per year level, form group, template type and date range to give a clear depiction of entry numbers for the filtered criteria. 

From this tab (and the Dashboard) you can also run a Chronicle Report for further filtering options. Please refer to the 'Chronicle Reports' section above for more details on running these reports.

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