You can use the Compass School Manager app to add or view Chronicle entries for students.
Doing so via the App allows you to record an incident easily and promptly on the go from your device.
Staff access to create, edit or view Chronicle entries via the App will be based on the Chronicle permission level they have been assigned. For information on the range of Chronicle permissions available and how to assign them, please refer to the Permission article from our Knowledge Base.
To view Chronicle entries you have made, from your homescreen in the App, tap the More menu in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Then from the listed options, tap on 'Chronicle'.
This will take you to your list of entries. You can scroll through them to see the overview or tap on an existing entry to view the details.
You can create a new Chronicle entry from a few locations within the App; within a Roll, on a student's profile or from the 'My Entries' screen.
With a Roll:
Tap on the student's name and choose the 'Add Chronicle Entry' option.
Via a Student's Profile:
Use the search option at the top of your homescreen
Type in the student's name and tap on them from the list that displays.
Within their profile, swipe across to the Chronicle tab. Click the blue icon in the bottom right to add an Entry.
From the 'My Entries' screen:
You can tap the blue icon in the bottom right to add a new entry from this screen.
Whichever access method you choose, once you are in the new entry screen, choose the Template you require for your entry and then work through the required fields.
If you need to add to the Notification Chain, tap that field.
Tap the blue icon to add staff.
Key in the name and select the staff member from the searched list. In the pop-up choose the Group and Mode setting for that staff member. Tap 'Add'.
Continue to add any staff as needed to the Notification Chain for this entry. Tap 'Create Entry' in the top right to go back to the main details of the entry.
If you created the entry from a student's profile page or from a student within a roll, that student will already be added to the Student tab of this entry (go to the Student tab if you need to add additional students). If you created the entry from the 'My Entries' screen, you will need to go to the Student tab within the entry and add the student or students applicable.
When you have added the applicable student or students, swipe back to the Details tab to complete your entry.
When you have added all the information for the entry, tap the disk icon in the top right to save the entry.
The entry will now be added to the student's (or students) profile. If there is a notification chain in place, it will be triggered. When the entry is fully approved any associated SMS or Email communications will be issued.
To comment on a student's Chronicle entry, go to the student's profile within the App and swipe across to their Chronicle tab.
Locate the entry and tap the 'Comment' option.