


What is Digest?

Chronicle Digest is a notification and summary module which allows staff to subscribe to Chronicle entries for specified students to easily monitor  issues in wellbeing, attendance, behaviour or other areas. The Chronicle Digest appears on the home page of staff, under their daily schedule.

Digest subscriptions can be customised by staff to allow monitoring of individual students, year levels, form groups, and houses, as well as timetabled classes, types of Chronicle posts, and attendance alerts. Digest configuration is specific to each user, and the posts displayed are affected by the user's Chronicle permissions.

Module Pre-requisites


Digest displays information that has been entered into Chronicle entries - so your school needs to be using Chronicle in order to maximise the usefulness of the Digest module. The more your school uses Chronicle, the more useful your Digest subscription will be.


Users will require the DigestUser permission. This can be assigned either from within the Compass Permission Manager (available under the Tools menu (cog icon) > Administration Tools), or your directory service on your server (e.g. Active Directory or Open Directory).


Digest appears on the front page of Compass when a staff member logs in, under their schedule for the day. The items that appear in a user's Digest Feed are based on the current subscriptions that have been configured by that user.  All Digest subscriptions are configured on an individual level - staff members must configure their own subscriptions.

Clicking on a record will provide full details of the incident, including any comments that have been added by other users. From this pop-out you can access the students Compass Profile by clicking on their name. From the student's profile staff can browse all Chronicle posts about the student, and all comments.


For entries you have created (or any entry for staff with the ChronicleAdmin permission) you can choose to resolve a Chronicle post from the Digest view by clicking the 'Resolve' option in the top right.

If the entry related to more than one student, you will have the option to resolve only for the student whose entry you are currently viewing or all involved students.


Chronicle posts will appear in your dashboard for up to two weeks (Last 14 teaching days). Adding a comment to an existing Chronicle post will add it back into the Digest feed, as the two week cut off is based on the post date of the original Chronicle entry, or any comments on the entry. There is no limit to the number of Chronicle posts that can be included in the Digest.

The Digest feed will display the colour rating of the incident, the student's name and form group, the type of incident, as well as the date the incident was recorded on Compass. If an item has a thin grey line next to it, as highlighted in the example above next to Cho Chang, this indicates that a comment has been added to the original Chronicle entry. You will also be able to view the comment when clicking on the item in your Digest.

The incident types and use of rating colours is dependent upon the policy of your school, so please speak with the Compass Sponsor at your school for clarification on this.


The ability to view Chronicle Digest items is based on Chronicle permissions. For example, if you only have ChronicleUser permissions, your Digest will not display Chronicle entries set to be visible to Power or Admin permissions. 

Setting up Chronicle Digest

Creating Digest Subscriptions

A user can create or modify their Digest subscriptions from their home screen in Compass.

Clicking the grey arrow in the Chronicle Digest section will display a drop down list with an option to 'Configure my Digest', which allows a user to add, remove, or modify a subscription.

Tip: The drop-down menu here also displays a grey check box for "Show Resolved Items". This is where staff can modify whether they see resolved Chronicle posts or only posts that require actioning. 

Group Subscriptions

Adding a Group Subscription allows the user to subscribe to groups of people within the school. Each of the subscription options is "and also are in...", so selecting information from multiple options, such as Year 12 and Year 11, as well as house Gryffindor in the screenshot below will result in a subscription of only students who are in either year 11 or 12 and in Gryffindor. If you wanted to subscribe to all students in Gryffindor AND all year 12 students (from any house), you would make two separate Group Subscriptions.

Tip: Keep in mind you can have as many Digest subscriptions as you want, so there's no harm in creating multiple subscriptions.

User Subscriptions
User subscriptions allows you to select specific students or various groups (such as years, forms, houses, or a class), and then either subscribe to everyone within that group, or edit the list of included students so you only track certain users. 

Tip: You can also subscribe to students based on the custom flag assigned to them by clicking the 'Advanced' button. For further information on Custom Flags please see the Knowledge Base article on the topic.

Chronicle Entry Types

You can choose to subscribe to All Ratings and All Categories, or just specific ones, based on your preferences.  

When choosing which Ratings to subscribe to it's important to understand how your school uses the rating colours. Compass has specifically not attributed meaning to the colours so that your school can decide for itself what each colour indicates. If you're unsure, the safest choice is to choose "All Ratings".

The categories that you see listed from the drop-down are categories that Chronicle templates are sorted into, and allows you to sort by the posts that are most relevant to you.  For example the Wellbeing Officer at the school may choose to only subscribe to categories that relate to wellbeing - such as Attitude & Behaviour or Wellbeing, or something similar that your school may have specifically configured.

Attendance Flags

Attendance flags allow you to see alerts about different types of attendance situations through your Digest feed. These appear at the top of the Digest feed with a small orange flag next to them. To see further details of each item simply click on it in your feed, and further details will expand out on the right, as in the screenshot below.

You can choose to subscribe to a range of different types of attendance information within Compass.


For more information on these flags, simply hover over the (i) icon next to “Flag Types:”


Please keep in mind - your school must be using Compass for attendance for attendance flags to accurately show alerts.
Can't see attendance flags?
Please send an email to Compass Support on support@compass.education requesting that these be turned on for your school.  This email must come from the Compass Sponsor or a member of the school's leadership team.

Once you have configured your subscription, click Save and the subscription will be listed in your Digest settings page. Posts will now begin to be displayed in your Digest section on your Dashboard.

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