The Semester Reports module allows administrators to set up reporting cycles, teachers to write their reports and review their colleagues' reports, and the completed reports to be published to students and parents.
The subjects, classes, and appropriate teachers for the reports are taken straight out of the information already in Compass.
This Admin Guide article will detail functionality required for Reporting Administrators. As the Reporting Administrator you will need to create and configure the reporting cycle, and set up the grading criteria for the subjects.
The Semester Reports article details reporting functionality for general staff.
There are two permissions that pertain to administering Semester Reports:
ReportsAdmin - This allows the user to create/edit/delete Semester Report cycles. This also allows the user to edit the School-Wide Comment Bank.
ReportsPower - This allows the user to enter results for classes they are not associated with, when using the Semester Reports module
If you do not have the required permission please speak with your IT Manager who can assist you with this.
For more information on permissions within Compass please see the Knowledge Base article titled 'Permissions'.
Under the Teaching and Learning menu (pencil icon) select 'Semester Reports'. This will take you to the Reporting Cycles page where you will see all existing cycles for your school.
You can see at a glance the type and access for each cycle.
There are two types of reports, 'Writer' and 'Publisher'.
Writer - The reports in the cycle were created and written in Compass using the Reports Writer module.
Publisher - The reports in the cycle were uploaded as pdf files into Compass using the Reports Publisher module.
Yes | No | |
Staff Access | Staff can download a pdf version of the student's report for that cycle from the student's profile page. | Staff cannot access student reports for this cycle. |
Student Access | Students can download their own report for this cycle from their profile page within their Compass student portal. | Students cannot access their report for this cycle. |
Parent Access | Parents can download their child's (or children's) report for this cycle from within their Compass parent portal. | Parents cannot access their child's (or children's) report for this cycle. |
Upload Reports | Click this to upload pdf files of student reports. Please note, for 'Writer' type cycles, this is only for students who are not having their report written in Compass i.e. modified reports. For details on how to do this, please read the 'Uploading PDFs to Report Writer Cycles' section in the 'Reporting Publisher' article from our Knowledge Base. |
Edit report cycle | Click to edit the cycle name. |
*Enter Results | Click to go to the Result Entry screen for the cycle. |
*Launch Reviewer | Click to review entered results for the cycle. |
Delete | Click to delete the cycle. Please proceed with extreme caution as deleting a cycle will delete all results and information pertaining to the cycle. Deleted cycles cannot be retrieved. |
*These are the only icons general staff will see when accessing the Reporting Cycles page. Only staff with the ReportsAdmin permission will have access to all icons.
Staff with the ReportsAdmin permission can click the title of a cycle to go into that cycle and configure the settings.
For details on creating a new Reporting cycle, please refer to the 'Administering a Semester Report Cycle' article from our Knowledge Base.
Within the Semester Reports module, there is a wide range of possible Report Elements that you can select for use when creating Reports.
To do so, go to 'Semester Reports' under the Teaching and Learning menu (pencil icon). This will take you to the Reports Management page. Click to the 'Report Elements' tab.
You will see an 'Included' section and an 'Excluded' section. Any Report Elements listed under 'Included' will be listed in Report cycles available for selection. Any Report Elements listed under 'Excluded' will not show in the list of possible Report Elements available for selection within a cycle.
If you no longer use a specific Report Element in your reports, you can remove it from being listed within cycles by putting it in the 'Excluded' section. To do so, locate the element in the 'Included' section and click it. You will see the item relocate to the 'Excluded' section.
If you want to make a different Report Element available within cycles, locate the Element in the 'Excluded' section and click it. You will see the Element move to the 'Included' list.
If you want to import Previous Results into your Semester cycle, you have the following options:
Please refer to the Reports Content Tab section of the 'Cycle Settings' article from our Knowledge base for details on the available Previous Results settings in student reports.
If you include the Attendance reporting Element you will then get to configure what Attendance Import Bounds (the date range for included attendance data) should be used if any of your teachers import the attendance data for their class. Please keep in mind two things -
You can download individual reports by clicking the Download Report icon on the student's row on the 'Enrolments' tab within the reporting cycle. The icon is highlighted in the image below.
This allows you to preview your reports as they're being setup, and is helpful during the setup process to decide if you like the settings you've selected. Keep in mind you will need to set a subject to Completed in order to see how the header and the elements you've setup will look on the finished report.
For staff who do not have the ReportsAdmin permission to be able to preview reports, you will need to have published the reporting cycle to 'Staff'. This will allow staff to go to a student's profile page, click to their 'Reports' tab and access the latest version of the report for the cycle.
To publish to staff, go into the applicable reporting cycle and click 'Cycle Settings'
On the 'Settings' tab, tick 'Staff' under the 'Published Report Access' section. Click 'Save'.
You can set the order in which subjects display in student reports.
To do so, click into the cycle and click the 'Order on PDF' column for the subject to allocate a number.
2. When a student has a modified report uploaded for the cycle - If you have students that get extremely modified reports that you would prefer to write using an alternative method (for example Microsoft Word or similar) you can disable their Automatic Generation and upload a pdf of their full report once it is completed using the steps outlined in 'Uploading PDFs to Report Writer Cycles' section of the Knowledge Base article titled 'Report Publisher'.
If you need to view/edit results as the Reporting Administrator, in the reporting cycle, click 'Enter Results'.
Select the applicable class teacher and then select the applicable class.
The details for this class will load and you can view/edit.
Editing Results after the Classes have been set as Read-only
If you have set all the classes in a reporting cycle to 'Read-only' to prevent staff from editing results and you need to make an edit (or allow a teacher to make an edit), you will need to set the affected class (or classes) back to 'Open'.
To do so, in the cycle, click into the applicable subject.
Scroll down to the Classes section and you will see the classes set as 'Read-only'. Click 'Open' for the applicable class that requires the result edits. Then click 'Save and Close'.
The teacher will then be able to access the Results Entry screen for the class to make the edit.
If you, as the Reporting Administrator, are making the edit, you can click 'Results Entry' in the cycle to access the class.
Once the edits are completed, you will need to set the class back to 'Read-only'. You can do this individually by clicking into the Subject and scrolling to the Classes section. Set the applicable class to 'Read-only' and click 'Save and Close'.
Alternatively, if you have made edits across multiple classes, you can bulk update all 'Open' classes back to 'Read-only' by selecting all the subjects and clicking 'Bulk Actions'. Choose 'Update status of ALL classes in completed subjects'.
In the pop-up set 'Class Types' as 'Open'. Set 'Change to' as 'Read-Only' and then click 'Update'.
This will update any open classes to read-only preventing any further edits to results.
If you had set the student reports to have auto-generation disabled, you will then need to regenerate the reports to ensure the version downloaded includes the latest edits.
To do this, click to the 'Enrolments' tab.
If the edits only affected a few students, locate the students in the list and select them (if the edits affect quite a lot of the students, select all).
Click 'Selected Enrolments' and choose 'Regenerate Reports'.
This will trigger the selected reports to update to the latest version and the date/time stamp in the 'Generation Status' column will be updated to reflect this.
Whether you choose Closed Comments or Open Comments determines how the comments will be displayed on the published reports. Closed Comments display as bullet points, and Open Comments display in paragraph form (regardless of whether or not the teacher used comments from a Comment Bank when writing the comments).
How closed comments display while writing reports:
Teachers must select the comment from the School-Wide Comment Bank, they are unable to freely type into the Comment box. Closed comments will display on the report in the order they are added.
How closed comments display on the published report:
Closed comments will always display as bullet points and prefer to display as half the width of the page to optimise the use of space.
Within a cycle you can click 'Exports' to access a range of data.
Outstanding/Missing Results | Downloads a .csv file which you can open in any spreadsheet application. This lists the teacher, the subjects, their classes, the number of outstanding results they have yet to complete, and the teacher's email address. The Results field is calculated as the total number of blank responses they have in Open reporting cycles. |
Outstanding/Missing Results (Detailed) | Downloads a .csv file which you can open in any spreadsheet application. This lists the subject, class, student name, student code, year level, form group, house, assessment type and assessment item that is still outstanding. |
Report View Count Statistics | A .csv file that lists the student name, student code, reporting cycle, and view count of the report file as logged by the student, parent, and staff members. |
AusVELS Export | Downloads an .xml file of the AusVELS results for this cycle in the correct format to be imported back into CASES21. |
Results Distribution | This export allows you to analyse student performance data. |
Victorian Curriculum CASES21 (PRS212) | For information on exporting your Semester results to import into CASES21 please refer to our Knowledge Base article 'Importing Semester Results into CASES21' |
All Results | This exports all the reports that have been entered for the cycle as a .csv file. This data can be analysed in a myriad of ways using your spreadsheet applications table functions. The file contains student name, student code, class name, teacher name, assessment type, assessment description, and the results or comments the teacher recorded. |
Report PDFs (Ungrouped | Downloads a .zip file containing the PDF files of every report, with the files titled as StudentID.pdf. |
Report PDFs (By Form) | Downloads a .zip file containing the PDF files of every report, with the files titled as StudentID.pdf, in folders based on their form group. |
Inconsistent Victorian Curriculum Report | Use this export to review any inconsistent Victorian Curriculum results. |
Result Statistics | Allows you to export result statistics for student cohorts. |
Learning Tasks GPA Export | This will export a CSV of all your Learning Task GPA results included in the current reporting cycle. |