

A separate Knowledge Base article exists for Attendance management. Click here for more information.

How to Mark Your Roll

When you log into Compass, your homepage will be displayed.  A display of your schedule, including all of your classes for the day, is located on the left of the screen.  Select which roll you would like to mark by clicking on the corresponding class session within the schedule. 

Classes in a schedule yet to be marked will display with a red and white striped bar on the left-hand side. Any classes that have been marked will display with a solid green bar. 

Clicking on the relevant class session from your schedule or another staff’s schedule will open up the Dashboard of the Class Page.

The date, class session start time and ‘Current Session’ will display. Click on 'Mark the Roll', located on the right-hand side to open the roll for this session.


The class roll of all currently enrolled students in the class will be displayed.


Compass’ intelligent attendance system will preselect the status of students dependent on current attendance information. If any attendance information is detected, Compass will display the status and the reason.

For Example: A parent has added an Attendance Note via their parent portal or the app to inform the school their child will not be at school today as child is ill. The student's status will display as Not Present - NP: Medical/Illness on the roll.
If Compass does not detect any attendance information the student's status will be preselected P - Present.

As the teacher, you just need to verify the preselected statuses are right with the students in front of you and make any relevant attendance status changes.

To change a student’s attendance status, click on the corresponding radio button beside their name to reflect the appropriate status (see table below):

PPresent - Student is present in the class and arrived before or at the start of the session.
NPNot Present - Student is not present in the class.
LLate - Student arrived at class after the designated start time of the session. 

Once the attendance status for each student has been correctly selected (or left at the default value if correct), click ‘Save Roll’ on the top right-hand side to save all changes.  The pink bar at the top of the roll will then change from pink to green and a green pop-up will state the roll is saved.

Each time a roll is marked it is date and time stamped with the staff member's name who saved the roll. This information is displayed at the bottom of all marked rolls under Previous Markings.


Click the 'Close' button at the top right-hand side to return to your class page.


You will now notice the indicator bar on the 'Mark the Roll' button for this session has changed from a red and white striped bar to a solid green bar on the left-hand side. 


This indicator bar will reflect that the roll for the session has been marked throughout Compass. Classes in a schedule yet to be marked will display with a red and white striped bar on the left-hand side. Any classes that have been marked will display with a solid green bar.

You can re-mark a roll at any time. For example, if a student has been marked as Not Present (NP) for a class when the roll was first marked and they have arrived late, you can go back into the roll and mark them as Late (L). Please note: this will not approve the student's late arrival, this will only change the status of their whereabouts. A note/approval will be required to cover the time that the student was not in class.

Each time you go in to a roll to make and save changes, the Previous Marking list at the bottom of the roll will display the date and time stamp of each save with the staff member's name.

Adding a Note/Approval from the Roll

If the school has allowed teaching staff to add notes and approvals to approve student absences or late arrivals, teaching staff will be able add these from the Roll or on the student's Profile Page. You can turn this feature on or off by contacting the Compass Support Team via

You do not need to go to the specific roll for the date of the Attendance Note, you can add the Attendance Note from any roll the student is listed on.

Click the add note icon for the student and the attendance note screen will open.

You can then add the approval details that were provided from the parent (reason, comment, date range) and click 'Save'.  The Attendance Note will then be added to the student's record and their attendance data will update accordingly.


Notes and Checkboxes

Teachers can use the note boxes on the roll to keep ad-hoc session notes or comments on each student e.g. not organised, forgot reader, lent a text book, etc. This is designed as a place for teachers to record observations or comments on student's behaviour, performance etc that they can refer back to later if needed. These note boxes do not trigger any other action a such as a detention or note/approval.


From the class page a summary of all notes made on each roll can be obtained from the Tools box on the right-hand side, by clicking ‘Roll Comment Summary’ (refer to screenshot below).


Please Note: The note box is not to be used to enter attendance information that you want to affect a student’s attendance status.  All attendance information is to be entered as an Attendance Note or School Activity.

Compass will keep a tally for each student every time a checkbox is ticked.  The teacher or school can decide what they would like to keep track of, and the tally can be obtained by clicking the ‘Roll Flag Summary’ on the class page in the Tools box (highlighted in the image above).


The school can also access a Flag Report filtered by Year Level from the Organisation menu icon (grid) > Attendance > Attendance Reports and Exports box > Filtered by Year Level > Flag Report.  

Sending an Email from the Roll

Staff have the ability to send emails directly from the class roll. In the roll, hover over the student's name until the pop-up with their profile details appears. Click the ‘Email’ button and select the relevant option.


Send an email to (Student's) teachers

This produces a box to compose an email message. This will automatically add all of the student's class teachers as recipients to the email. You can delete any of these or add other recipients at the top of the recipients box.

Send an email to (student's) parents

This option will add the student's parents to the recipients list. Please note, the student must have linked parent/guardian accounts with a valid email address to be able to send the email successfully. This is configured in your school's SIS such as Cases 21 or Denbigh, or in People Management if you manage your user accounts locally. You can also add or remove recipients from this recipient list.

For more information on sending emails using Compass, please refer to the Knowledge Base article titled "Email Communications".

Please note - When you select to email either Teachers of a student or Parents of a student, the 'Insert Context' field will be ticked indicating the email is 'Re: (Student's Name).  As soon as you add additional recipients to the email, this box will untick.  This is to ensure if you broaden the context of the email, the original's student's name is not listed in the subject line of the email.  You can re-tick the box if the email is still only in relation to that initial student.

Adding a Chronicle Entry from the Roll

To add a Chronicle entry to a student’s profile from the Roll, click on the Chronicle icon next to the student’s status.  This will open the Chronicle entry screen and you can complete the entry for that student.  For information on using Chronicle, please refer to the Chronicle article from our Knowledge Base.


Alternatively you can use the 'Add Chronicle Entry for' drop-down menu at the top of the roll. Click the drop-down arrow to view options of student groups to enter a Chronicle observation dependent on their attendance status. The group option allows you to create an observation for students based on thier attendance status on the roll.


Selecting one of the options will open the ‘Create Chronicle Entry’ window where you can enter the details of the observation. 

This will add all students with the attendance status you chose (all students, present students, not present students etc), to the chronicle entry. You can choose, however to make a separate chronicle entry for each student if you wish, by ticking the box below the students list.

You can also assign roles to each student as one of the following options: Involved, Witness, Perpetrator, Victim. This specifies their role or position in the situation you are recording.

To enter details about the observation being recorded, choose a template from the drop down box. For information on using Chronicle, please refer to the Chronicle article from our Knowledge Base.

The Communications tab allows you to write the letter of communication that can be sent out to parents to notify them of the chronicle entry. The communications log keeps a record of who comunications were sent out to regarding the chronicle entry.

You can add attachments to the chronicle entry by uploading a file or linking one from 'Google Drive'.

The notification chain of the chronicle entry is inherited from the template chosen. This outlines any staff members that have to approve or be notified of this chronicle entry when it is created.  You can add or adjust this by clicking to the Notification Chain tab within your entry.

Student Information from the Roll

You can access a variety of current information on a student from your roll. You will see some students with icons under their names or by clicking any student’s name you can view their flagged medical condition details, Chronicle information and today’s attendance data.


Roll Flags

Some students may display icons under their name on the Roll. These are Roll Flags. The information to create a Roll Flag is imported from your School Information System (SIS) e.g. CASES21, Denbigh, Integris, etc or from data entered by a school Administrator directly into Compass if your school is set to use Compass People Management only. 

Compass displays the following Roll Flags:

 Icon Flags
Access Restriction
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Student
International Student 

Medical flags appear in two forms, the Medical Condition Flag, indicating the student has a medical condition staff should be aware of, and the Anaphylaxis Flag, indicating that the student has an anaphylactic reaction in certain conditions.

To view more details about a student’s medical conditions, simply click on the student's name from the roll and a drop-down of their medical details will appear if they have either of these flags. If the student does not have any medical conditions, the drop-down will only display the student’s activities and attendance for today.

If a student has an Access Restriction indicated, staff marking the Roll will see the icon but to maintain privacy, only staff with the UserRecordsPermission will be able to access the specific details.  General staff need to speak with the applicable staff member at your school for further information.

Pinned Chronicle Flags

If a student has a Pinned Chronicle, this will display as a dark blue circle with a number -  . Pinned Chronicles are observations that are deemed important information for that student. The number pertains to the number of pinned Chronicles a student currently has. 

When viewing the detailed information (clicking on the student’s name in the roll) you will see a Chronicle Summary with the pinned Chronicle displaying a coloured square. Click on this pinned Chronicle to view the post from the student’s profile within your roll.


By clicking on a Chronicle Category the number of entries over the last 7 and 14 days will be displayed.


Please Note: You will only have access to view certain Chronicle posts depending on your permissions set by the school.
For more information on Chronicle, please refer to the Knowledge Base articles titled 'Chronicle'.

Custom Flags

Some students may display a solid coloured dot under their name on the Roll. These are Custom Flags. Your school can set up Custom Flags if they subscribe to the Custom Flags module.  

This module allows the school to apply coloured indicators to students to make staff aware of certain conditions pertaining to the student.  These indicators can be used for a range of reasons, such as attendance, academic performance, learning support, leadership roles, behavioural issues, or any other categories your school would like to make staff aware of. 

Hovering over a Custom Flag will display the name of the indicator set up by your school.


For more information on Custom Flags, including their creation and management, please refer to the Knowledge Base article titled 'Custom Flags'.

NCCD Category and Level

For students with a recorded NCCD Category and level, this information can be set to be viewed on the Roll via the 'L' flag (Learning Needs).

To do so, go to the student's user profile in People Management and on their 'Learning Needs' tab ensure that the 'Show Flag' option is ticked for that Learning Need.

Attendance Indicators (Roll Stripes)

The attendance data recorded so far for the student that day will display on the roll.


GreenPresent (on campus)
BluePresent (off campus) i.e. Excursion
RedNot Present Unexplained
OrangeNot Present Explained i.e. Medical
YellowLate (explained or unexplained)
WhiteRoll Unmarked

Roll Views

When you open a roll you can choose to view it in three ways from the drop-down field at the top right-hand side.

Photo View – Most detailed view of students.


Minimal View – Disguises all Roll Flags, Custom Flags and Chronicle indicators as White Flags. 


Grid View – A compact view with photos.

Please note, a student’s name cannot be clicked to obtain detailed information or today’s attendance in this view.


Tip: Compass will remember your preferred view and use this for all of your class rolls.

Unmarked Rolls Alert

All unmarked rolls timetabled or schedule to a staff member will appear as a notification in the pink Alerts section on your homepage (top right-hand side of the page) if the roll remains unmarked at the end of the session. 


Note: Class sessions assigned to a CRT that remain unmarked will cause a notification alert on both the CRT account and the original staff member's dashboard to ensure follow up.
To mark these rolls and remove the alert from your homepage, go to ‘click here’ which will take you to your staff profile page > Attendance tab > Rolls sub-tab. Here you will see a list of your unmarked rolls. Click on the ‘Roll’ icon on the right-hand side to mark the outstanding roll.


Please Note: All rolls are date and time stamped at the moment the roll is saved. Therefore, rolls from past sessions will be recorded as marked with the current date and time of saving.

Suggested Roll Change Alerts

Depending on the Attendance settings for your school, you may be required to approve suggested changes to one of your marked rolls.  This can occur, for example, when you have marked a student as Not Present and they have then signed in as Late at the school office.  If this is the case, you will see a 'Suggested Roll Change' alert on your dashboard.  You can click it and review the suggested update to your roll, and then accept the change (which will re-mark your roll) or not.

Please follow your school's Attendance guidelines when adjusting rolls.

For details on roll settings for Suggested Changes, please refer to the 
'Year Level Management' article from our Knowledge Base.

CRT or Staff Member Not Timetabled or Scheduled to a Class

CRTs and other staff members can use Compass to mark the roll for classes they are not timetabled or scheduled for, provided they have a Compass login. To mark the roll as a CRT or non-timetabled/scheduled staff, simply search for the relevant class using the Search bar at the top of the Compass portal.


This will take you to the class page. Click ‘Mark the Roll’. Please refer to the ‘How to Mark your Roll’ section of this article.

When you save the roll, the Previous Marking list at the bottom of the roll will display the date and time stamp of every time the roll has been saved, with marking CRT's code or staff member's name.

Tip: A covering CRT or staff member can also find a class by searching for the staff member they are covering and selecting the relevant session from the staff’s profile page to mark.
For more information on Casual Teacher Accounts (CRT) set up, please refer to the Knowledge Base article titled 'Casual Teacher Accounts (CRT)'.

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