The Year Level Management page contains the settings for each year level in Compass, such as auto-roll marking, arrival/departure behaviour, the period structure a year level is tied to and the relationship import threshold date. These settings are automatically set by Compass when your school is implemented, and should only be changed on an ad hoc basis.
To access Year Level Management, navigate to the Tools menu (cog icon) > Administration Tools > Year Level Management.
This field is the number or letter which identifies the year level. The identifier for Year 6 would be 6, Prep/Foundation would be 0. If your school uses a Kindergarten year level, this is usually identified with a K.
You will see this information in the Subject and Class screen within Compass (under the Teaching and Learning menu).This is the name of the year level, for example, Year 6 or Prep. This used throughout Compass in various locations for example, on the Attendance page and on the Subjects and Classes page.
The Period Structure field ties the Year Level to a period structure set up in Configure Schedules page. In the example of a P-12 school, the primary year levels (P-6) may be linked to a primary period structure with 2 sessions per day (AM/PM), and the secondary year levels (7-12) would be linked to a secondary period structure with multiple sessions per day.
Auto roll marking allows rolls to be ‘marked forward’, removing the need to mark multiple rolls per class. This is useful in the case of ‘double periods’ or primary schools using a non-AM/PM period structure.
P1 | 07MATA - SMITH | Conservative mode will automark session 1 to session 2 |
P2 | 07MATA - SMITH |
P1 | 07ENGA - JONES | Balanced mode will automark session 1 to session 2 |
P2 | 07SCIA - JONES |
P1 | 07HISA - KIM | Aggressive mode will automark session 1 to session 2. |
P2 | 07GEOA - KELLY |
The threshold represents the maximum interval of time in which rolls will automark into the next session. I.e. if the threshold is set to 20 minutes, any classes scheduled to start 21 minutes after the previous, will not be automarked.
Arrival/Departure behaviour determines what will occur on the marked roll when a student arrival or departure is added to Compass by a staff member.
The Relationship Import field determines the date Compass will form the relationship between Future students and their parents, regardless of the date they were imported as user accounts into Compass. For example, if the Relationship Import is set to 1/10/2020, Future students imported prior to 1/10/2020 will be imported into Compass alongside their parents, however, their relationship will not be created until the 1/10/2020.
Once the relationship is created, you are able to generate Parent Account Login Letters.