


Timetables built within the Edval Timetable Solutions package can be imported into Compass directly via the Edval program.

You can also import your Exam Timetable via Edval (for details on importing exams, please refer to the 'Edval - Importing Exams' article from our Knowledge Base).

To access Edval's range of Help articles click here.

Configure Import

Each copy of the Edval program will need to be configured to import the timetable data into Compass. To set up the import process open Edval and select 'Sync with system' from the file menu, then the 'Configuration' option.


Select 'Compass (JDLF)' from the drop down menu and then click 'Configure'.


Enter the following information into the Connection screen. Once you have entered these details click 'Test Connection' to ensure that the details are correct and the link between Edval and Compass is working correctly.

For example: https://hogwartsp12-vic.compass.education/Services/LISS/1?academicYear=2017
UsernameCompass/LDAP username
API KeyCompass API Key
(See below for further information on obtaining the API Key)
School codeLeave this field blank

Please Note: For Edval Daily, when requested for your password, enter your API Key.  The Edval Daily server address will be the same URL you use to sync Edval.


Once you have entered the necessary information and tested the connection, click 'Ok' to save.

Please note for Edval 10:

To ensure student movements are imported, please follow these steps:

1 - In Edval, go to File>Synchronise>Configure
2 - Ensure the filter is set to 'Compass'
3 - Click to the 'Other' tab
4 - Ensure 'Ignore student year-levels that Compass sends' is unticked.
5 - Next, click to the 'Sync now' tab and to the 'Manual' sub-tab.
6 - Here, ensure only 'Download students' is ticked
7 - Select today's date for the 'As at date' field
8 - Click the 'Go' button to sync.

Locating Your Compass API Key

The Compass API key is a unique code associated with each user account in Compass. User's can access their own API Key by hovering over the Tools menu (cog icon) at the top right of Compass, and selecting 'My API Key' from the dropdown menu.


This will take the user to the My API Key page. Copy the API Key, which is highlighted in the image below, and paste it into the 'Sync Configuration' window in Edval as the API Key. 


If a user's API Key is reset (using the 'Reset API Key' button at the right in the image above) the new API Key will need to be entered into Edval.

Importing Timetable via Edval

Please ensure that you have configured an academic year into which you can import your timetable.

This academic year is configured in the URL in the 'Sync Configuration' window in Edval. If this is incorrectly configured, you will lose classes and attendance data associated with those classes. This is particularly important if you are importing a "Head Start" or "Jump Start" timetable to promote students to their next year level (usually undertaken in November or December).

To sync a timetable with Compass select the 'Sync now' option within the Edval File menu (File > Sync with system > Sync now) or using the keyboard shortcut "Crtl + K".

The Auto sync settings in Edval allow you to select the date range which will be imported into Compass. To import into Compass select "Go!". We recommend importing a Semester at a time (e.g. From "now" to the end of Term 2, or for second semester from "now" to the end of Term 4).

Imports currently being run in Compass can be viewed via the Import Jobs page (Tools menu [cog icon] > Administration Tools > Import Jobs)

Importing Exam Timetables via Edval

You can import your Exam schedule via Edval into Compass however it needs to be completed as a separate process to your regular sync.

Please refer to the 'Edval - Importing Exams' article from our Knowledge Base for details on this process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 'currently relevant Academic Year'?

The currently relevant Academic Year is the academic year that has been configured in Compass as the current information Compass should be displaying in the portal. This includes information such as the current classes assigned to teaching staff, the current enrolments for students and the current financial year. (Conceptually an Academic Year allows differentiation between the calendar year and the academic year, as well as allows for unique Headstart situations.)

Where do I find the 'currently relevant Academic Year' information?

Navigate to the Tools menu (cog icon) > Administration Tools > Configure Schedules, then click on the 'Academic Years' link in the left-hand column you will see a list of the academic years recorded in Compass:


The currently relevant Academic Year will be indicated with a 'Yes' in the 'Is Relevant' column. This information can be changed or updated at any time based on the needs of the school; please refer to the Knowledge Base article titled 'Configure Schedules' for further information.

When I test the connection between Edval and Compass, it says the connection failed.

Some Compass schools have recently been updated to a new portal address which follows the naming convention "schoolname-vic.compass.edu.au" instead of the "schoolname.vic.jdlf.com.au" addresses we were previously using. If your school has migrated to the new URL convention, please ensure that the URL in the System Configuration setup of Edval has also been updated to reflect the new address.

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