You can import your Exam schedule via Edval into Compass however it needs to be completed as a separate process to your regular sync.
You will need to configure your exam timetable in Edval Daily (web) using the Exam wizard in the Daily menu (when in Edval, you can refer to the Edval Knowledge Base article titled 'Edval Daily (web):Examination Module' for more information on this process).
Exams will import as an Activity that will display on the applicable staff and student schedules (you can have multiple locations per exam and if you have the Multiple Teachers per Instance attribute enabled for your school, you can also have multiple staff per exam. It is important to note that this is not compatible with the Room Swaps feature).
The Exam sessions can have roll marking enabled and will be set to the applicable Present Attendance Code for your school.
Staff can access the exam activity page by clicking through from their schedule. The exam's page will contain a series of tabs.
Dashboard Tab - Contains the staff, location and roll information for the Exam activity
Schedule Tab - Will show the schedule for this activity
Resources Tab - Staff can store any related internal resources here (note: students cannot access the exam page and will not be able to access these resources)
Enrolments Tab - Will list all student enrolments for this exam activity
Sessions Tab - Will list each session for the activity
There is also an Exam calendar layer (similar to the Events layer) which can be viewed by staff on the Calendar page (accessed by clicking the Calendar icon at the top of the Compass portal) to see all exams scheduled.
To import your Exam Timetables, firstly, you will need to ensure your school's portal has this function enabled. Please contact our Support Team via email to to confirm.
Configure your exam timetable in Edval using the Wizard on the 'Exams' tab.
Then follow these steps:
You can view the progress of the import from the Import Jobs page (Click 'Administration Tools' under the cog menu icon, select 'Import Jobs' from the menu; you will see an import line called 'Exams' which includes which Academic Year the exams have imported into).