Canteen Administration

Canteen Administration


The Canteen Management page is located under the Organisation menu (grid icon) and is where menus are are generated and orders managed.  

For information on how staff can make orders, please refer to the 'Canteen' article from our Knowledge Base.  For information on student orders, please refer to the 'Student Canteen Orders' article.


To access the Canteen Management page, staff require either the CanteenAdmin or CanteenPower permission.

For information on permissions in Compass, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.

Canteen Management Page

The page will show you any menus that have been created at your school.  You can click the title to go into the menu and manage items.  You can click the edit pencil icon to edit the details for the menu. You can see in the Status column if a menu is in 'Draft' or 'Published' form.  If 'Published' it means it is accessible from the ordering screen.


Create a Menu

To create a new menu, you can use the page icon to duplicate an existing menu.  This allows you to use a current menu as a starting foundation.

Alternatively you can create a new menu from scratch by clicking the 'Add Menu' option.


Fill in the details for your new menu.


Name Key in the name for your menu.
DescriptionAdd a description for your menu, ie Pizza Day is a fundraiser to raise funds for the playground upgrade.
Menu Access:This defaults to the menu being accessible to all year levels at your school. To restrict the menu to specific year levels only, select all the applicable year levels who should have access from the drop-down list.  Note:If you save the menu with this field blank, it will save as defaulted for all years to access.
Company NameAdd the Service Provider.
Contact EmailAdd a contact email if applicable.
ABNAdd the Provider's ABN if applicable.
YearSet the year the menu will be available in.
StatusThis will default to 'Draft', we recommend leaving it as 'Draft' until you have finished adding all items.  You can then edit the menu and set the Status as 'Published' to make it accessible for orders.

When you have added all the information, click 'Save'.

You will then see your menu in the list.  Click the title to go into that menu where you can begin to add items.


When clicking into a menu, you will see a series of tabs. 


On this tab you can add and manage items available for this menu.

Please Note: You cannot add items until you have at least one 'Tag' created.  Please see the section on the 'Tags' tab for details on this.

To add a menu item, click the 'Add Menu Item' button.  A pop-up will show for you to fill in details about the item.


NameAdd the name of the menu item.
DescriptionAdd any information about the item.
PriceAdd a price for the item.
GSTChoose to indicate if the price includes GST or not.
TagsChoose the applicable tag or tags for this item from your available list.
Parents Can OrderTick this if parent's can order on behalf of their child/children.
Students Can OrderTick this if students can order.
Staff Can OrderTick this if staff can order.

To upload an image for the item, click the image area and choose the image file from your device to upload. 

When you have completed the information, click 'Save' to have the item added to the menu. 

To edit an existing item, click the edit pencil icon, make your changes and click 'Save'. 

To edit the image of an item, click the edit pencil icon to open the item, double-click the image area, select the image file from your device and upload.
To remove the image of an item, click the edit pencil icon to open the item, click the image area and click 'Remove'.

To archive items from the menu, select the item (or items) and click the 'Selected' button, then choose 'Archive'.

Tags Tab

On this tab within the menu you can set up 'Tags' which are essentially ways to categorise and label food.

Please Note: Each menu item must have at least one Tag so please ensure you set up your Tag or Tags before attempting to add items to the menu.


To add a Tag, click the 'Add Tag' button.  In the pop-up give the Tag a name and then tick the applicable box to define the Tag as a Category or an Attribute.


Defining the Tag as a Category will sort any item that has that Tag associated into that Category when being located on the Canteen's POS machine i.e. You could create a Tag for 'Hot Food' and set it as a Category.  Any menu item you then add this Tag to will show as an option under the Category of 'Hot Food'.

Defining the Tag as an Attribute means any menu item with this tag will show that information i.e.if you have a Tag for Vegan, you can set the Tag as an Attribute.  Any food item you then add the Vegan Tag to will display the information that the item is Vegan.


To edit an existing Tag, click the associated edit pencil icon, make your change and then click 'Save'.

To archive a Tag, select the Tag (or Tags) in the list and then click 'Selected' and choose 'Archive'.

Availabilities Tab

This tab is where you can add the date or dates that this menu is available.  


To add Availabilities, click the 'Add Availability' button.


Available DatesSelect the Date the menu is available
StartSelect the Start time/period items can be purchased i.e. Lunch Period
FinishSelect the Finish time/period items can be purchased.
Ordering ClosesSelect the time orders close, then select from the drop-down the day the odering will close.
Cancelling ClosesSet the time order cancellation closes, then from the drop-down set the day.
Parents/Students can orderTick if Parents/Students can order from this menu on this date.
Staff can orderTick if staff can order from this menu on this date.

If you are just generating the one Availability date for this menu, click 'Save'.

If you want to generate multiple Availabilities at once, you can use the Repeat function.  To do so, in the Available Dates section of the pop-up, select the first date that you want to make this menu available.  Fill in the other fields for Start, Finish etc.  Tick the 'Repeat' option.
Fill in the Repeat Pattern fields i.e. if it is the main canteen menu for the term and you want it to run each week until the end of term, you would put '1' in the 'Repeat every' field, and in the 'weeks until' field, put the last date of the term.
Then tick the box for each day of the week you want the menu available i.e. if you school canteen operates Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then tick the box for Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


You can tick the 'Teaching Days Only' box to ensure availabilities are only generated on designated teaching days at your school i.e. if there was a Public Holiday on one of the Mondays in the term, an available menu would not be created for that date.
Click 'Save'.

You will then see the Availability (or Availabilities if you used the Repeat option) populate the tab.


To edit an Availability, click the associated edit pencil icon.  You can change who can order, Order closing times etc.

Within each Availability you can set how items are available.  By default all items in the menu are available for ordering Online and in the Canteen.  If you need to change this, select the item or items, click 'Selected' and then 'Change Order Status'. 


Choose the Order Status you want to apply to the selected items.  Click 'Save' to update your changes.


Order Online And In CanteenItem is available for order both online and at the Canteen.
Order Online OnlyItem is only available for Online ordering.
Purchase In Canteen OnlyItem can only be purchased in the Canteen.  If attempting to order online item will show in menu as greyed out and state can be purchased in Canteen.
Sold OutItem will be unable to be selected and show as 'Sold Out'.
UnavailableItem will be unable to be selected and show as 'Unavailable'.

To remove an Availability if you are no longer wanting that menu on that date, select the applicable Availability (or Availabilities) from the list, click 'Selected' and then click 'Archive'.


Orders Tab

This tab allows you to view and manage orders.

Select the date to view the orders placed.


Click the icon for the order to view details.


To manage items within an order, select the item (or items) and click 'Selected' then 'Cancel Selected Item'.


You can then enter a reason. 


Click 'Close' when you have finished.

To manage orders, select the order or orders, click 'Selected' and choose from the available status options.


If you have to cancel a specific menu item across any orders it is in for that date, select all the orders, click 'Selected Orders' and choose 'Bulk Cancel Order Items'.

You can then choose the item or items you need to bulk cancel and add the reason.  This is useful if you run out of stock for an item.


Users who have orders with a cancelled item will see a red dot on their upcoming order to indicate a change.


They can click into the order to view the details.

Please Note: Any items within orders, or overall orders cancelled by Canteen Administration will cause a refund to be processed to the user who placed the order's Compass Balance.  The refund should be visible within 1 Business Day.


If you need to locate specific orders, you can use the 'Advance Filter' option.


This will allow you to filter the orders in a range of ways.


Clicking the 'Selected Dates' option will give you access to generate some reports relating to the dates you have selected.


Reports Tab

The Reports tab within a menu allows you to view/export data based on your selected date range.


Example: Transaction Summary


Ordering on behalf of others

Staff with the CanteenAdmin permission can place orders on behalf of other users if required.

To do so, go to Canteen Management under the Organisation menu.  Click 'New Order' and choose the applicable user type.


In the pop-up, type the name of the person who you are placing the order on behalf of.  This will then take you to the Canteen ordering page where you can select that user as the person the order is for and then follow the standard ordering process.

When you get to the payment step, you will see the person's available Compass Balance.  You can choose to pay via this or, if it is a staff/parent, they can provide you with credit card details to be entered on their behalf.

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