App - Staff Users

App - Staff Users

Compass App - Staff Users

NOTE: The mobile application is not designed for complete use of the Compass platform; it is designed for quick access to a set of specific information and specific actions. All features for Staff users included in the application are outlined in this article.
Features accessible to staff on the App will vary depending on the Compass modules your school uses.

Roll Marking

For information on marking the roll in App, please refer to theMark the Roll in App article from our Knowledge Base.

Selecting the Menu icon from the bottom right hand corner of the screen will reveal links to some of the available areas in the application. Links for Staff will vary based on Compass features used by the school.

Alternatively to using the menu, users will be able to use the bottom navigation bar to access different areas of the app.


Home Page and Calendar

The Home page contains a quick view of the staff member's daily Schedule as well notifications and Newsfeed.

The Schedule will show all sessions for the day, but sessions for classes will be removed throughout the day as time goes on. Staff can view the whole day schedule within Calendar.  By tapping the calendar icon in the bottom navigation bar you can choose alternative dates to view also.

Below this, notifications may display, then the Newsfeed will display.  Newsfeed posts are view-only on a mobile device, it is not possible to create or edit a post.  
The most recent Newsfeed posts will display at the top (or posts that have been set as 'Priority' items).  Users can scroll down to view all current posts.


Calendar - Staff can navigate throughout different days, change from day to week viewing mode, view term dates and select which layers they want to display. 



The Schedule

The Schedule will display all entries relative to the user on the selected date.
Tapping on a class entry from the schedule will take you to that session for the class.  In this screen you can mark the roll as well as view Teacher or Lesson plans for that session.  If there are any class newsfeed posts, they will also display.  You can also swipe to the right to view Learning Tasks for that class.



Learning Tasks

The Learning Tasks page displays all the classes the staff member teaches. Selecting a class will expand it to show all of the Learning tasks connected to that class.


Tapping into a particular task will allow you to then view the submissions and feedback by student.






If you have enabled the Conversation feature for the task you will be able to add a comment to the conversation thread for that student.



For information on using Chronicle in the App, please refer to the'Chronicle in App' article from our Knowledge Base. 



For schools using the Compass Conferences module for Parent Student Teacher Interviews, staff can tap on Conferences from the tools menu to access any current cycles.


They can then tap into one of the cycles to view if they have any bookings.  Tapping the book icon in the top right hand corner will display the details of each of their bookings for that cycle.





User Profiles

To access staff or student profiles, from your home screen, tap the magnifying glass icon in the top right to open the Compass search bar.  Type in the staff or student name and select them from the search results.

Student Profile

When you view a student's profile you will see a series of tabs you can swipe through. 

Dashboard- This tab contains basic detials about the student and their ID photo if there is one on file and today's attendance. It will also show their schedule for the day. You can tap on the two arrows next to the date to view antoher date. You can also tap on the 3 dots on the right to change to week view and to view term dates




When viewing a student profile, staff with the permission UserRecordsAdmin can tap on the student's basic details section to access further information regarding their personal details, family and relationships, flags, access restrictions and medical conditions. 

Tapping on the phone icon below the students details will let the staff member choose a phone number and then open the default call App on the staff member's device.

Tapping on the envelope/email icon below the students details will let the staff member choose an email address and then open the default email App on the staff member's device


Staff can tap on the 'i' icon to open the details of students flags if they have any applied to them.


Chronicle - This tab will show you any chronicle entries that are set to be visible to staff, depending on their permissions. From here staff can also create a chronicle entry.


Tasks - This tab wil show you any Learning Tasks this student is enrolled in.  You can tap into a task to view further details.


Attendance - This tab shows staff any unexplained absences that the student may have. Staff can also navigate to the notes tab to see the students attendance notes. From this tab staff can also create an attendance note for the student.




Reports - From this tab you can tap on a cycle to download the available report for the student.



Staff Profile

When you view a staff member's profile you will see two tabs, the Dashboard tab and the Tasks tab.


On the Dashboard tab you will see their schedule for the day.  You can tap on the two arows either side of the date to change the date.

You can tap on their class session to access the class page to mark a roll.


Staff with the permission UserRecordsAdmin can also tap on the staff member's basic details icon to access their medical information.


To view the staff member's Learning Tasks, swipe right from the Dashboard tab to the Tasks tab.


Sync My Schedule

Users on mobile devices will also be able to sync their calendar to their device, if they have their private schedule active on Compass on the Sync My Schedule page.

Android users can select their link from their menu, which will download a .ics file, with all events as they currently are in Compass.


iOS users must open the menu and tap on Sync Schedule. Once they tap on this, they will be taken to their device calendar to subscribe to their Compass calendar/schedule.


Daily Summary

Staff can access the Daily Summary Report from the more menu of the App.  This report can be used to check attendance as part of the school's Emergency Management process.



If a staff member would like to view a student's report, they will have to search for the student; from the student's page, swipe across to their Reports tab and then click on the report they would like to view.

Only reports set as accessible to staff will be available and they can only be viewed; all changes to reports must be made from a desktop or laptop computer.


My Files

My Files is a storage section of Compass which is unique to every users own profile.


Users with IOS devices will be able to upload photos or take a photo from a camera on their device and upload that image directly as well as upload a file from the iCloud account setup on that device. IOS users can also share files from other applications to Compass, if the application allows it (Pages by Apple, for example, does allow this). If users on IOS devices wish to submit a file to a Learning task, it must have first been uploaded to their My Files page.


Android users can also take an image from their camera to upload, but instead of also selecting a file from iCloud, they can use the file management system on Android to select any file on their device for upload. Android users can also upload new files from their device directly to a Learning task, without having to upload to My Files first.

All file types are compatible with Compass and there is a 200mb limit on uploads.

                        Android Mobile


Get Help
Users will also have access to a Get Help link.



Tapping this link will open a PDF help guide that can be saved to the users device. This covers some of the sections and functions available for use in the application.

Switch Accounts

Staff who work across more than one Compass school, or who have a staff user account and a parent user account for Compass, may need to have access to more than one of their user accounts within the App.  They can tap the Switch Accounts option from their More menu and add additional accounts.  They can then toggle between their accounts as needed.


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