Throughout the year WA schools are required to provide a range of reports to SCSA. These reports are able to be generated and exported from Compass as needed.
Staff responsible for exporting the SCSA reports will require the 'UserRecordsAdmin' permission as the reports are stored in People Management.
For details on assigning permissions within Compass, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.
Because some of the SCSA reports relate to student subject enrolments and results, each subject at the school will need to have the applicable Unit Code assigned to assist with generating the reports.
To allocate Unit Codes, go to the 'Subjects and Classes' page, located under the 'Teaching and Learning' menu.
For new subjects, ensure you select the applicable Unit Code in the designated field.
For existing subjects, click the edit pencil icon to edit the subject.
Then select the applicable Unit Code from the drop-down and click 'Save'.
When staff select one of the applicable SCSA report learning task templates, they will see the required grading components already in place.
Staff can complete the additional details required to issue the Learning Task for student completion. Results and feedback given to students by the teacher for the Learning Task will then be used as data in the applicable SCSA reports.
To export the SCSA reports, go to 'People Management' under the 'Organisation' menu.
Click 'Exports & Stats'.
Scroll down to the 'SCSA Exports' option and the available list of reports will show. Click the report you want to export.
Complete the requried information in the pop-up and click 'Generate'.
The export will then download to your device.
For details on how data is sourced for each export, please refer to the related sub-article in the top right section of this page.