Learning Tasks Administration

Learning Tasks Administration


 The Learning Tasks Administration page enables a school to:

  • Create Learning Tasks Templates
  • Include or Exclude Grading Components that are displayed from the selection list staff members see when creating any Learning Task.
  • Access Learning Task Reports


To access Learning Tasks Administration you will require two permissions, 'Configure' and 'LearningTasksAdmin'.

The permission 'Configure' is required to have access to the Administration Tools page (located under the cog menu at the top right of your Compass screen).

The permission 'LearningTasksAdmin' is required to have the Learning Tasks Administration page as an option within the Administration Tools menu.

Please refer to the Permissions Knowledge Base article for further information.


The Learning Tasks Administration Page

To access the Learning Tasks Administration page, click the cog menu icon in the top right of your Compass screen.  From the list, select 'Administration Tools'.  This will take you to the Administration Tools page, locate the Learning Tasks Administration option from the list and click it to go to that page.

The Learning Tasks Administration page has multiple tabs, Templates, Grading Components, Calculated Grading Components, Reports and Settings.

The Templates tab is where you can create/edit/delete Learning Task Templates for your school.

The Grading Components tab and the Calculated Grading Components tab is where you can manage which grading components are available for staff to use when they are creating Learning Tasks.

The Reports tab is where you can access a series of exports in relation to Learning Tasks at your school.

The Settings tab is where you can enable additional Learning Tasks features.


Settings Tab

On the 'Settings' tab you will see some options.


Enable Learning Tasks CategoriesTicking this will allow staff to categorise Learning Tasks (please refer to the 'Learning Tasks' article from our Knowledge Base for further details on Categories).
Enable Rubric ScoresTicking this will allow scores to be calculated from Rubric results (please refer to the 'Rubrics' article from our Knowledge Base for further details on Rubrics).
Enable Rubric Score RangesWhen this setting is enabled, when a Rubric is created, a 'Use Score Range' tick box will be available.
Enable Assessment PeriodsWhen enabled, the Assessment Period tab will be added to the Learning Task Administration page.
Disable layout changes for Primary Grading component by defaultWhen this setting is enabled, it will default this setting to being enabled on any Learning Tasks created ongoing.  Staff creating Learning Tasks will still be able to untick the option on individual tasks if requried.    When enabled (ticked) on a Learning Task, the report layout will not adjust any report layout settings to indicate that there is a Primary Grading component (if one has been set for the task).  This allows you to use the feature of the Primary Grading component for the Learning Task without it impacting the way the task will display in a report.
Column Width SettingsThis allows a default Column width setting for Learning tasks when created.  Click the drop down to see the available options.
Learning Task Colour ScaleWhen set as 'Submission Status' a colour scale will be used to indicate the Submission status of a Learning Task for a student.  When set as 'None/No Colour' colour indicators are not applied to a learning task's submission status.

Creating Learning Task Templates

Learning Task Templates are a great way to help your staff save time when they create Learning Tasks as instead of having to create a Learning Task from scratch, they can access a range of Templates with the key aspects already set up.  This can also help to ensure your staff members are using the proper grading criteria for their tasks. 

To create a Learning Task Template, click the cog menu icon in the top right of your Compass screen.  From the list, select 'Administration Tools'.  This will take you to the Administration Tools page, locate the Learning Tasks Administration option from the list and click it to go to that page.

From the Templates tab, click the '+ Add Template' button to begin setting up a template. 


The 'Add Template' screen has the same structure as the 'Add Learning Task' screen you will see in other areas of Compass.  This template enables you to set defaults so that when staff create a Learning Task from the Template many of the settings are preselected, helping you to maintain a standard for the tasks at your school. 

When a Learning Task is created from a Template any default settings that come through from the template can still be edited within the Learning Task being created. Please refer to the section further below titled 'Using a Learning Task Template' for further details.

You will see a series of tabs to work through, Basic, Components and Reporting.

The Basic Tab:

NameSelect the default name of the Learning Task Template - when naming Learning Task Templates it's helpful to include in what circumstance your staff will use this template, as this will be displayed in the list when the user chooses to create a Learning Task from Template. (e.g. CAT/SAC/Inquiry Week #/Junior School, etc...)
DescriptionPlace the default description within this text box.  For consistency in reporting, you can place default prompts for the staff to use.
AttachmentsYou can add an attachment to the Learning Task Template using the 'File Upload' button. You can also click 'Pick From' to select from your Google/Office Drive if this feature is enable for your school.
SecurityThe Learning Task created from the template can default to the security settings you choose. Just like when you are creating a regular Learning Task, the 'Allow Submission' security row will be greyed out until a Submission Component is added.
Component SummaryThis section will initially be blank.  When you move to the Component tab and select any default Grading Components to be part of this Template, they will then display in the Component Summary section on the Basic tab.
SMS (Late or Overdue)Ticking this will default any Learning Tasks created from this Template to have the Late/Overdue SMS feature enabled.  This feature when enabled will cause the student's primary parent to receive an SMS if the student has not submitted the Learning Task by the selected due date.  Please see our SMS Knowledge Base article for associated costs. 
Flag Task as ImportantTicking this will default any Learning Tasks created from this Template to be flagged as Important.  You can hover over the information icon (little 'i' in a circle) for further details.
ComponentsYou can add default grading and submission components to the template by clicking on the 'Add Component' button. Staff will still be able to add or remove any of these components when creating their task. Clicking the star icon will make the grading component the primary one, and clicking the report icon means the grading component will be included in the semester report. The template must have the 'Include Task in Semester Reports' tick box selected on the Reporting tab for this icon to appear. 
Reporting TabYou can choose to include the Learning Task in your Semester Reports by default from the Reporting Tab by selecting the 'Include Task in Semester Reports' check box. You cannot associate it with a specific cycle at this stage as you want the template to be relevant from semester to semester and year to year.

Components Tab:

The Components tab is where you determine the grading schema against which the students will be assessed, as well as allow the students the option to submit their work via file upload.

From this tab you can also see which grading component is currently set as the Primary Grading Component, as it will have a yellow star (the Primary Grading component is the component that will be visible to parents/students on their Learning Task dashboard; to see other grading components included for the specific Learning Task, the parent/student will need to click to the feedback tab of that Learning Task).

To change which component is to be the default Primary Grading Component for the Learning Task Template, click the applicable component's star icon.

Clicking the '+ Add Component' button opens a list of available submission components, grading components and calculated grading components.  Locate the component/components you want to include in the Template by using the filter option or scrolling through the list and click on them to have them included.  Your chosen components will show in the right hand section.


Once you've added a component you can click the Edit button (pencil icon) to edit certain aspects of the grading component. 


Name - This is the Name of the Grading Component and the title as it appears to students and parents both on Compass and on the Semester Report (if the task is included on reports).

Column Heading - The name of the component on the Grid View of the Learning Tasks tab. You can leave it blank for the default heading or change this to something else for ease of viewing in Grid View. (e.g. a shorter name).

Other options - depending on the grading component you are editing you may have other options available below this. For example in the image above the Comment component is being edited so we can set the number of characters allowed for the Name. Editing a Number grading component gives you the option to set the maximum and minimum.

We recommend checking the Edit menu on all the components you choose to add to ensure there are no settings you wish to alter, even if you're content with the Name and Column Heading fields as is.
Note - you can also rename submission components. This is helpful if you want students to submit multiple items (e.g. Outline, Draft One, Final Draft). You can add three submission components and rename each to indicate the files you expect the students to upload. Simply use the edit button (pencil icon) for each component to pop-out an editor window.
Once you have added all the components you need for this Template, click 'Ok'. This will take you back to the Components tab for the Template.

From here can also edit the Staff Access to each grading component using the dropdown menu at the right.  Please note these settings only take affect if your school has the Learning Task Security feature enabled.  For more information, please refer to our Learning Task Knowledge Base article or contact our Support Team via email to support@compass.edu.au.

Edit - Staff can see this grading component, and enter and edit results for it

Read - only - Staff without edit access to the Learning Task can see this grading component but cannot enter or edit results for it

Hidden - Staff without edit access to the Learning Task cannot see this grading component and are not aware it is on the task 

The Reporting Tab:

This tab allows you to set-up the Learning Task Template so that any Learning Tasks created from this Template are preset for inclusion in Semester Reports.

For details on how to include created Learning Tasks in specific Semester Reporting cycles, please refer to our Learning Tasks Knowledge Base article.


This Learning Task will be included on Semester ReportsTicking this will mean that any Learning Tasks created from this Template will be preset for inclusion in Semester Reports.  When ticked, you can then access the below sections to preset the default layout style for this type of Learning Task within Semester Reports.  Any Learning Tasks created from this Template can still be edited to not be included in Semester Reports if needed, likewise the layout settings can be edited also.
Display TypeChoose from the range of options to set the default way you would like Learning Tasks created from this Template to display on any selected Semester Report cycles.
ComponentsBased on the display type chosen as default, you can then set the additional default settings for each component with regard to if they are set as default for inclusion in the report and how they are then defaulted to display.
Task Summary DescriptionOnly visible when Display Type is set to 'Task Summary'.  You can include the Task Description that would show on the Semester Report in this field.
Empasize in Task SummaryOnly visible when Display Type is set to 'Task Summary'. Tick this to have the created Learning Task highlighted and placed at the bottom of the Task Summary on a student's report.  Useful for displaying an overall grade for a subject.
Include Learning Task Name on Ticked Grid and Dot Plot ComponentsOnly visible when Display Type is set to 'Task Breakdown'.  Tick to have the created Learning Task's name added to any grading components set to display as Ticked Grids or Dot Plots in the report.
Number of Columns for Single Result ComponentsOnly visible when Display Type is set to 'Task Breakdown'.  Adjust number of columns the grading components are layed out in when set to display as Single Result.
Distribution TypeOnly visible when Display Type is set to 'Results Distribution'.  Choose between 'Count' or 'Percentage' for how the student results will be represented on the report.
Result Display TypeOnly visible when Display Type is set to 'Results Distribution'. Choose between 'Separate Result' and 'Highlight Result' to determin how student results with display on reports in comparison to the results of all students.

For further information on how Learning Tasks display on Semester Reports, please refer to the Learning Tasks Display Types in Semester Reports article from our Knowledge Base.

Note:If you do not see the Reporting tab and your school has both the Learning Tasks module and the Semester Reports Writer module, please contact the Compass Support Team to have this function activated or your school.

Once you have worked through each of the tabs , click 'Save' to complete setting up the Learning Task Template.  The Template will then show in the list of Templates for your school and will be accessible for use by staff.


You can create as many different Learning Task Templates as required.

Editing or Deleting a Learning Task Template

To edit or delete any template in the future go to the cog menu and click into Administration Tools.  From the menu, click Learning Task Administration.

On this page, go to the Templates tab, click the relevant pencil icon to edit a template or to delete a template, click the relevant red cross icon.

Editing or deleting a template will not affect any previous Learning Tasks created from the template.  

Using a Learning Task Template

A Learning Task can be created from the template through a Subject page, a Class page or from within School Resources.

Using School Resources is an excellent way of building your curriculum and is especially beneficial if you run the same tasks each semester or year to year - just create them once in School Resources and then push them out to each of your classes every semester. For more information on the School Resources module please refer to the School Resources and School Documentation Knowledge Base article.
To create a Learning Task from a Subject or Class page click on the Learning Tasks tab then click on the 'Add Learning Task From Template' button.

To create a Learning Task from a Template in School Resources (which is accessed from the Teaching and Learning menu - pencil icon), select the folder you want to add the new Learning Task in and then click the '+ Add Content' button at the top right, and select 'Learning Task from Template' from the dropdown menu.


When you click 'Learning Task from Template' either in School Resources or on a Subject/Class page, it will bring up a window that displays all the available templates that you can choose to use for your Learning Task.  Once you have selected the one you require, click on the 'Create Learning Task' button.


A new window with a copy of all the default settings from the selected template will then display.


From here you can then amend the details of the Learning Task as required for the assessment.  

If you're creating the Learning Task on a Subject or Class page, then after setting up the details on the Basic tab be sure to click the 'Students' tab to ensure the students who you want to set the task for have been selected (if you are setting up the task in School Resources you will not have a Student tab until the task has been associated with a class).


Lastly you should check the 'Reporting' tab to confirm that this is also set up exactly as you would like it.


If you want the task to be included in a Semester Reporting cycle ensure the appropriate cycle is selected next to the 'Semester Report Cycles' heading.

In the section below you can set the Display Type. This description can be the same as the original task description or you can enter new information. To quickly copy whatever was entered into the Description box on the Basic tab click the 'Copy Original Task Description' button. Alternatively you can click 'Clear Description' to quickly delete any content in the Learning Task Report Description box. You do not need to enter a description here, you can simply leave it blank if you believe the title is all the explanation that is required.

If you are setting up your task in School Resources you will be able to tick whether or not the task should be included in semester reports and set the Learning Task Report Description.


You will not be able to select which reporting cycle to associate it with until the Learning Task you are creating in School Resources is pushed to a specific class. 


For full details on creating Learning Tasks both from scratch and from a template please refer to the Knowledge Base article titled 'Learning Tasks', which is visible to all Staff at the school if you subscribe to the Learning Tasks module.

Please note, once the Learning Task has been created from the template, staff are free to edit the task (not the Template, this is restricted to staff with the LearningTasksAdmin permission) as they require, there is no way to lock the contents to not be editable.  A school policy detailing the use of the Learning Task Templates would be the best way to handle this situation.

Grading Components Tab

The Grading Components tab and the Calculated Grading Components tab enables schools to include or exclude Grading Components that are displayed from the selection list staff members see when creating a Learning Task.

On these tabs, two columns are displayed - 'Included' on the left and 'Excluded' on the right. Simply click the 'minus' symbol next to a Grading Component in the 'Included' column to move it to the 'Excluded' column or click the 'plus' symbol to move a Grading Component to the 'Included' column, from the 'Excluded' column.

Schools can move Grading Components/Calculated Grading Components across the columns as required. The Grading Components in the 'Included' column will be displayed for staff to choose from when creating a Learning Task or a Learning Task Template, and the components in the 'Excluded' column will not be available.


Tip: Using this functionality can greatly simplify the act of creating a Learning Task by removing the extraneous options that may confuse your staff. It is recommended you go through every grading component on this page and ensure only the ones you want your staff to use are left as Included.

If you exclude a grading component that is in use in existing learning tasks those tasks will continue to access the grading component (or calculated grading component).. Any future tasks that are created will not be able to select the excluded grading component.

If you exclude a grading component that is included in an existing Learning Task Template, the grading component will still be available for use, but only when that template is accessed by using the 'Add Learning Task from Template' option. If staff create a Learning Task from scratch they will not be able to select this grading component, and if they delete the grading component from the task created from the template, they will not be able to re-add it.

Reports Tab

The final tab across the top of the Learning Tasks Administration page is the 'Reports' tab. This allows you to export out information about the learning tasks on your portal to a CSV file. This is the best way to review the content of the learning tasks that are on your portal. For the various report options you will need to select which Academic Year you want to see, and in some cases also a Semester Reporting cycle, and click the corresponding 'csv Export' button.
Please keep in mind that in order to view the file you will need to use a program that can open a CSV file. Microsoft Excel is the most popular option for viewing CSV files, but OpenOffice Calc can be used as well.
You can see the fields that are included in each export in the description section below the title and filtering options.


The Academic Year Export (CSV) produces a report that includes every task, as well as every individual result for every student for these tasks. You can also use the filter options to define content to be included in the exported file.


The Missing Results Export (CSV) allows you to export out a CSV file that indicates which students have tasks with missing results. You can filter by just academic year or academic year and semester reports cycle, to see which specific tasks and students have not yet received a result for tasks included in the selected reporting cycle.

The Number of Learning Tasks included in Semester Report Export (CSV) is a helpful export for seeing the total number of tasks each class has included in Semester Reports. This is especially useful if your reports are setup with the expectation that each class will include 3 learning tasks in the cycle, you can use this report to ensure there are indeed 3 per class.

The two High Achieving Students Reports will display the students with the highest marks in their Learning Tasks that have been included in the selected Semester Reports cycle. Choose the export here that reflects the grading scheme your Learning Tasks used (A, A+ grades or Outstanding, Excellent grades).  


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