Learning Task Display Types in Semester Reports

Learning Task Display Types in Semester Reports


The Reporting tab in a Learning Task determines in which Semester Reports cycle (if any) the task will be included and how it will display.

To choose a Semester Reports cycle, you will need to click on the drop down list at the top of the window and select one or more Semester Reporting cycles.


You then need to select the Display Type and configure the available settings.\


Task Summary

The Task Summary is the option you should select if you wish to have your Learning Tasks Components display in the 'Standard Display' mode. Below you can see that you can easily set each Component within your Learning Task to be included or excluded on your Semester Report by enabling the green tick (just click on the cross). 


In general you can only select up to three grading Components per Learning Task to be included in the Task Summary, however there are some exclusions where a Grading Component does not apply to the total count, as listed in the Note section of the image below.  The image is the warning you will be presented with if you do include more than the allowed number of components. 


Pictured below is the 'Standard Display'. In this instance only one Grading Component, plus 'Comment' has been selected in the 'Task Summary' for inclusion:

Below each part of the Learning Task has been annotated. In this instance two Grading Components have been selected under the 'Task Summary' for inclusion, as well as the 'Comment' Grading Component. The 'Comment' Grading component/s (you can select to include more than one) will always display under the Task Description:

A description of the Learning Task will display under the title, as annotated in the above image. To set this, type a description into the 'Task Summary Description' box on the Reporting Tab. This description will only display if you set at least one Component to appear in the 'Task Summary'. You can import the description from the Basic tab of the Learning task by clicking the 'Copy Original Task Description' and edit it as needed. 


Task Breakdown

The Task Break down option allows you to display a component in a more detailed way on the Semester Report.

You must select how a Component will appear on the Report from the options in the drop-down for each component. 


The options in the drop down list will vary based on what kind of Grading Component you are configuring. 


The easiest way to understand the display options available in the drop down list for each Grading Component, is to consider how a staff member enters in results when assessing a student.

If the staff member can freely type a result i.e a number, a letter grade etc. then the Task Breakdown options will include 'Single Result' or 'Not Included'. A Comment Grading Component options include 'Not Included' or 'Comment'.

If a staff member must choose from predefined options from a drop down list when grading a student i.e  'Excellent, Very Good' 'Unsatisfactory', then the Task Breakdown drop down options will include 'Single Result', 'Not Included', 'Ticked Grid' or an 'Dot Plot'.

How these display on your report will be covered below.
The Task Breakdown Display option results in the separation of each Grading Component on the Semester Report, however you can configure you elements to group together, by setting the below:

- Each element uses the same Task Breakdown option such as Ticked Grid or Single Result
- They are placed next to each other on the Included Components list (drag and drop).
- If a Ticked Grid or Dot Plot is selected, the elements must use the same Grading Scale.

Using the example of 'Effort' and 'Behaviour ' as an example, they will be grouped together into one Component because:

- Both Grading Components use the same grading scale.
- 'Ticked-Grid' was selected as the 'Task Breakdown' option for both Components.
- They are placed next to each other in the Included Components list (drag and drop function can facilitate this), as below:

If you have more than one Grading Component selected as a 'Single Result' in the Task Breakdown, the same behaviour applies. They will be grouped into a single Component if they are placed next to each other on the Included Component list. 

Semester Report View -  where 'Effort' and 'Behaviour' Components have been grouped together as a 'Ticked Grid':

Semester Report View where 'Effort' and 'Behaviour' Components have been grouped together as a 'Dot Plot':

Grading Components that use the same grading scale will render as separate components on the Semester Reports, if they do not have the same Task Breakdown option selected. i.e. one component has been set to 'Dot Plot' and the other has been set to 'Ticked-Grid' as per the below example:
Semester Report where one component has been set to 'Dot Plot' and the other has been set to 'Ticked-Grid'

Please note: If you select the same 'Task Breakdown' options, such as 'Ticked Grid' for two different Grading Components, but they use a different Grading Scale, they will not be grouped together into the same component.
When selecting to display a Component as a 'Single Result', it will display as below - with the Grading Component as the descriptor and the result placed at the far right in a single column. When you choose to display a Comment using the 'Task Breakdown' option, it will appear as below - with the title of the Comment Grading Component in the left column and the written comment in an expanded column to the right:.

If your have more than one Component set to Single Result in the Task Breakdown, they will display as below. However you must ensure they are placed next to each other in the Included Components list on the Reporting Tab, for grouping to occur. See next section 'Ordering of Grading Components'.

Ordering of Grading Components

The 'Comment' Grading Component will always render at the bottom, but you can drag and drop the order of the Components within the Learning Task to reorder them. 

Note: Reording your components may break up the grouping. If elements can group, they must be placed next to each other and in the correct order that you wish them to display in the Included Components list.

Include Task Name Heading on Task Breakdown

You can choose if you wish to include a heading when two are more Grading Components are grouped together in the Task Breakdown. If you do not use this option, the Component will render as below:

To switch it on, tick the the box below from the Reporting Tab:


Once it is switched on, the the header will display as per below within Semester Report:

If a Grading Component is not grouped on the Semester report, a header will display by default.

Number of Columns for Single Results Elements

If you have more than one Grading Component set to 'Single Result' in the Task Breakdown, and you choose to group them together into one element, they will display as below on the Semester Report. This Learning Task is set to display them as 1 column.

You can set the number of columns from the Reporting Tab, as per below:


If you were to use a 2 column configuration, and you have three elements, the three elements would display as below:

This setting allows you to set the number of columns to suit the the number of elements grouped together. In the above instance, either 3 columns, or 1 column may be a more suitable option.
Note: Reordering your components may break up the grouping. If elements can group, they must be placed next to each other and in the correct order that you wish them to display on the Semester Report.

Results Distribution

This option allows you to display on the Semester Report the distribution of results from either a Class or Year Level for that particular Grading Component. 


You can only enable 'Results Distribution' for Grading Components that have a set grading scheme, i.e. 'Very Good' 'Excellent'. If the staff member can enter in a free text when grading the students i.e. a number, comment or open grade, then Results Distribution will not be available to switch on. 

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