The Task Summary is the option you should select if you wish to have your Learning Tasks Components display in the 'Standard Display' mode. Below you can see that you can easily set each Component within your Learning Task to be included or excluded on your Semester Report by enabling the green tick (just click on the cross).
In general you can only select up to three grading Components per Learning Task to be included in the Task Summary, however there are some exclusions where a Grading Component does not apply to the total count, as listed in the Note section of the image below. The image is the warning you will be presented with if you do include more than the allowed number of components.
Pictured below is the 'Standard Display'. In this instance only one Grading Component, plus 'Comment' has been selected in the 'Task Summary' for inclusion:
Below each part of the Learning Task has been annotated. In this instance two Grading Components have been selected under the 'Task Summary' for inclusion, as well as the 'Comment' Grading Component. The 'Comment' Grading component/s (you can select to include more than one) will always display under the Task Description:
A description of the Learning Task will display under the title, as annotated in the above image. To set this, type a description into the 'Task Summary Description' box on the Reporting Tab. This description will only display if you set at least one Component to appear in the 'Task Summary'. You can import the description from the Basic tab of the Learning task by clicking the 'Copy Original Task Description' and edit it as needed.