WA - Result - Externally Set Tasks Result

WA - Result - Externally Set Tasks Result


Below is a table detailing the required fields of the Result: Externally Set Tasks Result export and where in Compass the data is sourced from.

For further details on SCSA reports, please refer to the 'SCSA Reports' article from the Knowledge Base.

Result: Externally Set Tasks Result (RSEST)

Column ReferenceField NameMandatoryField RequirementsCompass Source
ARecord typeYHardcoded to: RSESTn/a
BProvider codeYMaximum field length = 10 Unique code for the course providerCampus Details > AGEID
CCourse codeYMaximum field length = 10Third to fifth characters of Unit Code.
DExternally Set Task (EST) codeYMaximum field length = 1Subject & Classes > Edit Subject > EST Code
EWA student numberYMaximum field length = 15. Valid student number issued by SCSAGovtCode1
FStudent family nameYMaximum field length = 30LastName
GStudent given nameY, but optional if student only has a family nameMaximum field length = 30FirstName
HCalendar yearYMaximum field length = 4. Must be current year in YYYY formatFrom: Configure Compass
IAcademic yearYMaximum field length = 2. Must be the following values only: 10, 11, 12From: Configure Compass
JEST total raw markY, For year 12 General and Foundation courses who sat ESTMaximum field length = 3. A whole number, 0 to max EST raw score, or ABS for AbsentSubject & Classes > Learning Tasks (where the task is 'WA EST Result') > EST Total Marks

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