WA - Registration - Teacher Registration

WA - Registration - Teacher Registration


Below is a table detailing the required fields of the Registration: Teacher Registration export and where in Compass the data is sourced from.

For further details on SCSA reports, please refer to the 'SCSA Reports' article from the Knowledge Base.

Registration: Teacher Registration (THREG)

Column ReferenceField NameMandatoryField RequirementsCompass Source
ARecord typeYHardcoded to: THREGn/a
BAcademic yearYMaximum field length = 2From: Configure Compass
CCalendar yearYMaximum field length = 4. Must be current year in CCYY formatFrom: Configure Compass
DProvider CodeYMaximum field length = 10Campus Details > AGEID
ETeacher titleYMaximum field length = 10Title
FTeacher family nameYMaximum field length = 30LastName
GTeacher given nameYMaximum field length = 30FirstName
HTeacher registration numberYMaximum field length = 15Identification > Teacher Registration Number (WA)
IWork email addressYMaximum field length = 100Email
JAdministration rights for BrightpathYY/NDefaulted to Y
KClass identificationNLeft Blankn/a

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