Below is a table detailing the required fields of the Registration: Teacher Registration export and where in Compass the data is sourced from.
For further details on SCSA reports, please refer to the 'SCSA Reports' article from the Knowledge Base.
Column Reference | Field Name | Mandatory | Field Requirements | Compass Source |
A | Record type | Y | Hardcoded to: THREG | n/a |
B | Academic year | Y | Maximum field length = 2 | From: Configure Compass |
C | Calendar year | Y | Maximum field length = 4. Must be current year in CCYY format | From: Configure Compass |
D | Provider Code | Y | Maximum field length = 10 | Campus Details > AGEID |
E | Teacher title | Y | Maximum field length = 10 | Title |
F | Teacher family name | Y | Maximum field length = 30 | LastName |
G | Teacher given name | Y | Maximum field length = 30 | FirstName |
H | Teacher registration number | Y | Maximum field length = 15 | Identification > Teacher Registration Number (WA) |
I | Work email address | Y | Maximum field length = 100 | |
J | Administration rights for Brightpath | Y | Y/N | Defaulted to Y |
K | Class identification | N | Left Blank | n/a |