Below is a table detailing the required fields of the Registration: Student Registration and Demographic export and where in Compass the data is sourced from.
For further details on SCSA reports, please refer to the 'SCSA Reports' article from the Knowledge Base.
Column Reference | Field Name | Mandatory | Field Requirements | Compass Source |
A | Record type | Y | Hardcoded to: SRGDG | n/a |
B | Provider code | Y | Maximum field length = 10. Unique code for the a course provider | Campus Details > AGEID |
C | Calendar year | Y | Maximum field length = 4. format YYYY | From: Configure Compass |
D | WA student number | Y | Maximum field length = 15. Valid student number issued by SCSA | GovtCode1 |
E | Student title | N | Maximum field length = 20 | Title |
F | Student family name | Y | Maximum field length = 30 | LastName |
G | Student given name | Y, but optional if student only has a family name | Maximum field length = 30 | FirstName |
H | Student middle name | N | Maximum field length = 30 | MiddleName |
I | Student third initial | N | Left Blank | |
J | Certificate name | N | Maximum field length = 61 | ReportName |
K | Date of birth | Y | Maximum field length = 10. Must be valid past date. Format dd/mm/yyyy | DateofBirth |
L | Gender | Y | Maximum field length = 1 | Gender |
M | Status | Y | Maximum field length = 1. 1 => Currently at provider; 2 => Deceased student; 3 => Left secondary education; 4 => Left from this provider; 5 => Left Western Australia | Rules: If status = active return "1"; if student.DateOfDeath has value, return "2"; if status is NOT active AND status = left, return "4". If none of these are matched, returns blank |
N | Home address line 1 | Y | Maximum field length = 50 | Address1 |
O | Home address line 2 | N | Maximum field length = 50 | Address2 |
P | Home suburb | Y | Maximum field length = 50 | Suburb |
Q | Home state | Y, but optional if Home country is not Australia | Maximum field length = 30 | State |
R | Home postcode | Y, but optional if Home country is not Australia | Maximum field length = 10 | Postcode |
S | Home country | N | Maximum field length = 30 | Country |
T | Postal address line 1 | Y | Maximum field length = 50 | Address1 |
U | Postal address line 2 | N | Maximum field length = 50 | Address2 |
V | Postal suburb | Y | Maximum field length = 50 | Suburb |
W | Postal state | Y, but optional if Postal country is not Australia | Maximum field length = 30 | State |
X | Postal postcode | Y, but optional if Postal country is not Australia | Maximum field length = 10 | Postcode |
Y | Postal country | N | Maximum field length = 30 | Country |
Z | Academic year | Y | Maximum field length = 2. Must be in the range K, PP, 01 - 12 | YearLevel |
AA | Australian residency status | Y | Y/N | Residency Status |
AB | Student fee status | Y | Y/N | FeeMode |
AC | Home phone number | N | Maximum field length = 20 | Phone |
AD | Alternate/mobile number | N | Maximum field length = 20 | Mobile |
AE | Email address | N | Maximum field length = 80 | |
AF | Fax number | N | Maximum field length = 20 | |
AG | Previous student family name | N | Maximum field length = 30 | Former LastName |
AH | Previous student given name | N | Maximum field length = 30 | Former FirstName |
AI | Exemption from school | Y | Y/N | WaExemption |
AJ | Country of birth identifier | Y if visa subclass exists on the student, else N | Maximum field length = 4. SIF country code | Birthcountry |
AK | Language spoken at home identifier | N | Maximum field length = 4. Sif Language Code (1201 = English) | Languages spoken at home |
AL | Proficiency in spoken English | N | Maximum field length = 1 | Compass -> SCSA mapping. (NewToEnglish) 1 => "4",(EarlyAcq) 2 => "3",(Developing) 3 => "3",(Competent) 4 => "2",(Fluent) 5 => "1",(NotYetAssessed) 6 => "", null => "",default => "" |
AM | Labour force identifier | N | Left Blank | n/a |
AN | Highest school level completed | N | Maximum field length = 2 | Year level of highest completed status |
AO | Year highest school level completed | N | Maximum field length = 4. In yyyy format | Year of finish time of highest completed status |
AP | Prior education achievement 1 | N | Left Blank | n/a |
AQ | Prior education achievement 2 | N | Left Blank | n/a |
AR | Prior education achievement 3 | N | Left Blank | n/a |
AS | Disability code 1 | N | Maximum field length = 2 | WaDisabilityType |
AT | Disability code 2 | N | Left Blank | n/a |
AU | Disability code 3 | N | Left Blank | n/a |
AV | Disability code 4 | N | Left Blank | n/a |
AW | Disability code 5 | N | Left Blank | n/a |
AX | Disability code 6 | N | Left Blank | n/a |
AY | Disability code 7 | N | Left Blank | n/a |
AZ | Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander | Y | Maximum field length = 1. | IndigenousType 1 = Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander; 2= Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal; 3 = Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander; 4 = Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander; 9 = Not Stated / do not wish to provide |
BA | Date of Status | Y | Maximum field length = 10. Format dd/mm/yyyy | Current Milestone start date |
BB | Hours of community service | N | Maximum field length = 3 | Community Service hours. Defaults to 0 |
BC | Visa Subclass | N | Maximum field length = 10 | Visa subclass |
BD | Arrival Date | Y if visa subclass exists on the student, else N | Maximum field length = 10. Must be valid past date. Format dd/mm/yyyy | Date of Arrival |
BE | VET USI | N | Maximum field length = 10. Alphanumeric. | Identification > VET USI |
BF | Parent 1 School Education | Y | Maximum field length = 1 | School Education |
BG | Parent 1 Non-school Education | Y | Maximum field length = 1 | Highest Qualification |
BH | Parent 1 Occupation | Y | Maximum field length = 1 | Occupation Group |
BI | Parent 1 Main Language Other than English Spoken at Home | Y | Maximum field length = 4 | HomeLanguage |
BJ | Parent 2 School Education | Y | Maximum field length = 1 | School Education |
BK | Parent 2 Non-school Education | Y | Maximum field length = 1 | Highest Qualification |
BL | Parent 2 Occupation | Y | Maximum field length = 1 | Occupation Group |
BM | Parent 2 Main Language Other than English Spoken at Home | Y | Maximum field length = 4 | HomeLanguage |
BN | Class Identification | Y | Maximum field length = 20 | Form |
BO | Brightpath project student | Y | Y/N | k-6 default to Y, N for 7-11 |
BP | ABLE WA project student | Y | Y/N | k-6 default to Y, N for 7-11 |