WA - Registration - Student Registration and Demograpic

WA - Registration - Student Registration and Demograpic


Below is a table detailing the required fields of the Registration: Student Registration and Demographic export and where in Compass the data is sourced from.

For further details on SCSA reports, please refer to the 'SCSA Reports' article from the Knowledge Base.

Registration: Student Registration and Demographic (SRGDG)

Column ReferenceField NameMandatoryField RequirementsCompass Source
ARecord typeYHardcoded to: SRGDGn/a
BProvider codeYMaximum field length = 10. Unique code for the a course providerCampus Details > AGEID
CCalendar yearYMaximum field length = 4. format YYYYFrom: Configure Compass
DWA student numberYMaximum field length = 15. Valid student number issued by SCSAGovtCode1
EStudent titleNMaximum field length = 20Title
FStudent family nameYMaximum field length = 30LastName
GStudent given nameY, but optional if student only has a family nameMaximum field length = 30FirstName
HStudent middle nameNMaximum field length = 30MiddleName
IStudent third initialNLeft Blank
JCertificate nameNMaximum field length = 61ReportName
KDate of birthYMaximum field length = 10. Must be valid past date. Format dd/mm/yyyyDateofBirth
LGenderYMaximum field length = 1Gender
MStatusYMaximum field length = 1. 1 => Currently at provider; 2 => Deceased student; 3 => Left secondary education; 4 => Left from this provider; 5 => Left Western AustraliaRules: If status = active return "1"; if student.DateOfDeath has value, return "2"; if status is NOT active AND status = left, return "4". If none of these are matched, returns blank
NHome address line 1YMaximum field length = 50Address1
OHome address line 2NMaximum field length = 50Address2
PHome suburbYMaximum field length = 50Suburb
QHome stateY, but optional if Home country is not AustraliaMaximum field length = 30State
RHome postcodeY, but optional if Home country is not AustraliaMaximum field length = 10Postcode
SHome countryNMaximum field length = 30Country
TPostal address line 1YMaximum field length = 50Address1
UPostal address line 2NMaximum field length = 50Address2
VPostal suburbYMaximum field length = 50Suburb
WPostal stateY, but optional if Postal country is not AustraliaMaximum field length = 30State
XPostal postcodeY, but optional if Postal country is not AustraliaMaximum field length = 10Postcode
YPostal countryNMaximum field length = 30Country
ZAcademic yearYMaximum field length = 2. Must be in the range K, PP, 01 - 12YearLevel
AAAustralian residency statusYY/NResidency Status
ABStudent fee statusYY/NFeeMode
ACHome phone numberNMaximum field length = 20Phone
ADAlternate/mobile numberNMaximum field length = 20Mobile
AEEmail addressNMaximum field length = 80Email
AFFax numberNMaximum field length = 20
AGPrevious student family nameNMaximum field length = 30Former LastName
AHPrevious student given nameNMaximum field length = 30Former FirstName
AIExemption from schoolYY/NWaExemption
AJCountry of birth identifierY if visa subclass exists on the student, else NMaximum field length = 4. SIF country codeBirthcountry
AKLanguage spoken at home identifierNMaximum field length = 4. Sif Language Code (1201 = English)Languages spoken at home
ALProficiency in spoken EnglishNMaximum field length = 1Compass -> SCSA mapping. (NewToEnglish) 1 => "4",(EarlyAcq) 2 => "3",(Developing) 3 => "3",(Competent) 4 => "2",(Fluent) 5 => "1",(NotYetAssessed) 6 => "", null => "",default => ""
AMLabour force identifierNLeft Blankn/a
ANHighest school level completedNMaximum field length = 2Year level of highest completed status
AOYear highest school level completedNMaximum field length = 4. In yyyy formatYear of finish time of highest completed status
APPrior education achievement 1NLeft Blankn/a
AQPrior education achievement 2NLeft Blankn/a
ARPrior education achievement 3NLeft Blankn/a
ASDisability code 1NMaximum field length = 2WaDisabilityType
ATDisability code 2NLeft Blankn/a
AUDisability code 3NLeft Blankn/a
AVDisability code 4NLeft Blankn/a
AWDisability code 5NLeft Blankn/a
AXDisability code 6NLeft Blankn/a
AYDisability code 7NLeft Blankn/a
AZAustralian Aboriginal or Torres Strait IslanderYMaximum field length = 1.IndigenousType 1 = Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander; 2= Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal; 3 = Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander; 4 = Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander; 9 = Not Stated / do not wish to provide
BADate of StatusYMaximum field length = 10. Format dd/mm/yyyyCurrent Milestone start date
BBHours of community serviceNMaximum field length = 3Community Service hours. Defaults to 0
BCVisa SubclassNMaximum field length = 10Visa subclass
BDArrival DateY if visa subclass exists on the student, else NMaximum field length = 10. Must be valid past date. Format dd/mm/yyyyDate of Arrival
BEVET USINMaximum field length = 10. Alphanumeric.Identification > VET USI
BFParent 1 School EducationYMaximum field length = 1School Education
BGParent 1 Non-school EducationYMaximum field length = 1Highest Qualification
BHParent 1 OccupationYMaximum field length = 1Occupation Group
BIParent 1 Main Language Other than English Spoken at HomeYMaximum field length = 4HomeLanguage
BJParent 2 School EducationYMaximum field length = 1School Education
BKParent 2 Non-school EducationYMaximum field length = 1Highest Qualification
BLParent 2 OccupationYMaximum field length = 1Occupation Group
BMParent 2 Main Language Other than English Spoken at HomeYMaximum field length = 4HomeLanguage
BNClass IdentificationYMaximum field length = 20Form
BOBrightpath project studentYY/Nk-6 default to Y, N for 7-11
BPABLE WA project studentYY/Nk-6 default to Y, N for 7-11

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