WA - Estimates - VET Qualification

WA - Estimates - VET Qualification


Below is a table detailing the required fields of the Estimates: VET Qualification export and where in Compass the data is sourced from.

For further details on SCSA reports, please refer to the 'SCSA Reports' article from the Knowledge Base.

Estimates: VET Qualification (ESQUAL)

Column ReferenceField NameMandatoryField RequirementsCompass Source
ARecord typeYHardcoded to: ESQUALn/a
BProvider codeYMaximum field length = 10 Provider at which the student is enrolledCampus Details > AGEID
CQualification codeYMaximum field length = 12 Unique code for the qualification the provider is offeringSubject & Classes > VET Type > Learning Tasks(where the task is 'WA VET Result') > WA Qualification Code
DRegistered Training Organisation provider codeYMaximum field length = 10 The unique code of registered training organisation offering the qualification on behalf of the COS providerSubject & Classes > VET Type > Learning Tasks(where the task is 'WA VET Result') > RTO Code
EWA student numberYMaximum field length = 15 Must be valid student number issued by School Curriculum and Standards AuthorityGovtCode1
FStudent family name
Maximum field length = 30LastName
GStudent given nameY, but optional if student only has a family nameMaximum field length = 30FirstName
HCalendar yearYMaximum field length = 4 Format YYYYFrom: Configure Compass
IAcademic yearYMaximum field length = 2 Must be in the range: 07 - 12From: Configure Compass
JDelivery arrangement identifierYMaximum field length = 2 1 = Auspice 2 = VET in schools profile 3 = School-based traineeship/ apprenticeship (4 = NO LONGER IN USE) 5 = Fee for Service 6 = School as the RTO 7 = Combination of delivery arrangements 8 = Scholarship or external stakeholder funding source. For example, industry grants or scholarships. 9 = Category 2 VET – VET outside of school arrangementSubject & Classes > VET Type > Learning Tasks(where the task is 'WA VET RESULT) > Delivery Arrangement Identifier
KEnrolment activityYMaximum field length = 1 E = enrolled W = withdrawnActive = If Student is in enrolments. inActive = If Student's enrolment date for that unit is < now (in past)

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