WA - Enrolment - VET Unit of Competency

WA - Enrolment - VET Unit of Competency


Below is a table detailing the required fields of the Enrolment:VET Unit of Competency export and where in Compass the data is sourced from.

For further details on SCSA reports, please refer to the 'SCSA Reports' article from the Knowledge Base.

Enrolment: Vet Unit of Competency (ENVET)

"UoC" Also known as "Unit Of Competency" If a student has no "unit of competency" learning task components against them, much of the data of this report will be blank.

Column ReferenceField NameMandatoryField RequirementsCompass Source
ARecord typeYHardcoded to: ENVETn/a
BProvider codeYMaximum field length = 10 Unique code for the course providerCampus Details > AGEID
CCourse codeNMaximum field length = 12 Unique code of the course that the unit of competency is integrated to. Leave blank if the unit of competency is a credit transfer UoCSubject & Classes > Edit Subject > Third to fifth characters of Unit Code
DCourse typeNMaximum field length = 6 Must be VETCOS when UoC is integrated into a VET industry specific course. Otherwise leave blankSubject & Classes > Edit Subject > Unit Code (the last part of the entry). VET in the interface = VETCOS in the report
EUnit codeY when VET industry specific course code is specified, else NMaximum field length = 12 Leave blank for a credit transfer unit of competency enrolmentSubject & Classes > Edit Subject > Unit Code (the first part of the entry)
FQualification codeYMaximum field length = 12 Unique code for the qualification the student is working towards by completing this unit of competencySubject & Classes > VET Type > Learning Tasks(where the task is 'WA VET Result') > WA Qualification Code
G"ScsaVetUnit Competency Export"YMaximum field length = 12 Unique code of the VET unit of competency the student is enrolling inSubject & Classes > VET Type > Learning Tasks(where the task is 'WA VET Unit of Competency') > Unit of Competency Code
HRegistered training organisation codeYMaximum field length = 10 The unique code of registered training organisation offering the unit of competency on behalf of the COS providerSubject & Classes > VET Type > Learning Tasks(where the task is 'WA VET Result') > RTO Code
IRegistered training organisation location codeNLeft Blankn/a
JWA student numberYMandatory Maximum field length = 15 Must be valid student number issued by School Curriculum and Standards AuthorityGovtCode1
KStudent family nameYMaximum field length = 30LastName
LStudent given nameY, but optional if student only has a family nameMaximum field length = 30FirstName
MCalendar yearYMaximum field length = 4 Format YYYYFrom: Configure Compass
NAcademic yearYMaximum field length = 2 Must be in the range: 07 - 12From: Configure Compass
OSemesterY for an enrolment in a UoC integrated in a VET industry specific course unit enrolmentMaximum field length = 1 Must be 1 = semester 1, 2 = semester 2, 3 = year longSubject & Classes > Class > TimePeriod
PContact/ teacher family nameY, when given name or registration number is specifiedMaximum field length = 30Subject & Classes > Class > LeadTeacher : LastName
QContact/ teacher given nameY, when family name or registration number is specifiedMaximum field length = 30Subject & Classes > Class > LeadTeacher : FirstName
RContact/teacher registration numberNMaximum field length = 15 Issued by TRBWA Must be a whole numberSubject & Classes > Class > LeadTeacher : Teacher Registration Number (WA)
SClass identificationNMaximum field length = 20Form Group
TCommencing course identifierNLeft Blankn/a
UEnrolment activity start dateYMaximum field length = 10 In valid date format – dd/mm/yyyyStudent class enrolment start date
VEnrolment activity end dateNMaximum field length = 10 In valid date format – dd/mm/yyyyStudent class enrolment end date
WDelivery mode identifierYMaximum field length = 2Subject & Classes > VET Type > Learning Tasks(where the task is 'WA VET Unit of Competency') > Delivery Mode Identifier
XTraineeship/ apprenticeship contract IDNMaximum field length = 10PM> Identification > 'Traineeship/ apprenticeship contract ID'
YEnrolment activityYMaximum field length = 1"E" If Student is in enrolments. "W" If Student's enrolment date for that unit is < now (in past)n/a
ZStudy reason identifierNLeft Blankn/a
AAVET typeNLeft Blankn/a
ABQualification enrolmentNLeft Blankn/a
ACSchool-based apprenticeship/ traineeshipNLeft Blankn/a
ADVET USINField length = 10 Alphanumeric VET Unique Student Identifier is required for unit of competency result to contribute towards the WACE requirements.Identification > VET USI

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