WA - Billing

WA - Billing


Billing allows you to manage Debtors, generate accounts, receipt payments and structure fee discounts.


Staff who require access to use features of the Billing module will need to be assigned the applicable level of permission.

Billing.AdminThis permission allows the user to manage the Administration of the Billing module.
Billing.BaseGives the user access to the Billing page and lets you view the dashboard & log tabs as well as viewing the billing schedule itself.  
Billing.ConfigureAllows users to access the Item Templates tab and perform all actions inside. 
Billing.CreateUsers with this permission have the ability to create ad-hoc transactions, receipting, creation of billing schedules, modification of billing schedules that you've created, duplicate billing schedules. It also gives the ability to Post Charges from Events in NSW Public.

For information on assigning permissions, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.

Billing Management

To access Billing Management, go to the Organisation menu (grid icon) and select 'Billing Management'.
On the page you will see a series of tabs.

Please Note: The content/functionality you see and have access to will be determined by the level of Billing permission you have been assigned.


Dashboard - This tab is where the Billing Schedules are managed.  You will see a list of existing schedules and a range of actions available such as the option to add Billing Schedules, receipting and the ability to generate ad-hoc transactions.

Discounts - This tab will show the available list of Discounts.  Discounts can also be added on this tab at the Diocese level.

Item Templates - Here you will see the existing list of items that can be charged on a Billing Schedule.  Items can also be added via this tab.

Administration - This tab displays your school's TechOne configuration settings.

Log - This tab contains transaction logs for charges and receipts.

Billing Schedules

To view the details of an existing Billing Schedule, click the title.


For further details on creating and managing Billing Schedules, please refer to the 'WA - Billing Schedules' article from our Knowledge Base.

Ad-hoc Transactions

To process an ad-hoc transaction, on the 'Dashboard' tab, select the applicable student in the 'Ad-hoc transaction' field.


Choose the applicable Template and complete the amount, description and due date.  Add any applicable discounts and then click 'Ok' to process the transaction.



Please refer to the 'Processing Receipts' article from our Knowledge Base for details on this process.


Click to the 'Discounts' tab to view the available list.


Discounts can be added at the Diocese level.  For information on this process, please refer to the 'Creating a Discount' article from our Knowledge Base.

Item Templates

Item Templates are used to add items to Billing Schedules.
Click to the 'Item Templates' to view the available list.


For details on creating Item Templates or editing/archiving existing ones, please refer to the 'Item Templates' article from our Knowledge Base.

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