Creating a Discount

Creating a Discount


Discounts are used as part of the Billing process. 


Staff will require the Billing.Admin permission to create Discounts.

For details on assigning permissions, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.

Creating a new Discount

To add a new discount to the list of available discounts, go to the Organisation menu (grid icon) and select 'Billing Management'.

Click to the 'Discounts' tab and click 'Add Discount'.


Fill out the fields for the new Discounts.



TitleName the billing discount to be created for your diocese to best describe the discount item i.e. Sibiling Discount, Sibling Discount 1st Child, Hardship Discount etc.
DescriptionInclude further details of the billing item as needed.
PercentageAdd the percentage value of the discount i.e. if the Sibling Discount for 1st Child is 10%, type 10 in this field.
FMS Doc TypeUse the drop-down list to select the best fit discount description for the new billing discount you are creating.
GL Code SourceChoose the applicable option from the drop-down:
Same as Invoice - The discount will code to the same GL string as the fee raised.
School Manual Mask - The discount will code to the GL string entered for all schools (ensure the location code is not entered in the string).
School Default - The discount will code to the GL string entered in the Administration tab at the school level.
Diocese Account - The discount will code to the GL string entered as the edatuls in the Administration tab at the Diocese level.

Click 'Save' and the new discount will be generated.

Discounts need to be applied to students on an individual basis in People Management prior to the student having invoices raised for them. You can either add these to students on an individual basis, or in bulk.

Please Note: Discounts will only be applied for Billing Items which have the Discount selected for them, for students or Debtors with the Discount applied in People Management. 

Add Discounts Individually

Go to People Management, under the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon). 

Search for the student that you need to apply a discount to, and click the pencil icon to edit their User Record.
Click to the 'Billing' tab.


Click ‘Add Discounts’. You will need to add each discount individually, but you can apply multiple discounts to one student. You can choose to add a comment, and you must choose a start and end date for the discount. 


This discount will apply to that student for applicable Billing Items during the time period selected here. 

If you add a discount that later needs to be removed, click the red X. 


Please Note: Removing a discount from a student will not impact any invoices that have already been raised. 

Add Discounts in Bulk

There are two ways to add discounts in bulk in People Management. 

 1 - Select all of the students that you want to apply a particular discount to. Go to the Actions menu, and click Add Bulk Discounts. Select the relevant discount and the time period it will apply for, and click ‘Apply Discount’. 


2 - Go to the Action menu, and click ‘Predict Student Discounts’. Select the Prediction Scope ‘School’, and the Assignment of Discount as ‘Incremental’. Ensure that only the discounts you want to apply are checked in the ‘Selecting Discounts’ list. 


Then, go through the list of students in the ‘Confirm Discount Predictions’ box. If you are applying the discount to future students, you can change the ‘Students Active on’ date as required. 


You can see any discounts that are already applied to the student in the ‘Current Discounts’ column. Any discounts that you add will override the student’s current discounts.

If any of the Predicted Discounts are incorrect, select the student and click ‘Apply Discounts’. Select all discounts that apply, and click ‘Ok’. This will override the Predicted Discounts. 

Once all of the students are showing the correct discounts in the Predicted Discounts column, use the top checkbox on the left hand side to select all. Click ‘Confirm Discount’. Select the end date that you want the discount to apply until. The start date for the discount will be the date you confirm the discount. 

If there are any students with Predicted Discounts who should have no discounts at all, ensure that you uncheck these students before clicking ‘Confirm Discount’. 

Click ‘Ok’.

Add Discounts to Debtors

Discounts can be added to debtors directly, instead of students. This is useful in cases where you would always like a debtor to receive a discount when available, such as for families which receive a Hardship Discount.

Go to People Management, under the 'Organisation' menu, and click to the 'Debtors' tab. 

Search for the debtor, and use the pencil icon to edit their Debtor Profile. Click to the 'Discounts' tab.


You can add one discount at a time. We recommend that you do not apply Sibling Discounts to debtors directly, as these always require a student to have the discount applied on their student User Record as well. 

Click 'Save', and then 'Save the Debtor' profile.

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