You can use Chronicle to create meetings with students that will automatically generate attendance data for the student/students attending the meeting (similar to how sickbay entries also account for student attendance).
Click here to access the Chronicle Meetings webinar.
Chronicle Access Level | Can view other meetings at that level or below | Can edit other meetings at that level or below | Can delete other meetings at that level or below |
ChronicleUser (Level 1) | Yes | No | No |
ChroniclePower (Level 2) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
ChronicleAdmin (Level 3) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Meetings are stored on the Chronicle page which you can access by going to the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and selecting 'Chronicle'.
To create a meeting, on the Chronicle page, click 'Create a new Meeting Entry'.
In the pop-up, select the applicable Template for the meeting type you need to create from the list available.
Complete the applicable fields. Add in the student/students in the right hand section.
You can view any associated communications that will be issued on the 'Communications' tab. If there is a notification chain in place, you will see this on the 'Notification Chain' tab. Communications are not sent until staff in the notification chain have given approval (if no notification chain is in place, any related communications will be issued when you save the meeting entry).
When you have finished adding all the content for your meeting, click 'Save and Close'.
You will be asked if you would like to print a meeting pass (for schools using this with a thermal printer) that the student can use as verification for their whereabouts when returning to class.
Select 'Yes' or 'No' depending on your preference at the time.
You will then see the meeting entry added to the list of Meetings on the Chronicle page. It will also be added to the schedules of all attendees. Clicking a meeting entry on a schedule will open the meeting page.
To edit an existing meeting you have created, locate the meeting in the list on the Chronicle page and click the edit pencil icon i.e. you can open the meeting to update the time it concluded so that the student's attendance record is then updated accordingly.
When you have completed making your changes (adding notes, updating the conclusion time etc), click 'Save and Close' to update.
Using Chronicle Meetings will impact student attendance. They function in a similar way to School Activities and Attendance Notes in that they will add an attendance entry for the student to account for their whereabouts. There is no roll to be marked manually for meetings, students are considered present at the meeting unless marked present elsewhere.
By default, entries of this nature will include start time and finish time fields. When the appointed date and start time occur for the entry, the applicable attendance entry will automatically be created on the student's record. When a finish time is set, the attendance entry will be set to conclude at that time, if no finish time is selected, the entry will conclude at 5pm that day.
If the meeting entry is edited to adjust the finish time, the attendance entry will update accordingly to that new finish time.
The type of attendance entry (i.e. the attendance code that is applied for the session) is determined when creating the entry.
Meeting Templates are created and managed on the Administration tab in Chronicle. Staff require the ChronicleConfigure permission to administrate templates.
Schools can have as many meeting templates as needed. Meeting templates have some default fields that will automatically be included to ensure the attendance aspects are managed, these are:
Custom fields can then be added to tailor the meeting template to your school's needs.
For details on creating meeting templates, please refer to the 'VIC - Chronicle Meeting Templates' article from our Knowledge Base.