Chronicle Meetings are created from Meeting Templates. You can have a range of Meeting Templates available to suit your school needs. Meeting Templates allow you to preset defaults and also manage the level of access required to use the Template or access Meeting entries created.
Click here to access our Meeting Templates webinar.
To create/edit/delete Chronicle Templates, staff require the ChronicleConfigure permission. This will give them access to the 'Administration' tab on the Chronicle page where Templates are managed.
To create a Meeting template, go to the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and select 'Chronicle'. This will take you to the 'Chronicle' page. Click to the 'Administration' tab and then to the 'Template' sub-tab. Click 'Create Template'.
In the pop-up, select 'Compass Meetings' for the 'School Category' field.
Because meeting entries created from this type of template account for student attendance, you will see the option to set the default attendance code.
Complete all the applicable fields on the 'Template Details' tab (for information on each of these fields, please refer to the 'VIC - Creating a Chronicle Template' article from the Knowledge Base).
Next, click to the 'Template Fields' tab. This is where you build the content to be completed for Meeting entries of this nature.
Meeting Templates have default fields that are automatically included (you will not see them showing here on the 'Template Fields' tab). The default fields are: