This academic year is configured in the URL in the 'Sync Configuration' window in TSV9. If this is incorrectly configured, you will lose classes and attendance data associated with those classes. This is particularly important if you are importing a 'Head Start' or 'Jump Start' timetable to promote students to their next year level (usually undertaken in November or December).
To sync your timetable and daily organisation changes with Compass:
1. Select the 'Export Data' option within the TSV9 Daily Organiser Module (File > Export Data) and select Compass.
2. Ensure that the correct .dof9 file is selected. If you need to choose another file, click ‘Select File’ and choose the correct .dof9 file.
You will then need to choose the Timetable Date Ranges and Daily Organiser Date Ranges. This determines how much information is synced into Compass.
For the Timetable Date Ranges, we generally recommend a Term or Semester at a time. For the Daily Organiser Date Range, we generally recommend one - two weeks at a time.
Once you have selected the correct file and chosen your date ranges, click ‘Connect file for comparison’.
3. You will now see the Export Screen with two tabs, ‘Export Daily Changes’ and ‘Export Class Information’.
From the ‘Export Daily Changes’ tab, you will see the daily organisation changes that have been made.
To see class/timetable information, click on the ‘Export Class Information’ tab.
4. To sync your timetable with Compass, click ‘Upload Timetable and Daily Changes’ from the Export Daily Changes tab.
Imports currently being run in Compass can be viewed via the Import Jobs page (Tools menu [cog icon] > Administration Tools > Import Jobs)
If you have any Class or Subject Issues in the Export dashboard, please contact Timetabling Solutions for support.
Frequently Asked Questions
The currently relevant academic year is the academic year that has been configured in Compass as the current information Compass should be displaying in the portal. This includes information such as the current classes assigned to teaching staff, the current enrolments for students and the current financial year.
Conceptually an academic year allows differentiation between the calendar year and the academic year, as well as allows for unique headstart situations.
Navigate to the Tools menu (cog icon) > Administration Tools > Configure Schedules, then click on the 'Academic Years' link in the left-hand column you will see a list of the academic years recorded in Compass:
The currently relevant academic year will be indicated with a 'Yes' in the 'Is Relevant' column. This information can be changed or updated at any time based on the needs of the school; please refer to