Prior to setting up your School Letters, you will need to create at least one Printing Template (please refer here to the article 'Printing Templates').
Click on the Edit button (pencil icon) at the right of the letter you would like to set-up/edit.
In the pop-up window that opens, navigate to the Communications tab.
You will first need to select a Printing Template (please refer to the 'Printing Templates' article for further details)
You can now enter/edit the letter content in the letter field, using any of the formatting options available.
This letter should be used for conveying parent login details to parents. This letter will print with the parent's username and a temporary password, which they are prompted to change on first login. If the parent has already logged in and set a new password, their new password will not display on the letter - only temporary passwords will display, this is for security reasons.
Parent Account Information Letters are generated from the People Management page in Compass. Please refer to the 'Parent Accounts' article from our Knowledge Base for detailed instructions.
These letters allows parents to explain instances where a student was marked Not Present or Late on a classroom roll and no other explanation has been provided.
Typically these letters are used in the period between the school beginning with Compass but before giving parents access to the portal, where they can explain absences and lates easily online themselves.
These letters are also useful for the instances where a parent may not have access to the Internet.
To generate these letters for all students or a cohort of students, navigate to the Organisation menu (grid icon) > Attendance. In the Attendance Dashboard, select 'Not Present/Late Letters'.
In the next screen, you can select the date range for which these letters will be generated, then select a group of students filtered by Year Level, Form Group or House. If you do not choose a filter, Compass will print letters for all students across the school.
You can then select if the letter will include Not Present, Lates or a combination of both, and if the letter will generate for the primary household or all households (i.e. for a split family).
You can use the Days Threshold to filter for a period of days and also only include Consecutive Days if required.
You can also select 'Create Chronicle Entry' if you wish to have a record of this letter generation appear on the student's Chronicle page for parents to view later.
If you want to include all Not Present Unexplained absences, both full and partial days, yet you want instances of full days to show as one line per day on the letter rather than each period having a line, you can click 'Letter Options'.
Then in the pop-up, tick the 'Slim Unexplained Letters' option.
For example, if a student was absent unexplained all day on a Monday and for Period 1 and Period 4 on the Tuesday, the standard letter would print the six periods as a line each under Monday and the two periods as a line each under Tuesday.
By ticking 'Slim Unexplained Letters' the Slim letter would have one entry for the Monday as a whole day absence.
You then have a choice how the two periods for Tuesday display; if you want them to display as one line also, you would have the minutes set to encompass the gap between the periods (if they were 90 minutes apart you would have the minutes as 91). If however you wanted the two periods on Tuesday to show as a line each on the letter, you would set the minutes to something less than the gap between them, like 10.
Sample of Slim Letter:
The partial absence shown is when the Time Gap was set to encompass the time between the two periods so that they show as one line on the letter.
Once you have made all your selections, click 'Create Letters'. Compass will then generate the letters to a single pdf file ready for printing.
Generating for an Individual Student
To generate a Not Present/Late: Unexplained letter for a specific student, navigate to that student's page by typing their name into the Compass Search Bar and select the desired student.
Click on their Attendance tab > Unexplained sub-tab
On the Unexplained sub-tab, you will see a list of all of the unexplained absences and lates the student has accrued during the year. Click the 'Print Unexplained Letter' button at the right of the screen and then select the appropriate option to print a letter containing the dates and times of the absences.
You can select 'Create Chronicle Entry' if you wish to have a record of this letter generation appear on the student's Chronicle page for parents to view later.
You can also click 'Letter Options' to check the current settings for you school as to whether the letter will print in the Standard format or the Slim format (refer to the previous section on 'Generating Attendance Letters for All Students or a Cohort of Students' for details on how the Letter Options function).
Once you have made all your selections, click 'Create Letter' to generate the letter to a pdf file ready for printing.
You can issue the Not Present/Late Unexplained letters via email if you prefer.
To do so, firstly you need to configure the email template. Go to to 'Chronicle' under the Organisation menu (grid icon) and click to the 'Administration' tab. Click to the 'Templates' tab and locate the 'Not Present/Late Unexplained Parent Letter' template.
Click the edit pencil icon for that template.
Click to the 'Communications' tab and then to the 'Parent Email' tab. Add the content for your email. You can use the range of available placeholders from the list on the right. To ensure the unexplained sessions are listed in the email, you will need to include the 'UnexplainedBlock' placeholder.
Set the 'Send Mode' from the list of available options in the drop-down.
When you have completed the email content, click to the 'Letter' tab and ensure the 'Send Mode' is 'no letter'.
Click 'Save Template and Close' to update your changes.
Once your email template is configured, you can proceed to generate the letters for issue.
Follow the standard process to generate the Not Present/Late Unexplained Letters and to issue as an email rather than a file of letters to be printed, ensure you tick 'Create Chronicle Entries'.
Click 'Create Letters' and the Chronicle entries will generate for the applicable students causing the email to be sent.
The Flags letter facilitates contacting parents about the instances when a student has received a Flag on their classroom roll. Individual schools or staff can select a purpose for the flag, such as being out of uniform or unprepared for class. Flags are given to a student on the classroom roll using the checkbox at the far right as highlighted in the image below.
To generate the Flags letter, navigate to the Organisation menu (grid icon) > Attendance > Flags Letter.
On the Flags Letter screen use the date range, year, and form options to filter your search as required. Uncheck the 'Include flags with Comment' button if you wish to exclude any instance where a student was flagged and a Comment was entered by the teacher.
Check the 'Create Chronicle Entry' if you wish to have a record of this letter being generated visible to parents on the Student's Chronicle.
From this screen you can also quickly access the Letter Manager by clicking the 'Edit Flags Letter' button.
Flag reports can also be generated for staff to view. Flag reports can be run on the class page using the Roll Flag Summary option in Tools - this produces a list of all the students in the class and the number of times they've received a flag within a date range.
It's also possible to run this report by year level - from the Attendance page on Compass (Organisation menu > Attendance) select 'Flag Report' under the Filtered by Year Level heading.