Medication Administration Alerts

Medication Administration Alerts


On occasions where a student requires medication to be administered on a regular basis while at school, an sms alert can be set up to advise the applicable staff of when the medication needs to be given.


To add a medical administration alert to a student record, staff will require both the 'PeopleManagementBase' permission and the 'PeopleManagementBase.Edit.Medical', or the 'UserRecordsAdmin' permission.

To determine which staff are able to receive the alerts, staff will require the 'ConfigureBase' permission.

For further details on permissions in Compass, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.

Adding a Medication Administration Alert for a student

To add an alert for a student, go to 'People Management' under the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon).

Use the available search/filter options to locate the student's user record and click to open.
Click to their 'Medical' tab.


Alerts are added within a student's listed medical conditions.  Click the edit pencil icon for the applicable medical condition.


Click 'Add Medication'.


Fill in the 'Name' with the title of the medication. 
Set the 'Frequency' to 'Regular' or 'Daily' (if not set to 'Regular' or 'Daily' the alert will not trigger).  Complete the dosage details.
Add in the applicable 'Time Given' (which will be the time the alert is issued). 
Add in the expiry date of the medication (this is the literal expiry date of the medication, not the expiry of the alert).
Click 'Save' and the medication will be listed.


You will see the frequency set as 'Regular' or 'Daily' and the 'Time Given' field indicates when the alert will be issued.

Enabling the Alert Process

To set which group of staff will be receiving the Medication Administration Alerts, you will need to go to the cog icon and select 'Administration Tools'.  From the menu, click 'Medication Notifications Config'.

To enable the alerts, ensure the box is ticked (to disable, untick).
Select the applicable group of staff who are to receive the alerts from the list of available Custom Groups for your school.
Click 'Save' to update your settings.

Please refer to the 'Custom Groups' article from our Knowledge Base on how to create groups if you do not have a suitable group already available.

Each staff member within the group will receive an SMS alert per student requiring medication.  For information on costs associated with SMS, please refer to the 'SMS' article from our Knowledge Base.

View Medications to be Administered

To view all the medications to be administered for the day, go to the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and select 'Chronicle'.  On the Chronicle page, click to the 'Medical' tab.  It will default to today's date but you can scroll back to view previous dates. 

Please note you cannot go to a future date as medical information on file may change and also to prevent accidental recording of medication being administered on the incorrect date.

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