Master Learning Tasks

Master Learning Tasks


The Master Learning Task tab is used to create and manage Master Learning Tasks ready to be pushed out to their applicable subjects.

Learning Tasks in this section can be grouped and pushed to the subject Learning Task tab as live templates.

Master Learning Tasks Tab

To manage Master Learning Tasks, go to the 'Teaching and Learning' menu (pencil icon) and select 'Learning Task Management'.  
Click to the 'Master Learning Tasks' tab.

Here you will see a row of buttons that allow you to group and manage Master Learning Tasks.

Creating a Master Learning Task

Click the ‘Add Master Learning Task’ button to create a Learning Task from scratch.


In the pop-up you will work through a series of tabs.


Creating a Master Learning Task - Basic Tab

This tab is where you specify the details of the Learning Task including the name, category, due date and time, instructions, and add any attachments required.


You can enter instructions or the details of the assignment in the large box on the left. You can use the various formatting options available
above the box to format the description, including standard text formatting, adding tables, equations, and embedding music or video files.

In the column to the right, you can set the security levels for the task. This determines who can see and/or interact with the Learning Task. To toggle the settings on or off, just click on the red cross icons to change them to green ticks or vice versa.

Task VisibleThe ability for students and parents to view the task. This setting allows staff to set up tasks within Compass and choose when they are published to the students and parents.
ConversationThis controls the ability of parents and students to comment on the task.
Allow SubmissionWhen enabled this allows students to submit their tasks online through Compass.
 (Please note, this row will be greyed out until a submission component is added on the Components tab.)
Grading VisibleThe ability to control whether students and parents can view grading results for the task. This allows staff members to enter the student's results piecemeal and then publish all of the results together.
Only grading components set as visible to Parents/Student on the Components tab will become visible when this setting is on.

Component Summary
This is where any included grading components will display. When creating the task from scratch this will be empty until you work through the Components tab of the Learning Task.

Additional Options
If the 'SMS (Late or Overdue)' checkbox is ticked, the student's primary parent will receive an SMS if the student has not submitted the Learning Task by the selected due date.
Please click here to see our 'SMS' Knowledge Base article for associated costs.

You can tick the box to flag the task as important. When viewing the Learning Task tab, the flag will display.

You can upload a file to include with the Learning Task. For school's with Google or Office Drive integration enabled, the option to select a file from your drive will also be accessible here by clicking the 'Pick From' button.

Creating a Master Learning Task - Component Tab

The Components section is where you add the grading schema against which the students will be assessed, as well as allow the students the option to submit their work via file upload.


Clicking the '+ Add Component' button opens a list of available submission components, grading components, calculated grading components, and rubrics.

To see any rubrics here you must have added them to your Subject Resources. For further information on Rubrics in Compass please see
the 'Rubrics' Knowledge Base article.


You can add multiple grading components by clicking the 'plus' icon for the component. This will add it to the 'Components' section on the right.
For example if you wanted to have students upload a Draft and a Final version of their assignment, you would click the 'File Upload' component twice.


Please Note: if you want to allow online submission for the Learning Task you need to have added at least one of the Submission Components.

If you wanted to have a feedback comment for the Draft and another comment for the Final version, you would click the 'Comment' component twice.


Once you've added a component you can click the Edit button (pencil icon) to edit certain aspects of the grading component.


Name - This is the Name of the Grading Component and the title as it appears to students and parents both on Compass and on the Semester Report (if the task is included on reports) i.e. if you have two Submission components, you might like to rename one to 'Draft' and the other to 'Final'. If you have two Comment components, you might like to rename one to 'Feedback for Submitted Draft' and the other 'Feedback'.

Column Heading - The name of the component on the Grid View of the Learning Tasks tab. You can leave it blank for the default heading or change this to something else for ease of viewing in GridView. (e.g. a shorter name).

Other options - depending on the grading component you are editing you may have other options available below this. For example if the Number component is being edited you can set a Minimum and Maximum number. Editing a Comment grading component gives you the option to set the
maximum number of characters. We recommend checking the Edit menu on all the components you choose to add to ensure there are no settings you wish to alter, even if you're content with the Name and Column Heading fields as is.

Self Assessment - If you tick that option, that specific component is then completed by the student and not the teacher. When you are ready for students to complete their component, you will need to set the Self Assessment to 'Open' and then when viewing the Learning Task via their student portal, the task will have an additional tab for the student to add their response for any included self assessment components. You can include as many student assessed components as needed. You can also then include this on Semester Reports if required. Please refer to the 'Learning Task Self Assessment' article from our Knowledge Base for further details.

Self Assessment Student View Example:


There are also a range of Calculated Grading components that you can use to calculate results based on this task or other tasks (depending on the type of Calculated component you select).

When you click the 'plus' icon to select a Calculated Grading Component, a pop-up will display allowing you to configure the calculation.


On the 'Settings' tab, you can edit the Name and make selections depending on the Calculated component you selected. On the 'Components' tab, you configure the calculation details and the Rules tab details how the specific Calculated Grading Component you have selected works.

Click 'Accept' when you have completed the information required for the Calculated component.

When you have finished adding all the Grading Components for your Learning Task, click 'Ok' in the bottom right corner.


This will take you back to the 'Components' tab of your Learning Task with a summary of the Components you have selected.


From the Components tab, you can also edit the Staff Access to each grading component using the dropdown menu at the right.

Edit - Staff can see this grading component, and enter and edit results for it.

Read-only - Staff can see this grading component but cannot enter or edit results for it.

Hidden - Staff cannot see this grading component and are not aware it is on the task.

You can also set which Grading Components are visible to Parents/Students when the Grading Visible option in the Learning Task's security matrix is enabled. The default setting for newly added components is 'Hidden'.


Students & Parents - Both Students and Parents will see this result.

Parents Only - Students will not see this result.

Students Only - Parents will not see this result.

Hidden - Neither parents nor students will see this result.

Based on the above image, when the security matrix (see below image) for the Learning Task is set to Grading Visible for Parents and Students, both would see the Feedback, only Students would see the Draft Feedback and neither Parents or Students would see the Result.


Once you are happy with the setup of the Master Learning Task, click the Save button. This will move the Master Learning Task into the Default Group below.

Please note - the Reporting tab will be predominantly greyed out initially, you will need to save the Master Learning Task and reopen to access this functionality.  Please refer to the 'Reporting Tab' section further below in this article for more information on this tab.

Distributing Learning Tasks

Once you have created and Saved your Learning Task Template, you will be able to distribute it to necessary Subjects.


Click on the folder and arrow icon to open the Assign Master Learning Task to Subjects window.

There are various filtering options at the top. Check the Subjects you wish to assign this Master Learning Task and Click Update.

Please note, that to include all enrolled students, check the option at the bottom left of the window.


To remove the Master Learning Task from the Subject, click on the folder and arrow icon to open the Assign Master Learning Task to Subjects window, untick the necessary subject, and click the 'Update' button.

Bulk Modify Learning Task

To bulk modify access to the Master Learning task, click on the Bulk Modify button at the top of the
Master Learning Tasks section.


The Bulk Modify window will open with all Master Learning Tasks on the left hand side and various access modifications on the right.

Check the Learning Task or Tasks you wish to bulk modify, then check an access type. This will make the Access type modifiable.


Click the 'Update' button on the bottom right when complete.

Task Access
You can bulk set the security levels for the task. This determines who can see and/or interact with the Learning Task. To toggle the settings on or off, click on the red cross icons to change them to green ticks or vice versa.

Task VisibleAbility for students and parents to view the task. This setting allows staff to set up tasks within Compass and choose when they are published to the students and parents.
ConversationsControls the ability for parents and students to comment on the task.
Allow SubmissionsAllow students to submit their tasks online through Compass. (Please note, this row will be greyed out until a submission component is added on the Components tab)
Grading VisibleThe ability to control whether students and parents can view grading results for the task. This allows staff members to enter the student's results piecemeal and then publish all of the results together. Only grading components set as visible to Parents/Student on the Components tab will become visible when this setting is on.

Component Access
You can Bulk update and edit the Access to all grading components using this method.

Students & Parents - Both Students and Parents will see this result.
Parents Only - Students will not see this result.
Students Only - Parents will not see this result.
Hidden - Neither parents or students will see this result.

Please note, that this will override any unique access that was set up when creating this Master Learning Task. It is recommended that if each component requires unique access, you should manage this through the individual task.

Staff Access
From the Bulk Modify window, you can also edit the Staff Access to the grading components using the dropdown menu.

Edit - Staff can see this grading component, and enter and edit results for it.
Read-only - Staff can see this grading component but cannot enter or edit results for it.
Hidden - Staff cannot see this grading component and are not aware it is on the task.

Reporting Access
If you need to configure the Learning Task for inclusion in Semester Reports, you can do so in Bulk here.
You will need to have created your Semester Report Cycle beforehand. 

Reporting Tab

If the task is not being included in Semester Reports you do not need to add any information for this tab and the configuration process for the task is complete.

You can click 'Save' and the Learning Task will be added to your class page, subject page or School Resources depending on where you have created it from.

If you need to configure the Learning Task for inclusion in Semester Reports, you will need to save the Master Learning Task. Reopening the Master Learning Task will give you access to the Reporting tab.
To include the task in Semester Reports, first, select the Reporting cycle (or cycles) you would like the task included in.


When you have chosen the cycle, or cycles, the other sections on the tab will become accessible.
You also have the option to have the Learning Task title different on the Report to what it may have been named at the class/subject level if needed.


Select the Display type from the drop-down. Depending on the type selected, the Components section will then need to be configured and you may have the option to add a Task Summary Description to include in the Semester Report.

For details on each of the Display options, please see the 'Learning Task Display Types in Semester Reports' article from our Knowledge Base.

Please Note: When the Display Type is set as 'Task Summary' you will see a setting option 'Disable layout changes for Primary Grading component'. When enabled (ticked), the report layout will not adjust any report layout settings to indicate that there is a Primary Grading component (if one has
been set for the task). This allows you to use the feature of the Primary Grading component for the Learning Task without it impacting the way the task will display in a report.

Creating a Group

Click the Add Group button to create groups to separate the Master Learning Tasks from the default
group. Type a name for the group and click the Save button.


This will move the newly created group to the bottom of the list.


By clicking on the Spanner icon to the right of the group you can click the edit button to change the name of the group or click the Delete button to remove the group from the list.


To move a Master Learning Task to a newly created Group, use your mouse or trackpad to click and hold on the six dots to the left of the Master Learning Task and drag it down to sit under the new group.


If a Master Learning Task is assigned to the Group you will be unable to delete the group until the Master Learning Task is moved to another Group.


By clicking on the Spanner icon to the right of the Master Learning Task, you will see a list of options to manage the Master Learning Task.


Edit - Click to edit the Master Learning Task

Duplicate - Click to duplicate the Master Learning Task. A window will pop up to rename the duplicated task, assign a due date and time, and Copy the duplicated Learning Task to the same subjects.


Delete - click to delete the Master Learning Task.

To push the Master Learning Task to necessary Subject, click the folder icon to the right of the Master Learning Task.


A subject assignment window will pop up. This window will allow you to click necessary Subjects to push the live Master Learning Task too. There are a variety of filters for further refining your Subject search.


Click the Update button to push the live Master Learning Task to the assigned subjects.

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