Where there is movement among electives/subjects you will need to re import your Subject Selection file.
This will update the enrolments within the Subject Schedule. You can then repost this schedule to raise fees for the new students. This will only post to newly enrolled students in the schedule.
If you are only making a change for one or two students, you can add them directly to the new Subject Schedule by opening the schedule, going to the Enrolments tab, and clicking 'Add Enrolment(s)'.
If the student has been previously enrolled in a subject and the invoice has not yet been paid, you can apply a Credit Note or 'Cancel Document' to remove the outstanding charges for this invoice.
If the student was previously enrolled in a subject and the invoice has been fully paid, you may need to process a refund for this payment. Please see the section below on processing refunds in Billing.
Where a student moves from one elective to another, you might need to reallocate funds within Billing Management.
1 - Once the new invoice has been raised using the process above, go to the Dashboard tab in Billing Management and use the Advanced Filter to locate the parent's payments.
2 - Locate the receipt that reflects the parent's original payment. Click to open.
3 - In the 'Current Allocations' section, click the red cross icon for the original invoice to remove it from the receipt allocation.