Recurring Contributions can be used within Billing Management and Course Confirmations.
If you choose to set up Contribution Configurations in your Billing Run for the year or within Course Confirmations, parents will be able opt-in to pay any invoices within that Billing Run/Course Confirmation using a Recurring Contribution. These will be managed primarily in the Recurring Contributions module, rather than in Billing Management.
Within Billing, there will be changes to how things display in Billing Management when a parent sets up a Recurring Contribution.
Initially, when you have raised fees for a student, the invoices will be viewable by debtor in the Billing Dashboard tab. There will be one invoice per Billing Item, and the cost will be for the total Billing Item cost (less any Discounts).
When a parent opts in to a Recurring Contribution, a Credit Note is automatically added to their account to zero-out the outstanding amounts on all of these invoices. Then, new invoices are created, breaking each Billing Item down into the proportions set by the Recurring Contribution. These can be quickly identified by the added text in the invoice description '(Student NAME) - Instalment Date'.
These invoices will not show as payable in the parent’s Action Centre, and you will not be able to manually add receipts to these invoices. They will show as greyed out invoices when you are adding a receipt for that debtor, and won’t be able to be selected.
As each instalment is automatically debited from the parent’s card, a receipt is automatically generated for the matching instalment invoices.
Staff will require the applicable permissions to access and manage recurring contributions.
PaymentPlansBase - Allows staff access to view recurring contribution details but not edit or add recurring contributions
PaymentInstalmentsAdmin - Provides adminstrative level of access to recurring contributions including the ability to edit/create contributions
Users who need to administrate recurring contributions, will need the PaymentPlansBase permission to access the module AND the PaymentInstalmentsAdmin permission to have administrative access.
For details on permissions in Compass, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.
Manual Add Recurring Contribution (Billing Management Plan)
To add a Recurring Contribution manually for fees raised through Billing Management, go to the Grid Icon, then Recurring Contributions. Click ‘New Recurring Contribution’.
Check the ‘Billing Management Plan’ box.

Start in the ‘Current Allocations’ section. Click ‘Add Invoices’ to select all of the invoices that the parent wants to pay. You can use the pencil icon to adjust the amount that the parent is contributing towards that invoice.

NB: Changing the amount for an invoice in Recurring Contributions does not change the total value of the invoice in Billing Management. It only changes how much the parent is paying in this Contribution.
For example, for a $100 invoice, a parent can choose to pay $50 towards this in a Recurring Contribution. The invoice will still show in Billing Management and the parent’s Action Centre with $50 outstanding.
Once all of the invoices look correct, you will be able to see the total amount for the entire transaction at the bottom of the list.
You will then be able to set up instalments in the ‘Add Contributions’ section.
Once these have been set up, the ‘Total’ in Current Allocations and the ‘Total Amount (billed + outstanding)’ should match. The Recurring Contribution will not save if these are different.
Changes to Recurring Contributions
If a parent has set up a Recurring Contribution, had instalments processed, and then wants to make a change, such as changing an instalment amount or change which fees the contribution applies to, you can change their existing Recurring Contribution, and this will automatically update the corresponding documents in Billing Management.
Go to Recurring Contributions, under the Organisation Menu.
Search for the name of the parent or student to locate the Recurring Contribution. Click on the pencil icon to edit.

You can make changes to the dates and amounts of the instalments by removing existing instalments and adding new instalments.
If an instalment is ‘Pending’, you can remove this using the red X.
If it has ‘Failed’, you can cancel this by clicking on the blue ‘View Attempts’ button.

Select ‘Cancel’ and then ‘Apply Action’.

You can also change the total amount of the Recurring Contribution by making adjustments to the Current Allocations section. You can remove invoices using the red X, adjust amounts allocated to each invoice using the pencil icon, and add new invoices.
Once you have finished making changes to Recurring Contributions for Billing Management Plans, you will need to ensure that the ‘Total amount (billed + outstanding)’ is the same as the ‘Total’ listed in the Current Allocations field.

Then, click Save.
The corresponding documents in Billing Management will automatically update to reflect the changes made.

Archiving the plan will remove all instalment invoices in Billing Management, as well as the Credit Note for the Recurring Contribution. The receipts from any instalments which have already been paid will automatically be reallocated to the original invoices which were raised by the Billing Schedule. Any outstanding amount will become payable again.
Archive a Recurring Contribution
You may need to cancel a Recurring Contribution part way through for a number of reasons, such as if the parent wants to pay the rest of the fees all at once, or if the student leaves your school. To do this you will need to Archive the Recurring Contribution.
Go to Recurring Contributions, under the Organisation menu.
Search for the name of the parent or student that the Recurring Contribution is for.
Click the grey X icon on the right hand side to archive the Recurring Contribution. This is not able to be reversed, so make sure you have the correct Recurring Contribution before finalising this process.
You will still be able to view archived Recurring Contributions by changing the ‘Showing’ dropdown menu to ‘Archived Plans’. However, you will not be able to make any changes or reinstate the plan once archived.
Parent Opt-In Recurring Contributions (Course Confirmations)
Parents are able to instigate a recurring contribution for themselves if the "Allow parents to pay via a Payment Plan" checkbox is ticked when a Course Confirmation template is set up, and the parent opts to pay via payment plan, instead of paying all at once. For information on this set up process, please refer to the Knowledge Base article titled "Course Confirmation and Payments".

When this checkbox is ticked and parents are completing their Course Confirmations, they will see the option to pay via recurring contributions (the image below shows the screen view as if a parent was logged into Compass):

Once parents have selected to pay in instalments, they will then see a pop up window confirming the dates and amounts that will be charged to their card as per the setup of the course confirmation template. Parents will need to click on the "Confirm" button before the card will be processed.

From the Recurring Contributions page you can process credit cards on an ad hoc basis. To do this click the 'Process Immediate Card Payment' button, available at the top of the table.
This will take you to a new page where you can enter the details of the payment. Including the Amount, the user it relates to, any further details, and an email address to receive the receipt.
Below this is a standard credit card details entry field requiring the name on the card, the type, the card number, expiry and CVV/CVC.
To complete the payment click the 'Process Now' button. The system will attempt to take the payment and will alert you as to whether the payment was successful or failed.
Failed Payments
Compass will attempt each contribution only up to three times. Once the contribution is successful it will not re-attempt, but after three unsuccessful contributiont attempts the contribution will be labelled 'Failed' and will sit at the top of your Recurring Contributions table in a section titled 'Requiring action'.
An email is issued to the designated staff/email address as notification of the failed contribution.
To resolve this you will need to go into the contribution, which you can do by clicking the pencil icon on the row with the plan. This will open up the details of the contribution, and at the right in the section titled Contributions you will see which have failed. See the left screenshot below for an example.
You can click the icon on the right (highlighted in red below) to see the details of why the contribution failed. At this stage it is recommended to contact the parent to discuss the reason for the failure.
If the issue has since been resolved (e.g. Insufficient funds) you can click the 'Re-queue' button at the bottom to cause the system to re-attempt the contribution another 3 times. If the issue relates to the card itself (e.g. it has expired, it's been cancelled, etc...) you should Close the Contributions window, update their credit card details on the contribution itself, and then re-queue the failed contribution.
Setting who will be notified via email of failed contributions
You can designate staff and/or email addresses to receive email notifications when contributions fail.
To add/edit who receives these, go to the 'Organisation' menu and select 'Recurring Contributions'.
Click 'Settings'.
To add a member of staff, type their name or select them from the drop down and click 'Add'.
If your school uses role based email addresses i.e., you can type the email address in the field and click 'Add'.

If you need to remove a person or email from the list, select it and then click 'Remove Selected'.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I cancel a contribution once it has been processed?
It is not possible to cancel a contribution instalment once a processing attempt has been made or refund a payment through Compass.
Any refunds must be completed individually by the school. You can however cancel an upcoming contribution that has not yet been processed.
What if an incorrect contribution amount has been entered?
If an incorrect contribution amount has been entered and no processing attempt has been made, you should delete the individual contribution (not the overall recurring contribution) and then create a new contribution for the correct amount. If a processing attempt has already been made, you will need to arrange a manual refund directly with the parent.
Can I process American Express, Diner Club or JCB transactions?
Currently only VISA or MasterCard payments are permitted.
How will the contribution appear on the parent's credit card statement?
All transactions will appear on credit card statement as ‘COMPASSPAY.COM’.
What happens if a parent opts-in to a recurring contribution from a Course Confirmations/Payment cycle after the initial contribution date?
If a parent opts-in to a recurring contribution after any contribution dates have already occurred then the system will automatically charge their credit card for the total of all missed contributions so that the parent is essentially 'up to speed' with everyone else on the same recurring contribution.
What should we do if a parent has a recurring contribution but comes into the office and completes it early?
If a parent completes a contribution or multiple contributions at the office via either cash or another method, you should edit the recurring contribution for the parent to reflect this.
In the example to the right the parent is on a recurring contribution that has 13 contributions. The first six contributions were taken through Compass as normal. Contributions 7, 8, and 9 however were cancelled on Compass after the school took the contributions in another way. To cancel specific contributions click the red X to the right of the contribution date, and click 'Save' at the bottom of the window. Cancelling the contribution means that the parent will not then be charged on Compass after already contributing the amount at the office.
What if a parent wants a recurring contribution that differs from the one offered on the Course Confirmation cycle?If this is the case then you can set up the parent with their own recurring contribution by creating it manually. You should ensure the parent has completed all aspects of the Course Confirmation cycle aside from the payment section. If the parent has gotten to the Pending Payment step this indicates they have gone through all the necessary agreements and questions. Once you have set the parent up with their own recurring contribution go to the Selected Students tab of the relevant Course Confirmation cycle and change the Status from 'Pending Payment' to 'Complete via Payment Plan'.
A contribution attempt has failed. Why?There are a number of factors that may prevent a contribution from being processed successfully. You may be able to find out more information by clicking on the attempts link (1/3) in the Instalment table.
Cards may fail for the following reasons:
- Invalid credit card details
- Card holder has exceeded their credit limit
- Card has expired
- The bank issuer is unable to be contacted to process the contribution
- The card is not a VISA or Mastercard
- The card has been flagged as a 'high risk' purchaser, by us or our banking partners
- The card was not issued in Australia. (We only process credit cards that were issued in Australia. If a card was issued by a Chinese bank, it will not be able to be processed by us)
Can parents update their credit card details online?Yes, this can be done by going to the Wallet and selecting Recurring Contributions. From here parents will be able to click Update Card.
What is the minimum amount I can charge a credit card?The minimum amount that can be charged to a credit card is $1.00
What currencies are supported?Australian Dollars only.
What merchant fees are charged?Your standard CompassPay merchant charges apply to all contributions. Refer to your CompassPay account for transaction rates and charges.