


Compass' Insights module is a tool for gathering information from staff, students and parents that is designed specifically for completing Individual Learning Plans (including MIPS and CAPS), but can be used for a variety of purposes. Insights also integrates with Compass' Semester Report Writer module to include the publishing of Insights data within reports (refer to the 'Cycle Settings' Semester Reports article for further details). This is an excellent way to include career action plans, term goals, or even extracurricular involvement data in a semester report.

To access this Insights module hover over the Community menu (people icon) from the navigation menu and select Insights.

This will bring you to the Insights Surveys main page. From here you can create a new Insights Cycle using any previously-created templates or edit pre-existing cycles.

Creating a New Insights Template

Click the '+ Add Insights Template'' button from the 'Templates' tab to create a new template. You will need to fill in the following fields in order to create your template.  Please see below for a description of these fields:


NameThe name that will be displayed for the template
DescriptionThe description that will be displayed for the template
DefaultAll schools are set up with a 'default' template.  This template is available for use by all staff and has has 'Show response history' selected.  These fields can be changed by editing the default template and the default template can be changed.  There can only be one default template at any given time
Open for use by staffThis is the placeholder used to insert the field input into letters, emails and SMS messages sent through the Chronicle template. This field must be unique, not contain any special characters, and must start and finish with curly brackets. For example: {Overview}. It may help to think of this placeholder in the same way as a merge field is used in MS Word.
Show response historyIf this box is ticked then response data will display where there is a previous reponse for the enrolled user provided the same questions are used and the cycles are in the same group


Questions can be targeted to Students, Staff and Parents within a Cycle and can be added at both template and cycle level. To create a new set of questions click the '+ Add Question' button.   Clicking this button will open the 'Add Question' dialog box, which requires a number of fields to be filled out.

The first is the Group option - this allows questions which are relevant to each other to be grouped together under a heading.  Examples of group names may include Career, Wellbeing or Personal.

The Question text box is where the administrator will enter the question that is being asked of the participant.  There is no maximum length to this entry, however, succinct questions will maximise user participation in the process.

Answer Mode is the next option in the dialog - this will allow you to select from seven answer styles:


  1. Text - The user is able to enter as much text as they require to answer the question
  2. Radio Button - The user is able to select one answer from a group of pre-defined options set by the cycle administrator (E.g. My favourite subject is...)
  3. Check Box - A number of options are provided to the user and they can tick a box to select as many as are appropriate (E.g. Select all extracurriculum teams and organisations in which you're involved...)
  4. List - Multiple Selection - The user is able to select as many options as are relevant from a drop-down list that is set by the cycle administrator (E.g The subjects I enjoy doing are...)
  5. Drop-down List - The user is able to select just one option from a drop-down list of options set by the cycle administrator
  6. Numbered Range (1-5) - The user must select options between 1 and 5 that have been pre-defined by the cycle administrator (E.g. On a scale of 1-5 with 1 being not prepared at all and 5 being extremely prepared, how prepared do you feel for the end-of-year examination?) 
  7. Numbered Range (1-7) - Same as above but with 7 options instead of 5
  8. Explanation - The user is able to give both a short and a more in-depth answer as set by the cycle administrator (E.g. What are your favourite subjects and why?)

If you've selected any of the Answer Modes besides Text then an additional option will be added to the Add Question window.  This will allow you to add options for the user to select relating to the quesion asked. For the answer modes that allow you to add as many options as youlike click the '+Add Option' button and type the response option. To commit the response, press Enter on your keyboard (please keep in mind if you've selected either of the Numbered Range options you cannot change the number of options available within the range - there will be either 5 or 7 options available depending on your selection).

Selecting Explanation Answer Mode will also provide additional options to the Add Question window:  the Number of Answers sets the maximum number of answers that the user can provide (10 is the maximum number that can be set). Title on Profile defines the title that will display for the given question on the student's profile if Show on Profile is selected (see screenshot below).

To remove an option, click on the red X button on the right hand side of the Add Option menu, or click the pencil icon to edit the entry.  The order in which the options display can also be changed by clicking and dragging using your mouse.

To select whom will answer the question entered use the Question for drop-down menu.  The options available will depend on the intended audience selected at the beginning of cycle creation.

The final option is the Mandatory checkbox, which is used to ensure that a specific question is answered within the cycle.  Participants will not be able to complete the Insights cycle without answering the question if this option is selected. 

Creating a new Insights Cycle


Click the '+ Add Insights Cycle' button from the main page and select a template to create a new cycle.  Once you've selected a template, you will be presented with the following options:


Before you can proceed with the cycle setup you must select the user type into which you're looking to gain insight. Keep in mind that once you've confirmed the cycle target group you cannot change it. Read the options and the limitations of each cycle carefully and select the opti

This tutorial will continue with the cycle target selected as Students, however, the process is very similar regardless of target audience.

Cycle Details

If there are no previous Insights Cycles created, enter a descriptive group name such as 'Individual Learning Plans Year 10' or 'Co-curricular Activities'.

The Group option is important as you can compare results across cycles within the same Group. Even if you don't plan to compare results the Group allows you to categorise your Insights cycles so when selecing a name for your Group it should be generic but refer to the type of information you're collecting. Once you've created a new Group you will see it on the Insights main page with each Insights cycle nested under the relevant Group.


Enter a name for the cycle in the Cycle Name field. This should specifically identify this cycle and differentiate it from other cycles that you may run in the future using this same Group. It may be helpful to refer to the year, semester or term that the cycle is being run.

Setting a cycle as the Primary Cycle means that users who are answering questions for a cycle that is within the same group as the Primary Cycle will be able to see what their answers were from the Primary Cycle.  This feature can be used to facilitate reflection of previous cycles' answers

Cycle Security Options

The Cycle Security Options matrix helps to control the permissions of those participating in the Insights cycle include students, parents and staff (depending on the cycle target selected)

To better understand the matrix consider the example below:

The Students enrolled in the cycle

  • Can edit their own responses
  • Can view their parents responses
  • Cannot view or edit the staff members responses

The Parents enrolled in the cycle

  • Can view their child's responses
  • Can edit their own responses
  • Can view the staff members responses

The Staff Member enrolled in the cycle

  • Can view student responses
  • Can view parent responses
  • Edit their own response
Insights cycles are made available using the security matrix outlined previously. If you don't want participants to access the cycle before a specific time ensure that they have their permissions marked as 'cannot see'.  You can change these settings at any time so you may want to start by setting all users as 'cannot see' and change the settings once you're ready to open the cycle.

Once this matrix has been completed to reflect the Administrators requirements press the Save button and you will be able to access the two other tabs within the Insights cycle.

After initially creating your Insights cycle, the Cycle Security will be available via the Cycle Settings (see image below):



The Details tab displays statistics relating to the specific cycle like the number of enrolments in the cycle, how many questions have been completed, and a parred-down version the Cycle Security.  See example below:



The Questions tab controls the questions that the students, staff and parents will be required to respond to within the cycle.

On the right side of the page is the Copy Questions drop down. From here you can select a previous cycle from the drop down and then click 'Copy Questions', ensuring that the questions used in previous cycles are used again, making the previous responses comparable. If you plan to use the 'Show Response History' option and your school has previously run this Insights cycle, you should copy the questions across. 

If you wish to create a new set of questions click the ' + Add Question' button on the left-hand side of the page. Clicking this button will open the Add Question dialog box, which includes a number of fields to be filled out.

The first is the Group option - this allows questions which are relevant to each other to be grouped together under a heading. Examples of group names may include Career, Wellbeing or Personal

The Question textbox is where the administrator will enter the question that is being asked of the participant.  There is no maximum length to this entry, however, succinct questions will maximise user participation in the process

Answer Mode is the next option in the dialog, this will allow you to select from seven answer styles:

  1. Text - The user is able to enter as much text as they require to answer the question
  2. Radio Button - The user is able to select one answer from a group of pre-defined options set by the cycle administrator. (e.g. My favourite subject is...)
  3. Check Box - A number of options are provided to the user and they can tick a box to select as many as are appropriate (e.g. Select all extra-curriculum teams and organisations you're involved in....)
  4. List - Multiple selection - The user is able to select as many options as are relevant from a drop down list that is set by the cycle administrator. (e.g. The subjects I enjoy doing are...)
  5. Drop Down List - The user is able to select just one option from a drop down list of options set by the cycle administrator.
  6. Numbered Range (1-5) - The user must select an option between 1 and 5 which the administrator has pre-defined. (e.g. On a scale of 1-5 with 1 being not prepared at all and 5 being extremely prepared, how prepared do you feel for the end of year examination?)  {See image at right for an example.}
  7. Numbered Range (1-7) - Same as above but with 7 options instead of 5.

If you've selected any of the Answer Modes besides Text then an additional option will be added to the Add Question window.  This will allow you to add options for the user to select relating to the question asked. For the answer modes that allow you to add as many options as you like click the '+ Add Option' button and type the response option. To commit the response press Enter on your keyboard. (Please keep in mind if you've selected either of the Numbered Range options you cannot change the number of options available within the range, there will be either 5 or 7 options available depending on your choice.)

To remove an option click on the red X button on the right hand side of the add option menu, or click the pencil icon to edit the entry.  The order in which the options are presented can also be changed by clicking and dragging using your mouse.

To select who will answer the question entered use the Question for drop down menu, the options available will depend on the intended audience selected at the beginning on the cycle creation.

The final option available is the Mandatory checkbox, which is used to ensure that a specific question is answered within the cycle. Participants will not be able to complete the Insights cycle without answering the question if this option is selected.


Once all questions have been entered click on the 'Enrolments' tab, which will display the following screen:

The enrolments widget works similarly to other sections of Compass, students can be selected by either individual, year, form, house, or class. For further options on adding enrolments click the 'Advanced' button at the top to be able to add by subject, flag, bulk list of ID codes, or even add in external students.

If staff are selected as the target audience the enrolments section will vary from that in the example given above. Staff can either be added individually, from a comma separated list or by clicking the 'Add all Staff' button.
You can also copy enrolments from previously run cycles by selecting the cycle from the 'Select a cycle...' drop down box and click the '++Copy Enrolments' button to the right.

Completing an Insights Cycle

When an Insights cycle is available to be completed an alert will appear on the enrolled user's Compass home page.

By clicking on the link the user will be directed to the 'Insights' tab. If the user is the student it will be the Insights tab on their own profile, if the user is a parent it will be the Insights tab on the profile page for their student who is included in the Insights cycle.

A list of the Insights cycles that the student is enrolled in will appear under this tab. To answer the questions within an Insights cycle click on the name of the cycle within the grid.

Staff, students and parents will be able to make changes based on the permissions matrix set within the cycle. Most commonly, parents will be able to enter answers to their questions and view the responses of the students and staff within the cycle. (For more information regardig this please see the section titled 'Cycle Security Options' under the Creating an Insights Cycle heading above.)

The below example is a parent entering responses who can see their student's responses.

The text area highlighted in red is where the parent is prompted to respond to the question. Above and below the highlighted section you can see the questions posed to the student and the responses they have already entered.  This helps to increase transparency between students, staff and parents.

Managing an Insights Cycle

The Insights Cycle security matrix can be modified at any time. Once the students, staff and parents have completed their surveys you can update the matrix to be read-only or hidden completely if you do not want either group of users from reviewing their responses.

You can use the range of email options to communicate with users involved in the cycle.


In order to review the responses in bulk you can export out the data to CSV using one of two exports - either Raw Response Data or Raw Response Data (Pivoted).


If you prefer to view the responses on a per-student basis you can do so by going to the 'Enrolments' tab for the relevant cycle and clicking on the magnifying glass on the row for the student whose responses (or whose parents responses) you want to view.


You can also see the progress of each enrolment in the Status column.


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