CRT - Replacement Staff Accounts

CRT - Replacement Staff Accounts

CRT Accounts - Emergency/Temporary Replacement Staff Accounts

All Compass portals have 26 default CRT (Replacement Teacher) accounts available to enable these staff access to Compass while on placement at your school.

Depending on your school system you may refer to replacement staff as Casual Relief Teachers, Casual Replacement Teachers, or Casual Release Teachers. Within Compass these sorts of staff will simply be referred to as CRTs.

The use of these CRT accounts is determined by your school and will be different depending on the requirements of the school.

Configuring CRT Accounts

Regular CRTs added on your SIS

Commonly, regular CRT staff are added as staff in your School Information System (SIS) e.g. CASES21, MAZE, Denbigh, etc, and therefore will be automatically synchronised overnight via CompassLink in the same way other new staff members are added.

In the same manner as all other staff, usernames and passwords for these staff are managed with your school technician via the school's LDAP system e.g. Active Directory, Open Directory, SAML etc.

Schools can limit Regular CRTs accessibility within the portal by creating and assigning them to the Compass Permission Group - CompassReplacementStaff in your LDAP system.

Regular CRTs unable to be added to your SIS

If you have a staff member that is employed for an extended period of time, but you cannot add them as a staff member in your School Information System (SIS) e.g. CASES21, MAZE, Denbigh, etc. You can manually create a local account for them in People Management and provide them with the appropriate access to areas of Compass. 

Warning: To maintain historic records, it is also important that you do not simply repurpose a Generic CRT Account in Compass, rather you manually create the user as ‘Staff’ in People Management to provide them with the appropriate permission.

Navigate to the Organisation Menu (Grid icon) > People Management > click on the green ‘+ Add’ button then Staff from the dropdown menu. Complete the required fields on the Basic tab, and any further information per by your school’s processes.

On the School tab, you must enter at least one Milestone to save the Regular CRT as Staff. Click on the green ‘+Add New Milestone’ and enter a Start Date.  

Tip: When the CRT's work at the school concludes, to make their account inactive click ‘+Add New Milestone’ and enter the Start Date of the inactive period unchecking the ‘Is Active’ tickbox. If/when the Regular CRT returns to your school, search for their name in People Management and click ‘+Add New Milestone’ and enter a Start Date checking the ‘Is Active’ checkbox.  This will reactivate their account for you.


On the Compass tab, you must set the Authentication Mode. The Authentication Mode will depend on whether the Regular CRT has an account in your school’s LDAP system e.g. Active Directory, Open Directory, SAML etc., or you would like to make them a Local Account user.


If the user DOES have an account in your school’s LDAP system, the Authentication Mode should be set to ‘CompassLink’ or ‘SAML’ (as relevant), and you will need to ensure that the Compass/LDAP username (also displayed on the Compass tab) matches the username in the LDAP system. To limit regular CRTs' accessibility within the portal work with your school technician by creating and assigning the user within your LDAP to the Compass Permission Group – CompassReplacementStaff or to another Compass Permission Group at the school’s discretion.
Please note: If a user is assigned to another permissions group, in addition to CompassReplacementStaff, all permissions will be active, with the CompassReplacementStaff permission restricting the user’s access to the portal outside school hours from 5:00pm to 6:00am. Please refer to the Security and Permissions section towards the end of this article for details of this permission and other important security information.
If the user DOES NOT have an account in your school’s LDAP system, the Authentication Mode should be set to ‘Local’. The Compass Permission is then set on the bottom left of the Compass tab within ‘User Role Groups’. Click the green ‘+ Add’ button and select CompassReplacementStaff to provide the Regular CRT limited access to the portal or to another Compass Permission as per the school’s discretion.


Irregular CRTs

Within Compass, there are 26 generic CRT Accounts (CRT00 to CRT25) with usernames and passwords that have the default permissions set to CompassReplacementStaff that limit their access within the portal. These accounts enable your office staff to reset the passwords as frequently as required without requiring action by your school’s IT Team.

To provide a CRT with the username and password of a generic CRT Account, navigate to the Organisation Menu (Grid icon) > People Management. Within the search field on the People tab enter ‘CRT’ to view the filtered list of generic CRT Accounts.


Tick the row(s) of the relevant CRT Account(s) to assign > Click on the ‘Actions’ button and select ‘Reset Local Passwords’ from the dropdown menu > Click ‘Yes’ to reset the passwords of all selected Local Account users.


A small pop-up window with the new passwords will display to then give to appropriate CRT(s).

The generic CRT account passwords will expire at 5pm, 3 business days after the password was reset and issued (the user will see a notification on their dashboard advising the date/time of the expiry).

If you need to stop the CRT access prior to this, just reset the password for the relevant CRT Account in People Management. When you assign the CRT Account again to a new individua,l the password needs to be re-set.


The generic CRT Accounts with their default permission CompassReplacementStaff not only limit user access within the portal, they also restrict their use outside of school hours from 5:00pm to 6:00am. Please refer to the Security and Permissions section towards the end of this article for more details of this permission and other important security information.

School Prefers not to Provide Access for CRTs

If you prefer your CRTs do not have access to your portal and rather they mark paper rolls, navigate to the relevant Class Profile pages and print ‘Class List’ from the Tools section. Your Administration Team or any other appropriate staff member can then mark the roll in Compass using the CRT’s paper roll.

Security & Permissions

It’s important to always maintain the security of your Compass portal. You can do this by:
  • Only using the Compass created CRT Accounts for your CRTs (managing these locally within Compass People Management);
  • Resetting passwords for the generic Accounts CRT00 to CRT25 in People Management every time you provide the CRT username and password to a new individual;
  • If your school has provided Regular CRTs with usernames and passwords that are managed via the school’s LDAP system (e.g. Active Directory, Open Directory, SAML etc.) the individuals are frequently changing their school network passwords (the same applies to your staff) and complex 8 characters in length alpha-numeric passwords are used;
  • Ensuring CRT Accounts are assigned to the Compass permission group CompassReplacementStaff, or another permission group depending on their role at your school.

Compass Permission Group - CompassReplacementStaff

This Permission Group is intended for use by Emergency/Temporary Replacement Staff.  All Local Accounts (in People Management) from CRT00 to CRT25 have this permission by default. Schools managing any CRT’s username and password on the school’s LDAP system (e.g.Active Directory, Open Directory, SAML etc.) can create this Permission Group and allocate the relevant user.

Please refer to the Knowledge Base Article - Permissions for further detailed information about permissions.

Allocating Extras to CRTs

Within Your Timetable

Depending on the timetabling package used by the school, Compass uses various methods to import extras or coverage data into Compass. Extras need to be allocated in the school’s timetable package (e.g. Edval, FirstClass, Timetabler, etc.) and then synchronised with Compass, most commonly through the Compass Data Sync Tool.

To ensure that the data can be synchronised successfully with Compass it is important that the staff members’ codes in the timetable match the staff members’ codes in Compass – for regular teachers this means their 2-4 letter SIS code, and for Generic CRT Accounts the codes CRT01, CRT02, etc. (including the zeroes).
Once extras have been imported into Compass they will appear on the CRT Account’s schedule as well as the schedule of the original teacher.

Within Compass

If you cannot allocate extras to CRTs within your external timetable package or you use Compass Schedule Builder to create your schedules, you can allocate classes to a CRT Account within the Daily Organisation module of Compass. The CRT and original Teacher schedules will view as per above screenshots. For details on how to do this please refer to the Knowledge Base Article - Daily Organisation.
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