Connect allows users to generate chats.
This can be a great tool for staff to use to confirm or query info with each other. It can also be handy for students and/or parents to touch base with staff.
Schools can determine which user types have access and can also provide specific staff with broader availability to students/parents.
ConnectUser | Staff with this permission are able to use the Connect feature and chat with other staff. They can also chat with students they teach or have taught and parents associated with those students if Parent and Student Connect access is enabled. |
ConnectPower | Staff with this permission are able to use the Connect feature to chat with other staff. They can also chat with any student or parent across the school if Parent and Student Connect access is enabled. |
ConnectAdmin | Staff with this permission are able to use the Connect feature to chat with other staff. They can also chat with any student or parent across the school if Parent and Student Connect access is enabled. This permission also allows staff to manage which staff have the ConnectPower permission. |
Access to Connect is able to be disabled for specific individual users. This may be because a user does not require access to this feature or has not followed school guidelines for its use.
To do so, go to 'Administration Tools' under the cog menu icon. Click the 'Configure Connect' option. Click to the 'Manage User Access' tab. Here you can add/remove the applicable users as required.
Staff | When Connect is enabled for staff, staff can chat with any staff member. When Connect is also enabled for students, staff can chat with students they are teaching or have taught as a Lead Teacher. Staff with the ConnectPower permission can also chat with with any student or parent across the school (if Parent and Student Connect access is enabled). Staff with the ConnectAdmin permission can also chat with any student or parent across the school (if Parent and Student Connect access is enabled). When Connect is enabled for parents, staff can chat with parents/guardians associated with any of the students they teach or have taught as a Lead Teacher. |
Student | When Connect is enabled for students, staff can start a chat with any student they are teaching or have taught as a Lead Teacher. Staff with CompassPower or CompassAdmin permission can also chat to students. Please note that students will not have access to start chats with Staff regardless of permission level. |
Parent | When Connect is enabled for parents, parents/guardians can chat with any teacher teaching students associated with them or who has taught them as Lead Teacher. Parents/guardians can also chat with staff with the CompassPower or CompassAdmin permission. |
Parents and/or students can click the Connect icon within the App to access chats.
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Holding on a response will expand further options.
Staff can also have the option to create group based chats.
When clicking 'New Chat' in the pop up they can search and select multiple users to generate a chat. A name for the group chat can also be added.
Alternatively, click the 'Add by Group' option to add users via the available options.
Within the app, staff can select multiple users to create a Group chat or click the group button to add users based on the available group options.