To provide your users with the appropriate access within your portal we have created Compass Permission Groups with their own set of individual Default and School-Defined permissions.
The Permission Groups are managed in your Compass portal via Permissions Manager. Depending on your school's IT systems and processes you can then allocate users to Permission Groups within your Compass portal via People Management or via your LDAP system (Active Directory, Open Directory or Novell).
As well as being assigned to Permission Groups, staff can be individually assigned specific permissions on the school's Active Directory.
This document is designed to assist you with managing access to all areas of your Compass portal and to ensure that every user has permission to the appropriate areas, dependent on their role and your school's requirements.
Compass has a range of Individual Permissions that give users specific access within Compass to complete processes or access modules/information.
For information on how to assign staff an Individual Permission, please refer to the Permissions Knowledge Base article.
Please see the below list for the available Individual Permissions and the functionality they enable for the user.
Permission | Description |
ActivityProfileBase | Required to be able to search for and access Class Profiles in Compass as well as the Subjects and Classes Page. |
AfterHoursAccess | Allows the user to access their Compass portal before 7am, and after 5pm. |
AnalyticsAdmin | Can see the Analytics data for cycles set to Open or Readonly, and can edit results on the Results Grid for cycles set to Open. Can also administer cycles on the Analytics page and change their statuses to Open/Readonly/Hidden. |
AnalyticsPower | Can see the Analytics data for cycles set to Open or Readonly, and can edit results on the Results Grid for cycles set to Open. |
AnalyticsView | Can see the Analytics data for cycles set to Open or Readonly, but cannot edit anything. |
AncestryPromotionAdmin | This permission is only relevant to Compass schools using the Ancestry feature. Allows user to promote whole school rather than a single user. |
AttendanceAdmin | Allows user to administer all markings of class rolls, add/edit/delete Notes/Approvals outside of a class roll, and add/edit/delete School Activities. |
AttendanceBase | Required to access the base level functionality in the Attendance module, including the Attendance dashboard, Attendance tabs on any profiles in Compass, and the ability to mark the roll. |
AttendanceMarkOtherRolls | Allows user to mark other users' rolls. |
Attendance.NotesApprover | Allows user to approve or delete attendance notes. |
AvailabilitySearchView | Gives staff access to the Availability Search feature. |
Billing.Admin | This permission allows the user to manage the Administration of the Billing module. |
Billing.Base | Gives the user access to the Billing page and lets you view the dashboard & log tabs as well as viewing the billing schedule itself |
Billing.Configure | Allows users to access the Item Templates tab and perform all actions inside. |
Billing.Create | Users with this permission have the ability to create ad-hoc transactions, receipting, creation of billing schedules, modification of billing schedules that you've created, duplicate billing schedules. It also gives the ability to Post Charges from Events. |
Billing.ModifyAll | Provides the ability for the user to modify billing schedules they have not created. |
BookingsAdmin | With this permission the user can create/edit/delete all Resource groups or individual Resources through the Resource Booking module. |
BookingsPower | This allows the user to book items on the Resource Bookings module. |
BookingsView | The ability to view bookings made on the Resource Bookings module. |
BudgetAdmin | Allows user to administer Budgets in the Financial Management module, as well as Accounts and Financial Periods. |
BulkSms | This allows the user to send messages through the Bulk SMS module. |
CalendarAdmin | This allows the user to view/add/edit/delete any Calendar layer or Calendar entry. |
CalendarReadOnly | This permission allows users to see all Calendar layers of the school. They can only edit Calendar layers they are set as Managers of. |
CanteenAdmin | Allows the user to access Canteen Management under the Organisation menu to administer menus/orders. It also allows the user to make canteen orders on behalf of other users. |
CanteenPower | Allows the user to access Canteen Management under the Organisation menu to administer menus/orders. |
CanteenUser | This permission allows the user to access the Canteen ordering option under the Community Menu. |
ChronicleConfigure | This allows the user to access the Administration tab within the Chronicle module. |
ChronicleL1 (ChronicleUser) | This gives the user Level 1 permissions for Chronicle. This will mean the user can view any Chronicle entries made at a Level 1. They can also create Chronicle entries accessible to Level 1 users. They can edit any Chronicle entries they have created. |
ChronicleL1View | Allows the user to view any Level 1 Chronicle entries. With this permission they cannot create/edit Level 1 entries. |
ChronicleL2 (ChroniclePower) | This gives the user Level 2 permissions for Chronicle. This will mean the user can view/edit/delete any Chronicle entries made at a Level 1 or Level 2. They can also create Chronicle entries accessible to Level 1 or 2 users. |
ChronicleL2View | Allows the user to view any Level 1 or Level 2 Chronicle entries. With this permission they cannot create/edit Level 1 or Level 2 entries. |
ChronicleL3 (ChronicleAdmin) | This allows the user to view/edit/delete any chronicle posts (Level 1, 2, and 3) within Compass. It also allows them to create Chronicle entries at any level. |
ChronicleL3View | Allows the user to view any Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 Chronicle entries. With this permission they cannot create/edit Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 entries. |
ClassesAdmin | This allows users to create/edit/delete classes, as well as create/edit/delete the class sessions. |
ClassesPower | This allows users to edit enrolments for students of classes on the Custom Classes layer. This can be useful for IM classes, without giving the user Admin permissions. |
ClubsAdmin | *UK Module Only - Gives user full access to administrate Clubs module |
ClubsBase | *UK Module Only - Gives user management level access of Clubs module |
ClubsPower | *UK Module Only - Gives user basic access to Clubs module |
CodeSetAdministration | This permission gives staff access to Code Set Administration in Admin Tools. |
CommentBankBase | Required to access the Comment Bank menu item and dashboard. |
CommentBanksAdmin | This allows the user to add/edit/delete any entries in the School-Wide comment bank as well as their personal comment bank. |
CommunicationsAdmin | Staff users require this permission to see and access the 'Communications' tab on a parent or student profile which contains all correspondence issued in relation to that parent/student. |
CompassApiUser | Users with this permission will be able to access their individual API key. |
ConferencesBase | This allows the user to access Conferences to view their bookings. |
Configure | This allows the user entry to the Administration Tools page, which is located under the Tools menu in the top right hand corner of Compass. Within the Administration Tools menu, the user will have access to the following menu items: -Attendance Simulator -Code Set Administration -Data Exports -Eduhub Setup -Email Attachments Manager (must also have the CompassSponsor Role Group) -Faculty Manager -General Import -Security Settings -Campus Details -Change SUSSI Id -Client Manager -Configure Schedules -Permissions Manager -Program Code Management -Pulse (must also have PulseAdmin) -Reports Management -School Website payment builder (BETA) -Subject Manager/Schedule Builder (must also have ActivityProfileBase) -Test SUSSI Client -Upload Kiosk Child Safety Policy -Year Level Management |
ConfigureBase | This allows the user entry to the Administration Tools page, which is located under the Tools menu in the top right hand corner of Compass. Within the Administration Tools menu, the user will have access to the following menu items: -Bulk Scanning -Compass Identity Card Export/Order/Lookup -Configure Connect -Manage School Favourites -Parent Login Flags -Printing Templates -SchoolFront -SMS Learning Tasks Config -Upload Bulk Photos -Upload Kiosk Image -Compass Identity Card Activation -Location Manager -Learning Tasks Administration -Layer Manager -Medication Notifications Config -Pulse (must also have PulseAdmin) -Import Jobs -SMS Attendance Config/Report/Sender ID Config -Upload Individual Photo -Upload Individual Student Report -Upload School Logos -User Phone Extension Management |
ConnectUser | Staff with this permission are able to use the Connect feature and chat with other staff. They can also chat with students they teach or have taught and parents associated with those students if Parent and Student Connect access is enabled. |
ConnectPower | Staff with this permission are to use the Connect feature to chat with other staff. They can also chat with any student or parent across the school if Parent and Student Connect access is enabled. |
ConnectAdmin | Staff with this permission are to use the Connect feature to chat with other staff. They can also chat with any student or parent across the school if Parent and Student Connect access is enabled. This permission also allows staff to manage which staff have the ConnectPower permission. |
ContinuumAdmin | Ability to update and edit any Continuum result throughout Compass. Also allows the user to manage which progressions are available to staff in Compass. |
ContinuumPower | Ability to update (edit) the continuum results from the activity/class page for an activity that they manage (are the lead teacher). Also includes all permissions associated with ContinuumView. |
ContinuumView | Has read-only access to all Continuum results, including the continuum tab on activities they can see and any student's profile. |
CourseConfAdmin | This gives the user full access to the Course Confirmation module. For a list of the possible actions made in this module, please see the Knowledge Base article in Compass. |
CourseConfPower | This allows the user to access the Course Confirmation page via a url link. They can then view the list of existing templates but cannot click into templates or create templates. |
CourseManagerAdmin | *UK Module Only - Gives user the following Course Module access: - Access Course Manager - Administer Courses and Course Cohorts - Access Post 16 Information Dashboard - Manager Course transitions - Can Configure Course Manager settings |
CourseManagerUser | *UK Module Only - Gives user the following Course Module access: - Access Course Manager - Access Post 16 Information Dashboard - Manager Course transitions - Administer Courses and Course Cohorts |
CustomFlagsAdmin | This allows the user to add/edit/delete any custom flags, as well as assign them to designated students. |
DailyOrgAdmin | This allows the user to cancel or reinstate classes manually or to make room changes in Compass through the Daily Organisation module. This also allows the user to create/edit/delete student enrolments to classes and to edit and remove enrolments from the student profile page. |
DeviceAdmin | Staff with this permission will be able to manage school settings for Kiosks. |
DigestUser | Allows the user to utilise the Chronicle Digest. |
EnrolmentsAdmin | This allows the user to view/edit/delete any enrolments on the School Enrolments module. This has no relation to class enrolments or the timetable, if you are unsure of the details of the School Enrolments module, please contact Compass Support. |
EnrolmentsBase | This allows the user permission to view content of the Enrolments module. |
EnrolmentsV2Admin | With this the user can manage all features of the Enrolments V2 module - this module has not yet been released. |
EventsAdmin | This allows the user to create/edit/delete events and event templates. |
EventsBase | Required to access base level functionality in the Events module, including the item in the menu and Events dashboard. |
EventsPower | Allows the user (when they are not the Event Organiser) to add/remove attendees to the event, update the status of attendees, contact attendees/parents/staff in relation to the event and also to download any exports available to the event organiser for the event. |
ExamsAdminUK | *UK Module Only - Gives user the following access to the Exams module: - Access Exams - Administer Exams - Configure Exams Settings - Manager Exam results |
FinanceBase | Required to access base level functionality in the Finance modules (Budgets and Purchase Ordering), including the item in the menu and the Financial Management dashboard. |
GpaAdmin | This allows the user to view the Cycle, Areas of Assessment, Administration and Statistics tabs on the Progress Reports page located in the Teaching and Learning menu. For a detailed explanation of what can be done in these tabs, please see the relating Knowledge Base article. This permission also allows the user to edit any student results in Progress Reports. If you are after a lower level Progress Report permission refer to the ProgressReportsBase permission. |
GroupActivitiesAdmin | Allows user to create/edit/delete Group Activities on the Group Activities page. |
GroupProfileBase | Required to be able to search for and access Group Profiles in Compass, including Form Group, Year Level, House, Indigenous. |
GuardianAdmin | This allows the user to access the Guardian page and all of its features. |
GuardianUser | Provides staff with access to Guardian doors via their mobile. |
IdentityCardAdmin | Users with this permission will have access to the ID Card dashboard and be able to complete all card related functions available on the dashboard. |
Impersonate | This allows the user to impersonate student or parent users. Please view the Knowledge Base article for information on Impersonation. |
ImportData | The Import Jobs page in Compass is located within the Tools menu. For staff who need to access the Import Jobs page but do not require access to the complete Tools menu (by being assigned the 'Configure' permission), you can provide access by assigning them the 'ImportData' permission and providing them with a link to the Import Jobs page for your school. |
InsightsAdmin | This gives the user full access to the Insights page and the ability to create Insights cycles. |
InsightsPower | This gives the user access to the Insights page via URL. They can view/edit/add their own Insights cycles. They can view/edit/add all Surveys. |
InsightsViewAll | This allows the user access to Insights via the Community menu to view only existing cycles and surveys. |
InterventionsAdmin | *UK Module only - The user can view/edit all Interventions. Can configure Categories, Goals and Funding Sources |
InterventionsPower | *UK Module only - The user can view/edit all interventions. Can add costs and groups to Interventions |
InterventionsUser | *UK Module only - The user can only view intervention that they are associated with. Can add comments and change outcomes of students in their intervention. |
IssueTrackerAdmin | Allows user to create, delete or edit any issues. Users with this permission also get the ability to assign issues to other users as well as change the status of issues. |
IssueTrackerUser | This allows a user to create and view issues. |
JobSystemAdmin | Allows users to edit Assets and Jobs in the Job System module. |
JobSystemPower | Allows user ability to view details or save entries for Assets and Jobs. |
LdapCredentialAdmin | This permission is no longer active. |
LearningTasksAdmin | This allows the user to create, edit or remove Learning Tasks from any subject. Users with this permission can also access the Learning Tasks Templates and Learning Tasks Reports pages if they have the correct URL (as they cannot access the Administration Tools menu if they do not also have the Configure permission). The ability to edit Learning Tasks can vary for users based on whether your school has enabled Learning Tasks Security. Without Learning Tasks Security enabled, all staff members have the permission to edit any Learning Task, regardless of which class or subject the Learning Task is located in. When Learning Tasks Security is enabled, the ability to create, edit or delete Learning Tasks will vary according to the position of the user in relation to Faculties, Subjects and Classes. To find more information on this, refer to the Learning Tasks article in the Compass Knowledge Base. |
LeftStudentProfileView | Only staff with this permission will be able to view profile pages of students who have left the school. |
LiveChatUser | Gives staff access to the LiveChat Compass Support feature. |
LocalWiFiLogin | This permission gives the user access to CompassNet at their school. |
LocationProfileBase | Required to be able to search for and access Location (Room) Profiles in Compass. |
MinutesUser | Can only view/edit minutes of meetings that they are an attendee of. Can only add Attendees to meetings they have created. |
MinutesAdmin | Can view/edit all minutes of all meetings. Can add Attendees to any meeting. |
MyFilesBase | Required to access the My Files menu item, and upload files into the My Files section of Compass. |
NewsFeedAdmin | This allows the user to post News Feed items to students, staff and/or parents, as well as edit or delete any posts regardless of whether they made them or not. This also allows users the option to use the Priority check box on News Feed posts. |
NewsFeedPower | This allows the user to post to the News Feed. This also allows the user to post to parents, if this option has been enabled for your school. To enable/disable, staff with NewsFeedAdmin can do so in the Configure Settings option in the Newsfeed module. |
ParentAdmin | With this permission, the user can view the knowledge base article titled Parent Portal. |
ParentProfileBase | Required to be able to search for and access Parent Profiles in Compass. |
ParentsMisc | This permission is permanently active for parents. It allows parent accounts to access various menu links across the Compass menu bar and the Tools menu. |
ParentUpdateEmail | Staff with this permission will receive emails notifying them of when an active parent updates their email/mobile via the parent portal. |
PaymentInstalmentsAdmin | Users who need to administrate Payment Plans, will need the PaymentPlansBase permission to access the module AND the PaymentInstalmentsAdmin permission to have administrative access. For more information about this module and the possible actions taken, please see the related Knowledge Base article. |
PaymentPlansBase | This allows the user to view payment plan details but not edit or add payment plans. |
PeopleManagementBase | Required to access the People Management menu item and dashboard. Please Note: This is not currently available for Victorian Public Schools. The edit permissions listed under PeopleManagmentBase give access to specified tabs within People Managment and user records. |
PeopleManagement.CustomGroups | Staff with this permission can access and administrate the Custom Groups tab in People Management. Please note, staff with the UserRecordsAdmin permission will also have access to the tab. |
PeopleManagement.DebtorManagement | This permission gives users the ability to create debtors, modify them, relate students to existing debtors from the Debtors tab in People Management. Note - TechOne Finance NSW QLD ONLY |
PeopleManagement.EditPermissions | This permission provides the ability to add/remove Permission Role Groups for a user on the Compass Tab of the user record within People Management. Staff who have access to the Permissions Manager page within Administration Tools will also require this permission to make any changes to School Defined Permission for a Role Group. |
PeopleManagementBase.Edit.Basic | Staff who have viewing access to People Management (requires the PeopleManagementBase permission) and are required to edit content on a user's Basic tab will need this permission assigned. |
PeopleManagementBase.Edit.Billing | Staff who have viewing access to People Management (requires the PeopleManagementBase permission) and are required to edit content on a user's Billing tab will need this permission assigned. |
PeopleManagementBase.Edit.Compass | Staff who have viewing access to People Management (requires the PeopleManagementBase permission) and are required to edit content on a user's Compass tab will need this permission assigned. |
PeopleManagementBase.Edit.CustomFields | Staff who have viewing access to People Management (requires the PeopleManagementBase permission) and are required to edit content on a user's Custom Fields tab will need this permission assigned. |
PeopleManagementBase.Edit.Demographics | Staff who have viewing access to People Management (requires the PeopleManagementBase permission) and are required to edit content on a user's Demographics tab will need this permission assigned. |
PeopleManagementBase.Edit.FamilyContacts | Staff who have viewing access to People Management (requires the PeopleManagementBase permission) and are required to edit content on a user's Family Contacts tab will need this permission assigned. |
PeopleManagementBase.Edit.Identification | Staff who have viewing access to People Management (requires the PeopleManagementBase permission) and are required to edit content on a user's Basic tab record will need this permission assigned. |
PeopleManagementBase.Edit.LearningNeeds | Staff who have viewing access to People Management (requires the PeopleManagementBase permission) and are required to edit content on a user's Learning Needs will need this permission assigned. |
PeopleManagementBase.Edit.Medical | Staff who have viewing access to People Management (requires the PeopleManagementBase permission) and are required to edit content on a user's Medical tab will need this permission assigned. |
PeopleManagementBase.Edit.MergePeople | Staff who have viewing access to People Management (requires the PeopleManagementBase permission) and are required to use the Merge People process (under the Actions menu in People Management) will need this permission assigned. |
PeopleManagementBase.Edit.Milestones | Staff who have viewing access to People Management (requires the PeopleManagementBase permission) and are required to edit student Milestones will need this permission assigned. |
PeopleManagementBase.Edit.RestrictionRisk | Staff who have viewing access to People Management (requires the PeopleManagementBase permission) and are required to edit student Risk/Restriction content will need this permission assigned. |
PeopleManagementBase.Edit.User | Staff who have viewing access to People Management (requires the PeopleManagementBase permission) and are required to add additional Roles for a user will need this permission assigned. |
PeopleManagementBase.StaffManagement | Staff who are required to access Staff user accounts in People Management will need this permission. |
PowerfulLearningAdmin | This allows the user to administer the Curiosity and Powerful Learning module as well as view all users' responses. |
PowerfulLearningUser | This allows the user access to the Curiosity and Powerful Learning module and allows them to provide responses if required. |
ProfessionalDevelopmentAdmin | This allows the user to edit, delete or fully approve any PD Activity. This also allows the user to access the Administration tab within Professional Development, allowing them to create/edit/delete streams or templates. |
ProfessionalDevelopmentPower | This allows the user to edit any fully approved PD Activity. |
ProgressReportsBase | Required to access base level functionality in the Progress Reports module, including the Progress Reports (GPA) menu item, dashboard, and Progress Reports on the student profile (Reports tab). If you are after a higher level Progress Report permission refer to the permission GpaAdmin. |
PstAdmin | This allows the user to fully add/edit/delete Parent Student Teacher conferences. For more information on how to do this, please see the Knowledge Base article. |
PstPower | Allows the staff member to access to Conferences and the ability to create bookings on behalf of students/parents eligible for an interview with them. |
PulseAdmin | Gives staff the ability to build Pulse dashboards and publish dashboards. |
PulseStaff | Gives staff the ability to view and filter on the Pulse Analytics module. |
PurchaseOrderAdmin | Allows user to administer all purchase orders, inclusive of orders that they are not the manager of. |
PurchaseOrderUser | This permission is no longer active. |
ReportsAdmin | This allows the user to create/edit/delete Semester Report cycles. This also allows the user to edit the School-Wide Comment Bank. |
ReportsPower | This allows the user to enter results for classes they are not associated with, when using the Semester Reports module |
ReportsView | This permission is no longer active. |
ScheduleBuilderBase | Allows user to view schedule builder details but not add/edit/generate. |
SchoolResourcesAdmin | Admin access for the School Resources module - can edit, create, delete and manage permissions for any nodes. |
SchoolResourcesPower | Allows user to administer School Resources and School Documentation within nodes that the SchoolResourcesAdmin group has chosen. |
SemesterReportsBase | Required to access base level functionality in the Semester Reports module, including the Semester Reports menu item, dashboard, and the Semester Reports grid on the student profile (reports tab). |
SeminarAdmin | This allows the user to administer the Seminar module if the school owns a kiosk and the seminar feature has been activated on that kiosk. |
SickBayAdmin | This permission allows the user to administer and modify any SickBay entries made within Chronicle. |
StaffMisc | This permission is permanently active for staff accounts. This allows staff accounts to access multiple Knowledge Base articles and various Compass menu links. |
StaffScheduleView | This permission allows staff to view the schedule tab of other staff members on their profile page. |
StaffStudentsMisc | This permission is permanently active for staff and student accounts. This allows users to access the 'Order CompassIdentity Card' link. |
StudentPersonalView | Allows user to view the "Personal" tab on student profiles, which contains contact information, medical details and access restriction indication. This also allows the user to view the 'Class Handbook'. |
StudentPersonalView.AccessRestrictions | Allows staff to view the 'Access Restrictions' section on student profiles. |
StudentPersonalView.Debtor | Allows staff to view the 'Debtor' section on student profiles where the Billing module is in use. |
StudentPersonalView.Details | Allows staff to view the 'Student Details' section on student profiles. |
StudentPersonalView.EmergencyContacts | Allows staff to view the 'Emergency Contacts' section on student profiles. |
StudentPersonalView.FamilyAndRelationships | Allows staff to view the 'Family and Relationships' section on student profiles. |
StudentPersonalView.Flags | Allows staff to view 'Student Flags' on student profiles. |
StudentPersonalView.LearningNeeds | Allows staff to view the 'Learning Needs' section on student profiles. |
StudentPersonalView.MedicalDetails | Allows staff to view the 'Medical Details' section on student profiles. It also allows staff to view any medical consents that a student has in place. |
StudentPersonalView.SchoolHistory | Allows staff to view the 'School History' section on student profiles. |
StudentProfileBase | Required to be able to search for and access Student Profiles in Compass. |
StudentsMisc | This permission is permanently active for student accounts. This allows student accounts to access various Compass menu links. |
StudentsParentsMisc | This permission is no longer active. |
SubjectsAdmin | The ability to create/edit/delete Subjects on the Subjects and Classes page. This also allows the user to create/edit student enrolments from class pages, not user pages. |
SubjectsAndClasses | Depreciated permission. (See ActivityProfileBase permission for more details). |
SWCAdmin | *UK Module Only - Gives user the following access to Statutory Census Returns: - Access Workforce Census dashboards - Access Staff Contracts dashboard - Administer Staff Contracts - Configure Contract Pay Structures - Access Staff Absences dashboard - Administer Staff Absences - Configure Absences settings - Generate School Workforce Census files |
SWCUser | *UK Module only - Gives user the following access to Statutory Census Returns: - Access Workforce Census dashboards - Access Staff Contracts dashboard - Administer Staff Contracts - Access Staff Absences dashboard - Administer Staff Absences - Generate School Workforce Census files |
TimeCardAdmin | This allows the user to run Timecard reports if your school uses the Timecard module. |
TimeCardSelf | Gives the user the ability to Check in or out using the TimeCard module from the Organisation menu. |
UKCensusAdmin | *UK Module only - Gives user the following Census access: - Access School Census dashboards - Configure Census tiles - Edit School Census information via the dashboards - Generate School Census files |
UKCensusUser | *UK Module only - Gives user the following Census access: - Access School Census dashboards - Edit School Census information via the dashboards - Generate School Census files |
UserRecordsAdmin | This allows the user to have complete access to the People Management module (including the ability to reset local user account passwords). Please note this will not allow the user to add/remove Permission Role Groups for users. This permission also allows the user to see a staff member's 'Personal' tab when viewing their profile page. |
VisitorAdmin | This gives the ability to see the Visitor Register module, which records visitor photo and information from the Compass Kiosk. |
VisitorRegisterBase | This gives the user access to view the Visitor Register. |